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unpopular tip. it boards?


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is it just me or are Tip. Iters people who dont like reading








I don't think that's quite fair to say. I love to read and I love to write. I just don't like reading other peoples' work most of the time. I don't mean that in an offensive way, it's just that I'm very picky about the subjects that I like to read. When I read a book, I read it because I like the genre and think it sounds good. I don't want to wander into a forum reading all sorts of material that I don't personally find enjoyable.








Also, I think a lot of us (maybe not on Off-Topic specifically, but speaking about the Tip.it Forum in general) came here in the first place so we could get help or discuss Runescape. That may not be why everyone is here now, but Tip.it is a Runescape-based site, really. That's why (I think) the forums such as The Gallery/Bazaar/Varrock Library are less active. Because people came here to discuss the game, not art/writing. Quite honestly, there are tons of writing-based or art-based forums out there that would be much better to read/post on, if that's what you're specifically looking for.

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*Haven't read the whole topic, just commenting on the original post*








I personally love to read. But I don't go to the Varrok Library because I don't want to read stories about Runescape. That doesn't interest me at all. And I don't see many people writing romantic poems, informative articles or stories that I can relate to so I don't even bother to check in there anymore.

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*Haven't read the whole topic, just commenting on the original post*








I personally love to read. But I don't go to the Varrok Library because I don't want to read stories about Runescape. That doesn't interest me at all. And I don't see many people writing romantic poems, informative articles or stories that I can relate to so I don't even bother to check in there anymore.




Read my poem entitled "Vampire Tears", and if you love fantasy, they have some of that too! (I've even seen romance there! In fact, I might write one soon!) :wink:

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You think the Varrock Library is inactive. Go over and check out the Clans Boards in particular the Clan Market forum and the Vault of Conquests.

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I used to like a few works in progress on there but now I rarely find the time to read through anything, I'm more of a philosopher than a poet or a writer(At least that is what I like to think) and I never have been too good with words, I've always been more of a fan of the visual arts than the literary arts anyways.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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The reason is because it is a place that people go to read things. They prefer to talk about themselves. The simple formula for a 'successful' thread here is one which requires users to post something about themselves - "How old are you?", "What's your favourite x?", "Tell us about your y" - all threads in which users will open the page, click reply and start typing without reading anyone else's replies as a rule. They don't want to read what you have to say, they want to say their bit.








It's why stupidspace 'questionnaires' are so popular. People love talking about themselves; not reading about other people. I'm interesting, you're boring.








HEAVEN, n. A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while you expound your own.
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I stopped going when Gaal and Smokeeagle stopped writing :*(.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I tend to stay away from Varrock Liberary. Because it seems that all it is about is fantasy stories or troubled pubers writing 'poetry'. And both aren't my 'thing'.












:shock: :shock: If I were you I'd have another check. There's some really great stuff in there.








I stopped going when Gaal and Smokeeagle stopped writing :*(.




Yeah, SmokeEagle never finished his wondrous Pandora's Requiem. I'm still waiting with bated breath... :pray:




Anyway there's some really great stuff in the Library. It really is a shame that not many OTers use it. :(

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yea? and? I doesn't need to be made amzingly, its a small advert so shu'up








Do you know why adverts for products generally stretch the truth or make it look better than it perhaps is? It's to catch people's attention.




If you're atleast going to "advertise" get something eye catching.

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you know cad, I really don't care on your opinion








Join the club. :wink:

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Kinda ironic to say that people don't like to read, in a forum where people type things for others to read. For me it's a matter of, I don't enjoy to read things in there, so I don't visit. But I enjoy reading in here, so I post in here.



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you know cad, I really don't care on your opinion




A lot of people don't care about yours either. What kind of a weak topic is this?" Discuss if you do or do not like to read some forum"




I like to read, but not in the varrock library. The writings there just don't interest me.




...So some people don't like the varrock library. Well boohoo, get over it. :roll:

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you know cad, I really don't care on your opinion




A lot of people don't care about yours either. What kind of a weak topic is this?" Discuss if you do or do not like to read some forum"




I like to read, but not in the varrock library. The writings there just don't interest me.




...So some people don't like the varrock library. Well boohoo, get over it. :roll:








I think you're missing the point. I know I don't care about Cad's opinion because Cad repeatedly looks for fights and posts in a sarcastic unfriendly manner. It's probably the same for andufus too.




There's nothing wrong with 'discuss if you do or do not like to read some forum'. there's been far, far stupider topics I could mention... so why you pick this one out I don't know. Hey we don't see you complaining about all the 'discuss if you do or do not like such and such a video game' now do we?

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you know cad, I really don't care on your opinion




A lot of people don't care about yours either. What kind of a weak topic is this?" Discuss if you do or do not like to read some forum"




I like to read, but not in the varrock library. The writings there just don't interest me.




...So some people don't like the varrock library. Well boohoo, get over it. :roll:








I think you're missing the point. I know I don't care about Cad's opinion because Cad repeatedly looks for fights and posts in a sarcastic unfriendly manner. It's probably the same for andufus too.




There's nothing wrong with 'discuss if you do or do not like to read some forum'. there's been far, far stupider topics I could mention... so why you pick this one out I don't know. Hey we don't see you complaining about all the 'discuss if you do or do not like such and such a video game' now do we?




Those anoy me too, don't worry. :XD:




Alright, you do have a point. But seriously, you can't really have a discussion on topics like this. (nor on topics about those video games). You just state whether or not you read it. That's it. You'd need to get a bit off topic to get some conversation out of this. And I feel he is suddenly trying to make a case out of this. If I'm wrong at this, correct me Andufus.




As for Cad, I remeber him/ her as a nice person, and I can understand




why cad is getting annoyed. Off topic is not what it was. There were really big and intelligent topics out there, and those have become very scarce :(




Either way, I excuse mysemf for sudden burst off anger. I just feel like tip.it is degrading, and I feel very annoyed by it. :(

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