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First High School Job


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how old do you have to be to get a job? IN ENGLAND!?








13 I think (and there are 3 other countries in the UK, not just England ::' )








Yep, God save the queen! ::'








Don't even get me started on the sodding queen.......


The Poison Fairy

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Guest AshKaYu

Mmkay, well, find a local catering group. Ask them if they need help. Generally it's really simple stuff like washing dishes, setting tables, putting out food. It's quite simple and fun. I love it and the pay's awesome. You also get free food, as the cook generally makes way, way more then enough.

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I'll probably work with kids (they do a job-opportunity thing at my primary school where you can help in the classes for six weeks) or work in a shop or somethng. Still, I'm only 12 so I've got a while to go yet.








Also for the record you can get a paperround at 13. However most shops, restaurants etc won't accept people under 16. My brother tried in two bookshops, Nando's, Starbucks, and Gap when he was 15. Heehee.

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In America at least, your options are kind of narrow at your age. I'd go for a paper route, bagging/carts at a grocery store, or something like babysitting at your age. Maybe just wait for better paying jobs like working at a movie theater or being a waiter or retail in a few years, if there is a higher age requirement for them where you live. I wouldn't rush into getting a job just because you're in highschool so early. I'd wait until I was 16 or 17 to get one. Enjoy having little to no responsibilities and just have fun for now.

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Restaurants and take-aways always higher young people, indian ones especially. I went to a couple and most of them accepted me. I get ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 per night.








Paper round is the only option you have left then.. or babysitting for your parent's friends. (<- Did I do the apostraphy right anyone??) And stuff like washing neighbourhood cars? Mowing laws? In this weather .. Shovelling snow.



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I'm going to start applying at grocery stores and other places were I can do something simple like stocking shelves. I've vowed not to become a waiter or work in fast food :notalk:








But those jobs are so mundane, Deloria. You're obviously good with people, so make use of it. Don't deprive the public of your sparkling personality!!! ::'


The Poison Fairy

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