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Jagex Breaking Their Own Rules


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Saw this elsewhere so i'll put it in quotes.











Well, i was bored so i was poking around on the JaGex's corprate site (http://www.jagex.com/corprate) and I found that they had this so say to advertisers:

Jagex will also consider proposals that go beyond-the-banner for larger organisations looking to establish high recognition rates with our audience profile. Sponsorship and in game advertising offer exciting and cost effective ways to reach our audience with positive association of the RuneScape brand.








however, the Rules of Conduct for RuneScape (http://www.runescape.com) say this:

You are not allowed to actively advertise in the RuneScape game or RuneScape forums.








This includes advertising any website or product, and no web addresses are allowed. Telling other players any web-address is not allowed.








Why do we have this rule?








Links to sites can sometimes be dangerous to players (by leading you to sites with inappropriate content) or your computer (by downloading a virus when you go to the site). This precaution has been taken in order that no links to any sites may be advertised in-game or in the RuneScape Forums, thereby protecting you and your computer.








Does this rule include giving out the link to my clan/fan site?








Yes. Unfortunately we just donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have the resources to check every website being mentioned, and even well meaning sites could inadvertently contain risks. So this rule covers ALL websites.








Can I advertise my website in RuneScape?








No, you cannot. As you may know, some sites are used to harvest unsuspecting players' passwords which spoils players enjoyment of the game. We take password security very seriously and therefore have to enforce a rule whereby no websites are advertised in game.








Clearly this may result in an injustice against players who create websites designed to help the RuneScape Community. However, we need to ensure that player accounts are absolutely secure, and to this end we have developed this policy. We hope that at some point in the future this can change, and more community sites will take the place of hack sites. For the time being though, account security is absolutely essential.











How how does JaGex find a loophole around that?




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really? did you not notice that rule eleven states that you cannot advertise in

the runescape game or runescape forums








the advertising people would find some other way of contacting, they wouldn't sign up for the game and advertise there...where does it say that they should join the game and spam there?

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Sponsorship and in game advertising offer exciting and cost effective ways to reach our audience with positive association of the RuneScape brand.








ohhhh that just means those little adverts above when you play

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If I'm a legal representative of Coke, and I pay Jagex 1 million dollars a month, to sell coke potions in all of their general stores (heals 12 hp, heals 6 prayer, costs 30 gp) ... that is perfectly legal.








If, as a player, I go online and spam the words: "Drink Coke. It's yummy!", that is not legal, and I could be banned.









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If coke and more advertiser pay 1 mill or more a month for advertising, maybe member fee will be lower from $$$ to $.








Maybe there will be more updates, more quest, more worlds, more bankspace, more everything ...








Maybe ...



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A 100% f2p who believe in hard work and not begging

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Yes, as mentioned above, 'in-game' advertising means the adverts above the game screen on F2P worlds. Members do not get the adverts because they are already paying.




No, it does not, that would be a banner...

Stud112 (UNBANNED)

99 atk, 92 def, 99 str, 97 hp, 118 combat



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If I'm a legal representative of Coke, and I pay Jagex 1 million dollars a month, to sell coke potions in all of their general stores (heals 12 hp, heals 6 prayer, costs 30 gp) ... that is perfectly legal.








If, as a player, I go online and spam the words: "Drink Coke. It's yummy!", that is not legal, and I could be banned.
















theoretically, you could be banned, but it's a little rediculous... :-k








but good description, that and adverts is what it is talking about.

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If I'm a legal representative of Coke, and I pay Jagex 1 million dollars a month, to sell coke potions in all of their general stores (heals 12 hp, heals 6 prayer, costs 30 gp) ... that is perfectly legal.








If, as a player, I go online and spam the words: "Drink Coke. It's yummy!", that is not legal, and I could be banned.
















theoretically, you could be banned, but it's a little rediculous... :-k








but good description, that and adverts is what it is talking about.












aGex.com/corprate/index.ws wrote:




Jagex will also consider proposals that go beyond-the-banner for larger organisations looking to establish high recognition rates with our audience profile. Sponsorship and in game advertising offer exciting and cost effective ways to reach our audience with positive association of the RuneScape brand.












That advert is a banner...

Stud112 (UNBANNED)

99 atk, 92 def, 99 str, 97 hp, 118 combat



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This is for companies wishing to advertise themselves via the ad-banners above your gameplay screen.








What the RuneScape Rules do not allow is someone sitting a crowded bank (or anywhere) yelling "Go to www.[We-Scam-U].com for free stuff and cheats!!!"








Got it?


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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I can imagine a few sponsored adds inside the game:








While killing a dragon: 'case of bad breath? Mentos, zeee freshhhmaker'








Killing a goblin: 'Splitting headache ? Tylenol, new and improved'
















Anyways, reading the corporate message, I guess you can swap 'game' with 'RS-client'. The sponsorhips/adds are distributed through the java-client (which is 'the game') but not through gamecontent.




The moment Jagex decides to put sponsored items into their content, is the moment I quit. When I want to watch half an hour of hidden advertising, I'll go watch the average soap on TV.

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They ve had banners to help pay for the free version of the game for a long while. There is nothing wrong with that, imo. :-k



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