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[Hart|Blog] [93/99 Ranged! 51 Ruby hit, D Boots #28!]

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quickly tiidy this place up before he sees the illegal cabbage fighting circuit we organized.get riud of these cabbages and tidy this place up. dont forget that dried up pizza stuck to his couch,youre gonna need a shovel to scrape it off...




we cant let him see what weve done while hes been away

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quickly tiidy this place up before he sees the illegal cabbage fighting circuit we organized.get riud of these cabbages and tidy this place up. dont forget that dried up pizza stuck to his couch,youre gonna need a shovel to scrape it off...




we cant let him see what weve done while hes been away




Lol that made me laugh. I am at an RV park in Vancouver at the moment, expensive internet but I just wanted to check up on some stuff. Plane leaves tomorrow, should be home about 4. See you all then.

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I'm back from my holidaaaays!!!




First things first, rant @ Jagex!! Why do you always make the best updates when I'm on holiday, now I gotta catch up and everything is so confusing. Last year Construction was bad enough, now we have clan chat, new interfaces and more character models!?! Wow.




The holiday was great, Canada is a really interesting country and I saw and learnt so many things. I'm still pissed that my mum and dad saw bears and we didn't, if only the RV had rear windows! Kinda sucky luck that we were going into a tunnel when they saw it. <.<


I did see lots of other wildlife though. Deer, chipmunks, squirrels and even an elk! :o




I'm a bit wiped out after the long day we had, got up at 8am (Canada time), took the RV back and was at the airport at 11:30am. Our flight didn't leave until 8PM!! but it wasn't so bad. I got really sick on the plane which is weird for me. I blame their chicken.




Its good to be back. :D

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*blames chicken aswell*




W00t sir is backz0r <3..




And i already danced with you \'





- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Thanks for all the posts guys. :D




Enchanting in MTA is really, really boring. I just spent (wasted?) basically all my cash on 1k Ice Bursts. I am going to use them up at Castle Wars. Hopefully I can get a decent amount of tickets. I have decided that I will still get 99 Magic eventually, I just prefer DKing and stuff more. :s

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Thanks for all the posts guys. :D




Enchanting in MTA is really, really boring. I just spent (wasted?) basically all my cash on 1k Ice Bursts. I am going to use them up at Castle Wars. Hopefully I can get a decent amount of tickets. I have decided that I will still get 99 Magic eventually, I just prefer DKing and stuff more. :s




Try w9 cw bursting, call me before you go though, I wanna have some fun :D.

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DK Trip #3 - Solo Mage


I hate lurers! I had to tele after only a few kills on Rex. I went back with my suicider, the amazing Sjakie, and got like another three before another one came in! it is ridiculous! Still, I can't complain too much, I did get a warrior ring, but I know it could have been more! :(




Warrior Ring #2



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to bad the lurers came, but be happy you at least got warrior (refund your pots and such things :) )


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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