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What the..., now even water is bad?


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I heard someone in a marathon died from drinking too much water. His salt and water levels were uneven. If you have too much salt in your body without enough water, you die. If you have too much water in your body without enough salt, you die.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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I heard someone in a marathon died from drinking too much water. His salt and water levels were uneven. If you have too much salt in your body without enough water, you die. If you have too much water in your body without enough salt, you die.




i heard about that, they drank tons of water before the marathon so they didnt have to drink any during it and died from drinking too much of it :-# i heard they drank like 20 waterbottles tho? :-s :lol:

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Its just sad, its like a story a friend told my about using 'ice' or some other drug.








He said that some one took ice and it made them really hot and sweaty, So the person drank lots of water because he was dehydrating.




He ended up drowning his brain because the ice 'made' him think he was hot and sweaty, when he actually wasn't. He didn't sweat at all, just drank too much water and died.








On Topic-The things people will do....








I'm 98% sure that is a urban myth and/or something they tell you in school.




Although with ecstacy I've heard that happen to some girl who drank too much water 'cause she was told that she needed to drink some water while doing ecstacy. Though that might be an urban myth too.

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Its just sad, its like a story a friend told my about using 'ice' or some other drug.








He said that some one took ice and it made them really hot and sweaty, So the person drank lots of water because he was dehydrating.




He ended up drowning his brain because the ice 'made' him think he was hot and sweaty, when he actually wasn't. He didn't sweat at all, just drank too much water and died.








On Topic-The things people will do....








I'm 98% sure that is a urban myth and/or something they tell you in school.




Although with ecstacy I've heard that happen to some girl who drank too much water 'cause she was told that she needed to drink some water while doing ecstacy. Though that might be an urban myth too.








Yeh it was ecstacy, not ice


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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It's ironic how we couldn't have life on earth without water, but it can kill you.








Yes, Tsnamis, floods, water can be deadly








Well, Mother Nature isn't the nicest mother around.








Well said. When will she start being nice again?




Will we have to sacrifice some one?




























**Starts Fire, Finds Rope and Machete**

















Don't forget boomerangs








And the idiot box and Bloke's and Sheila's. :P








"Aye mate, crikey, come join me down-under in Australia." :lol:












I'll put the snags on the barbie now for ya! Fair-dinkum!!

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quite sad of dieing of too much water








but how unbelievable predicteble was that








it is normal for your brains cells to fill them selfs with water because of some stuff in the water what isnt in the cell then it goes in to the cells and the grow bigger and bigger until they blow up #-o

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Basically, when you drink to much water it cleans the body of salt and other substances. No salt = death








Not the most accurate, my brother just brought it up over dinner...








Off topic:








There was this competition, Hold you wee for a wii








The person who won the wii died later on becuase her brain had swollen(sp?) ...the things humanity do :shame:









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I'm guessing she died from the pressure building up her guts? But seriously, 8 oz of water every 15 minutes - that's just stupid, water is good for you... just not that much... :uhh:

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It's partially what warri0r said:

Too much water can dilute the electrolytes in your blood. The osmotic balance between your bloodstream and cells then shifts as your cells begin to take on too much water and they cease to function.








You cells absorb and eject everything they need or don't by a system called osmosis. A cell has a % of water in it and it attracts more nutricious fluids, from the intestines, where nutricious stuff from the food and liquids has been separated from what's not needed for the body. But if you absorb too much water, which is normally very much needed (70% of the human body is H2O...), this osmotic sucking ability of the cells gets cancelled and many of the nutricious elements get washed away, replaced by H2O as it were. Of course our body can't take that and we die because of a lack of salt etc.








Here's some accurate drawing of what happens normally in a cell:
















In that hypotonic state, there is far too much H2O and the good elements we need get washed away because more and more water gets stuffed in our cells.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I knew too much water could kill you since my 7th grade teacher told us her aunt drank too much water to be skinny. She got over-hydrated(?) She lived though, but through a painfull surgery...








Anyway sucks for the kids; no mother, and dying due to water drinking. :uhh:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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here's a basic overveiw of things bad for you today: everything.




doctors = overpaid hypocondriacs, plain and simple :roll:




all they do is tell you whats bad for you (everthing) and give you drugs that destroy your imune system, thereby making everything bad for you.








i wasn't even imunised against anything and im not getting sick every single day. :-w

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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here's a basic overveiw of things bad for you today: everything.




doctors = overpaid hypocondriacs, plain and simple :roll:




all they do is tell you whats bad for you (everthing) and give you drugs that destroy your imune system, thereby making everything bad for you.








i wasn't even imunised against anything and im not getting sick every single day. :-w








I think 'drugs destroy your immune system' is a bit of an exaggeration (spelling?).

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by killing the infection before it has a chance to attack, the imune system dosn't have a chance to learn to defend itself against that particular illness, making it more likely that the illness will recure.




its proven that things like asthma are caused by living in an invronment that is TO sterile (obviously not the only cause, but one of them), the imune system basically gets bored and goes on a rampage.








anyway i'll use myself as an example.




never imunised, only goes to the doctors for absolute necesitys, i had 14 half-day absences from school in year 9, lowest in the school, and most of them were because i was wagging (naughty me :shame: )








and anyway, exageration is fun! :thumbsup:

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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by killing the infection before it has a chance to attack, the imune system dosn't have a chance to learn to defend itself against that particular illness, making it more likely that the illness will recure.




its proven that things like asthma are caused by living in an invronment that is TO sterile (obviously not the only cause, but one of them), the imune system basically gets bored and goes on a rampage.








anyway i'll use myself as an example.




never imunised, only goes to the doctors for absolute necesitys, i had 14 half-day absences from school in year 9, lowest in the school, and most of them were because i was wagging (naughty me :shame: )








and anyway, exageration is fun! :thumbsup:








@ The bold, yeah, I agree. So I guess you are right, taking drugs does diminish the ability of the immune system, but it dosen't destroy it. Allergies of things such as nuts have only sprung up in the recent years, i think; possibly a direct sign that we are more reliant on drugs to defend ourselves from foreign objects.

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here's a basic overveiw of things bad for you today: everything.




doctors = overpaid hypocondriacs, plain and simple :roll:




all they do is tell you whats bad for you (everthing) and give you drugs that destroy your imune system, thereby making everything bad for you.








i wasn't even imunised against anything and im not getting sick every single day. :-w










Me doing staff.

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by killing the infection before it has a chance to attack, the imune system dosn't have a chance to learn to defend itself against that particular illness, making it more likely that the illness will recure.




its proven that things like asthma are caused by living in an invronment that is TO sterile (obviously not the only cause, but one of them), the imune system basically gets bored and goes on a rampage.








anyway i'll use myself as an example.




never imunised, only goes to the doctors for absolute necesitys, i had 14 half-day absences from school in year 9, lowest in the school, and most of them were because i was wagging (naughty me :shame: )








and anyway, exageration is fun! :thumbsup:




Immunisation/vaccination is where pathogens (albeit weakened ones) are given to people so that their immune system learns to defend against them. They don't weaken the immune system, they do exactly the opposite.








The diseases that immunizations target are generally those that overwhelm even strong immune systems (i.e. can kill otherwise healthy people). These aren't bugs that take you out of school for a few days.








In short, if you don't get them, you're daft (and are, infact, risking other people's health as well as your own). Without them, diseases like polio would still be rampant.

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