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The complete "Should F2P get updates?" Debate! 5,000 views!


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Here's a bit of math...




OK so there are a million members, so that equals $1,000,000 a month.




let's assume that there are about 500 adverts paying runescape. lets assume that adverts change once every 5 minutes. Lets say that each advert gets Jagex a penny. I know this isn't very accurate, but it is a rough estimate.




a penny * 12 (per hour) * 24 (per day) * 30 (per moth) * 100,000 (estimated number of f2p at one given time) = 864000000 cents, or $8,640,000 a month just from adverts. WOW.




Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. As you can see, I'm not basing this on how many f2pers are in the game cause that doesn't make sense. jus think, that would mean that every f2p account, whether online of offline, are each seeing ONE advert.








A note to members: why should you even care if f2p gets updates? you get them too, and it's not like a couple of updates will cover all the benifits membership gives you.




Redo your math, my friend. Jagex makes $5,000,000 a month. It's 5 per player...




EDIT: I re did my math, to account for the total of 1,000,000 members. Can someone check it for me?


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These are projected numbers!




For econimics, Jagex must make more money through members then adverts. So if M=member's profits, and N=Non-member's profits, then that means M>N.




At that point, we find what each side pays. We know a member pays 5 bucks a month, and Non's an undifined number.M becomes member's accounts, N becomes non member PLAYERS (Not accounts!) and Y is what Non's pay through adverts. If that's true, then 5M>XY.




Now, using estimates, Nadril figures that there are 2.5 million non-member players (If more, tell me), and Members have roughly 900,000 players. In that case, 5(900,000)>2,500,000Y, or 4,500,000>2,500,000Y.


So you say...




So 4,500,000>2,500,000Y


4,500,000/2,500,000=1.8, which is>y




So a month of ads would need to be at least $1.8 dollars to match the member's profits!


So, 3 non-member's players are equal to $5.4 a month, compared to one member being 5. The lowest common denomonator (The point where both numbers can be evenly divided into a number, SP?) of those numbers is the number 135. At that point, it will take 75 Non-members to cover that price, a price that 27 members cover.





congrats to the calculations there.




but have you ever noticed that there are much more f2p than members. so the economy balances out. You guessed that there is around 3 times as much f2p players than actual members. This would mean that f2p actually gets jagex a similar amount of money than what members do.




edit: just done the calculations, members DO pay JUST more than non-members do. in fact the actual amount f2p pay is $ 4.9986 dollars every month, per 3 people. Putting to mind that more people join every day, that number will increase. As will the amount of members. Making both sides similar in money terms.




Actually, since the number of free and members worlds is balanced out, and the free worlds aren't really any more full than the members ones, having more free players doesn't really help with the revenue. Since a free account not logged in won't bring them any money.




And as mentioned way long ago in this thread, of all those free players, you have to take into account that quite a few probably block ads, reducing the amount that Jagex will get.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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congrats to the calculations there.




but have you ever noticed that there are much more f2p than members. so the economy balances out. You guessed that there is around 3 times as much f2p players than actual members. This would mean that f2p actually gets jagex a similar amount of money than what members do.




edit: just done the calculations, members DO pay JUST more than non-members do. in fact the actual amount f2p pay is $ 4.9986 dollars every month, per 3 people. Putting to mind that more people join every day, that number will increase. As will the amount of members. Making both sides similar in money terms.




Actually, since the number of free and members worlds is balanced out, and the free worlds aren't really any more full than the members ones, having more free players doesn't really help with the revenue. Since a free account not logged in won't bring them any money.




And as mentioned way long ago in this thread, of all those free players, you have to take into account that quite a few probably block ads, reducing the amount that Jagex will get.




Meh, I was just saying. perhaps f2p makes more money to jagex than members. Becuase remember, f2p worlds is prety much the advertising of rs. Without, many would not go. i must say I have rejected a few p2p MMORPG's becuase they force me to pay. In rs, i gave jagex a miniscule (to them, not to me) amount of money. BY becoming members, and still afterwards they get paid because i play.


Besides, jagex obviously values the f2p community, AS IT@S STILL RUNNING!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am F2P. I used to be P2P. I think that F2P should get updates. JaGex makes money off of the Ads on F2P(which are extremely annoying because when you press backspace on your keyboard while the Ad is changing, you go back to the world select). Anyways, members get 48 updates a year. Don't you think F2P can have 3 or 4?




P.S: I live in Canada and it costs almost 10 dollars a month to be P2P.

My F2P Moneymaking Guide!

Always gargle before a takeoff. Wakka Wakka!

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looked in the tip it arcives and found this thought it might add to the topic


Due to much demand we are planning on launching a new premium RuneScape service soon. This will bring a whole load of great benefits such as: frequent updates, NO-adverts, good customer support, no scammers/cheaters (we'll kick 'em out), and much more! We're hoping to make it available for just $5 a month, and this tiny amount of money will pay for many great RuneScape updates to come, and will ensure we can keep running RuneScape for YOU.


This is great news, because it will enable us to offer you more frequent RuneScape updates. Some of the first updates we have planned include: A duelling system, more monsters (wolf, giant-bat, lizard-man etc..), lots of new items, sound effects, more quests, and there will be loads more stuff after this.




We hope that many people will be able to afford the very small amount we are asking, if you really really can't afford to pay then don't worry, because there will still be a FREE RuneScape service available. Obviously since this service will be offered for free, we won't be able to keep offering regular updates to non-paying members. In actual fact running the free service will cost us a lot of money but we want to thank all the people who have helped us beta-test the game so far, and so will try keep it going as long as possible.




Thanks for all your support.


Andrew Gower




Andrew Gower is considering ways of paying for the service at the moment. I let you know more when he has decided on this.




You can read more about it here



this is true to any organation


it doesn't matter if they should its only going to be done if its economical


Wow... I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.

Some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Gee, for someone with "billions and billions on multiple accounts", you sure whine a lot.
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F2P is already interesting enough to bring people to members, any free players who are that desperate should just join members, it's only $5 a month. And, please don't say anything about how it's $10 if you do it by SMS, if you can afford a cellphone you can afford the measly price of Runesape membership.



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Kickpointy

There was a thread like this on the official forums and a Jmod locked it and said




"Free to Play is suppose to be a Trial-Version of Pay to Play. If you want updates pay like the other members do."




Nothing in that is changed.

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Chickens. If you argue 19 pages and 457 posts about this subject, you guys have obviously too much time on your hands.




FREE to play. Does that ring a bell? Can you use your cellphone if you got no credit? No. Can you buy food without money? No.




Do you get updates if you don't pay? No.




So hard? Even if JAGeX makes billions from members, I don't blame them for not updating f2p. It's FREE, they don't make money with it. Yes, new costumers for p2p + ads, but be happy. WoW doesn't got a f2p section.




But yeah, with the miniclip generation the kids aren't satisfied anymore. Weird that since the launch of RS2 a lot of whiners have come up crying for updates. Pay then. 5$ a month isn't that much, one happy meal less.






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I'm a member and I think they should get updates, just not very frequent, maybe 1 every 4-5 months.




well to tay it should be every 3-4 becasue its a resonable number there 12 months in a year say f2p gets updates every 4 months that 3 updates a year...but what would you add? there nothing you can add to f2P that the problem F2P is surrounded by Members on 3 sides there no room to expand the land unless F2p takes parts of members, then leads to the members ranting about the Members land getting changed to f2p which then starts riots and leads to more problems.

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JaGex makes money off of the Ads on F2P(which are extremely annoying because when you press backspace on your keyboard while the Ad is changing, you go back to the world select).




this happens to me all the time:




-im talking to a friend


-i notice a typing error


-i hit backspace right when ad is changing


-BAM! in world select screen. :wall:




on topic - i think f2p does need the occasional update. it would shut up most of the f2p whiners which obviously anger the p2p :thumbsup: just give us some bank space and we'll be quiet. 8-)

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A note to members: why should you even care if f2p gets updates? you get them too, and it's not like a couple of updates will cover all the benifits membership gives you.




Oh no, we don't care if f2ps get updates. We care when they start whining about not having enough updates. :lol:

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A note to members: why should you even care if f2p gets updates? you get them too, and it's not like a couple of updates will cover all the benifits membership gives you.




Oh no, we don't care if f2ps get updates. We care when they start whining about not having enough updates. :lol:

Give us updates and we won't have to "whine" about it :wink:
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A note to members: why should you even care if f2p gets updates? you get them too, and it's not like a couple of updates will cover all the benifits membership gives you.




Oh no, we don't care if f2ps get updates. We care when they start whining about not having enough updates. :lol:

Give us updates and we won't have to "whine" about it :wink:




sorry, cant do that, because I'm not Jagex :wink:

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  • 3 weeks later...
F2P got an update:








The Party Room was made F2P! Yay!








Its a slippery slope from here, i can see the "well we got the party room...how about *insert other thing*". I dont care about the party room because people hardly use it to drop anything good so i suppose they can have it but its not like it'll get used much in f2p anyway.

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anyone can make 5 dollars a month, even if you arent old enough for a job...cut a neighbors grass once a month for 5 bucks, maybe help do someones yard work or do a couple chores for your parents. There are tons more things you can do to get 5 bucks a month




1) My family does not have a Visa card. In fact, my mom doesn't have a stable job and my dad doesn't live with us nor give us money.




2) I asked all the people on my street and around, if they wanted their lawns mowed, etc. They just shut the door, and if you're lucky, they say "No thanks".








Imagine someone like that.^ Should the attract pity or be left with no fun? I know RuneScape is not really something that really matters in life, but you get my point.




By the way, the second point comes from my experience.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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F2P doesn't deserve updates, they don't contribute to the game at all. You say they make JaGex money off the ads? Give them to members. They don't do anything but amuse me. We're lucky to actually be able to play for free to such the extent that is drawn.




What they should do is kill 1 dust devil a day. If they don't get a dragon chain.."Ah, guess no f2p update today".

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anyone can make 5 dollars a month, even if you arent old enough for a job...cut a neighbors grass once a month for 5 bucks, maybe help do someones yard work or do a couple chores for your parents. There are tons more things you can do to get 5 bucks a month


1) My family does not have a Visa card. In fact, my mom doesn't have a stable job and my dad doesn't live with us nor give us money.


2) I asked all the people on my street and around, if they wanted their lawns mowed, etc. They just shut the door, and if you're lucky, they say "No thanks".




Imagine someone like that.^ Should the attract pity or be left with no fun? I know RuneScape is not really something that really matters in life, but you get my point.


By the way, the second point comes from my experience.








My experiences all the way. My neighbours are nice but they are mostly university students. So they barely have money for anything unfortunately. :wall:




I don't want updates every week, maybe every 4 months or so. Or something of the sort.


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