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Fiji Water, Is There A Difference?


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Maybe people don't realize how cheap a quality water filter, or they feel too special to use town tap water which can be high quality already- and they drink tap water. I've got personal angsts towards tap water, including the wastefulness of it and environmental damage, but, additionally- tap water is damn better! [Taste wise & For you]

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I have a half gallon jug that i have with me during the day. I just fill it up at the tap. I hate cold water by the way. I like it room temperature. I drink like 2-4 of those a day. You suppose to drink at least 1 gallon a day.
Wrong. You are supposed to get 64oz of water from food and from drinking normal water. There's water in turkey and water in juice and water in a lot of foods.
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I don't mind it at all. That's the only thing they had over in Fiji when I went ove there recently. No surprises there obviously.








Lolz :lol: :lol: :lol:








Anyways, I always have a bottle of water or PropelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé with me at school. I can't drink out of water fountains. I'd only do it if my life depended on it, because they are so full of germs, especially when people put their mouth on the actual faucet. Eww.....:-X


Me doing staff.

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For my friends Student Research last year he set up a table with 4 different cups of water, 3 different brands of bottled and tap water, to see if people could pic the tap one. It was something like 11% of people could pick the tap one, and like 76% of people prefered the tap water over the others. They didn't know which was which obviously, they were in identical plastic cups, and the botttles were the same. Very interesting, i prefer cold tap myself.


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I don't mind it at all. That's the only thing they had over in Fiji when I went ove there recently. No surprises there obviously.








Lolz :lol: :lol: :lol:








Anyways, I always have a bottle of water or PropelÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé with me at school. I can't drink out of water fountains. I'd only do it if my life depended on it, because they are so full of germs, especially when people put their mouth on the actual faucet. Eww.....:-X








:lol: I hate when I see little kids do that. That's why whenever I drink from one of them I let the tap run for a bit first to get all the water flowing off the faucet to clean it a bit better. :wink:








Oh and also I don't mind tap water in Sydney. I've heard lots of tourists say that our tap water is one of the best in the world. :)

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I have a half gallon jug that i have with me during the day. I just fill it up at the tap. I hate cold water by the way. I like it room temperature. I drink like 2-4 of those a day. You suppose to drink at least 1 gallon a day.
Wrong. You are supposed to get 64oz of water from food and from drinking normal water. There's water in turkey and water in juice and water in a lot of foods.








most animals have a 50 to 75% water percentage si if you eat much you get much water :)

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When we go abroad to places like greece, turkey, canary islands etc, we have to buy bottled water because the water there has different minerals in and makes you unwell if you drink from the tap. However, its about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.30 a litre so it's not a big loss at all. water prices over here are a joke..

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When we go abroad to places like greece, turkey, canary islands etc, we have to buy bottled water because the water there has different minerals in and makes you unwell if you drink from the tap. However, its about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.30 a litre so it's not a big loss at all. water prices over here are a joke..








Minerals dont harm you, its the bacteria ;)

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the best bottled water is that aquafina stuff with flavor, and the fruit2o is pretty good as well... plus, its still cheaper than soda. (I hate drinking normal water, I live off gatorade, soda and juice)


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