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whenever i spot an upcoming pimple i use tee tree oil. works fine with me.




but if you have them all over your face these arent easy to spot....




go to a dermatologist and ask him/her for advice or any products that may help.








edit: peeling and masks... peeling to get skn particles and some dirt of, mask to dry em out

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I've heard toothpaste on them can work wonders :P








Wouldn't that sting?








I used to use toothpaste on my spots back when I used to get them, just apply some to the spot before you go to bed and when you wake up, there's no redness and it has been lowered. It tingles, but doesn't hurt.








I would suggest going to the doctor, if you are a girl there's a form of the contraceptive pill that you can go on, it's called something beginning with a "d"... Otherwise he can prescribe like a roll-on thing to put on your face, or pills called "tetra...something or other...". Yeah um not too clear on names as I have never used them, but my sister has an acne problem on her back and I'm just trying to recall what she uses! But so far, the contraceptive pill has been most beneficial to her.



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It's a high dosage of retin-A (Vitamin A). We take vitamin A in every day, but in high concentrated dosages such as this there are some side effects to the body.








Yep, that's pretty much all Minocycline is.








Minocycline is not retinol (I thought?), but is broad range antibiotic used to treat bacterial based (infections) acne. Is retinol really a major component in antibiotics?








Well on the bottle it said it was "Minocin (Vitamin A) 100mg".

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I've heard toothpaste on them can work wonders :P








Wouldn't that sting?








I used to use toothpaste on my spots back when I used to get them, just apply some to the spot before you go to bed and when you wake up, there's no redness and it has been lowered. It tingles, but doesn't hurt.








I would suggest going to the doctor, if you are a girl there's a form of the contraceptive pill that you can go on, it's called something beginning with a "d"... Otherwise he can prescribe like a roll-on thing to put on your face, or pills called "tetra...something or other...". Yeah um not too clear on names as I have never used them, but my sister has an acne problem on her back and I'm just trying to recall what she uses! But so far, the contraceptive pill has been most beneficial to her.








She was probably taking Demulen, but many other forms of contraceptives are said to work but not as affectively as Accutane, or so I have been told. There's actually contraceptives that can cause acne to worsen, and those are the ones with low estrogen like Loestrin.








Oh, the "tetra" is probably tetracycline.


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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By the second day I not moving at all, and just sitting in the bathtub full of water. The third day I was on the verge of bursting into tears, my mom took me to the hospital that night.








NO :shock: What was your mother thinking? I mean, she means your best, but... Sitting in a bathtub full of water with already dry skin makes it even worse! It does *not* moisturize your skin, it further dries it up. Darn...

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By the second day I not moving at all, and just sitting in the bathtub full of water. The third day I was on the verge of bursting into tears, my mom took me to the hospital that night.








NO :shock: What was your mother thinking? I mean, she means your best, but... Sitting in a bathtub full of water with already dry skin makes it even worse! It does *not* moisturize your skin, it further dries it up. Darn...








I took the initiative myself :P . She didn't say anything however, maybe she didn't know. I sure didn't. At that point my entire body was itching (and I mean everywhere :( ) so I wasn't really thinking all that much.



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I've heard toothpaste on them can work wonders :P








Wouldn't that sting?








I used to use toothpaste on my spots back when I used to get them, just apply some to the spot before you go to bed and when you wake up, there's no redness and it has been lowered. It tingles, but doesn't hurt.








I would suggest going to the doctor, if you are a girl there's a form of the contraceptive pill that you can go on, it's called something beginning with a "d"... Otherwise he can prescribe like a roll-on thing to put on your face, or pills called "tetra...something or other...". Yeah um not too clear on names as I have never used them, but my sister has an acne problem on her back and I'm just trying to recall what she uses! But so far, the contraceptive pill has been most beneficial to her.








Are you thinking of tetracycline?(I'm not sure if that's how you spell it) I know I've heard something about that.

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3 Parts Lime Juice, 2 Parts Soap, 1 Part Brown Sugar, 1 Part Boiling Water. Let them Dissolve overnight in a bowl.








The next day, gently pour a bit onto your face and rub it in slowly. Its done miracles to my face!








I highly doubt this will get ride of all acne problems. I dont have a big problem with acne but still nothing really works. Everything is a band-aid and doesnt address the whole problem

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This post may be very long, but probably has very good information.








Okay...I started getting acne when I was 15, which sucks for me because everyone else in my family has always had perfectly smooth, beautiful skin, and I did too until that time...After having it for years now, I do have a couple scars, but I'm thankful that they're not the deep/deforming scars, just normal "scars", and they're so small you can't see them unless you're an inch from my face. Thankfully.








I've researched acne a lot over the years, and I've only found a few things that have helped.








1.) Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) - I took this for 2 months and it cleared up all the pimples I had on my back/chest, but did NOTHING for my face...However that works. :lol: Once I stopped taking it, they came back. It's really not worth trying, because you have to take about 10g per day, which usually is about 20 pills. Like I said, not worth it.








2.) Straight-up Accutane - This was my last restort last year, and it completely cured me for several months. After I stopped taking it, I was completely and utterly pimple-free (no black-heads either, pretty amazing) for about 4 months, then I started getting little ones again. I'll never regret taking this drug, because since I took it, I've never gotten a pimple on my body ever again, only little ones on my face. And I USED to get bigger ones, so that's a really good improvement. I went on it a second time to try to nuke it for good, but it was winter (couple months ago :P) and my skin as getting too dry. The first time I took it, my skin wasn't dry at all, and my lips were barely chapped. I really had no side effect at all. :shock: But you should be aware that some people DO. Most of it is not serious, don't let people (especially your doctor if they're a nut-job) scare you into not taking it.








3.) Flaxseed Oil, more specifically, Linoleic Acid - This goes by many names, Flaxseed Oil, Rosehip Oil, CLA500, Conjugulated Linoleic Acid, etc, but it's primary ingredient that does the magic is the Linoleic Acid itself. It's said to level-out hormone levels. Many women take it to regulate their period's and stuff, I hear. I started taking it a few months ago and wasn't getting any pimples at ALL, then I ran out and they started coming back...Just got back on it a couple weeks ago, and it's all gone again, so it obviously works well.








4.) Glycolic Acid - Right now, I'm using a 10% glycolic acid lotion and leaving it on all day. It seems to help too, and it should. Glycolic Acid makes it near-impossible for your dead skin cells and your Sebum oil from your Sebacious Glands to stick together and clog your pores. THIS is the primary cause of acne - not bacteria as most people seem to think. Bacteria is certainly a cause for a few people, but that's just it - It's VERY few people. Anti-biotics don't work for...uhhh...Pretty much everyone who takes them. I tried them at one point too, it did jack. :P a 10% concentration is enough, though. They also have up to 70%, but that's for stripping off layers of skin, so you don't want that. They use it for facials and scar revision.








5.) Benzoyl Peroxide - Will probably work the FIRST time you use it, for a couple months, then you'll basically be immune to it's effects. It works by oxidizing your skin, and P. acne bacteria (the ones that contribute to acne) can't survive in oxygenated enviroments. That's why they have to live in your pores and eat your Sebacious oil. :P I used this and it cleared me up entirely for a few months, then stopped working and has NEVER worked for me again. Then tell you to only use a little, but there is a guy who runs http://www.acne.org who swears by using a TON of it (as if it were more like a lotion or something) and that it works way better. Many people agree with him entirely. I personally wouldn't advocate BP for anyone, because even if it DOES work, it will probably stop eventually. It also promotes hyperpigmentation of the skin (the red spots left after a pimple, a temporary scar) which is really, really not good. I had some red spots for a YEAR after using BP, which is a friggin' long time. :P








6.) Have to say it, and many will disagree, but; Masturbation/Sex - Yes, people may think I am insane and superstitious, but hear me out. I've researched this myself and it makes perfect sense. Now, it won't CAUSE acne, but if you have it, it may help keep it around if you do it entirely too much. When you, umm...Do the business, your body releases Androgens. Androgens are male hormones that directly help conduct the production of Sebum Oil from your Sebacious Glands in your skin. Not indirectly, even, they DIRECTLY conduct this funtion. The more androgens you get runnin' in you, the more oily your skin is. Doctors have been making this connection and putting women on anti-androgens for acne treatment and it clears 'em right up. I don't think they put men on them, probably for hormonal reasons, but I'm really not sure about that. I was surely never prescribed them. :P








That's all I can really think of. Feel free to ask any questions - I'm vey educated in the subject. :P When you've had acne for the last 5 years (15 to 20), you learn a bit. Thankfully, mine has mostly gone and whatever I get now is barely noticeable.








You probably should stay away from soda too, like someone else said. I stopped drinking it a few years back and it seemed to clear my skin quite a bit. :-k








Edit: OH! Don't pop pimples, EVER. Doing that makes them hyperpigment and your chance of having a permanent scar, or at the very least, an enlarged pore, is significantly higher. If you have one that really needs to be popped, take a needle, sterilized it, poke it VERY gently (don't poke all the way into it, just break that little bit of skin covering it) and then all you have to do is push very lightly instead of harshly. This is how doctors do it usually and it won't scar you.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Scrub a dub dub, three men in a...








Just wash with soap and water, it works very well for prevention for myself.








Hand soap dries your face out. You need facial soap.








OT- I love your sig


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Guest XplsvBam

I have tried so so so so many face washes its ridicules. The only one that seems to do any good for me at all is clean and clear.








For the first time in 4 years my skin was clear last spring! It was amazing. Then at the end of the summer my face started breaking out again! I think it hormones but I praise god the day my face is clear and stays clear.








People with lovely skin really don't realize how incredibly lucky they are.








edit: This is what I do to keep the break outs to a minimum.








1.) ZERO SODA! that is a must.




2.) ZERO MILK! If I drink any milk what so ever I get cysts. Annoying zits that don't go away for a week or 2!!! But its alright because milk gives me mild heartburn.




3.) No greasy foods. After I stopped eating greasy foods I saw a major improvement.




4.) Avoid touching your face at all cost. When you feel tired in class do not do not do not lean on your hand. your hands have oils that your face doesn't like.












That works for me, it doesn't have to work for you. But if you practice good behavior for 2-3 months you will see results.

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Scrub a dub dub, three men in a...








Just wash with soap and water, it works very well for prevention for myself.








Not if it is hereditary. I washed my face twice a day all through my life, since I knew I would get it one day. My dad just got rid of his about ten years ago, when he was 35. He washed his face multiple times a day since he was a teenager and he first got it.



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2.) ZERO MILK! If I drink any milk what so ever I get cysts. Annoying zits that don't go away for a week or 2!!! But its alright because milk gives me mild heartburn.




4.) Avoid touching your face at all cost. When you feel tired in class do not do not do not lean on your hand. your hands have oils that your face doesn't like.







What are cysts? Are they just what you said, long-lasting pimples?








Yea I do that a lot. I just don't know how else so sit. I sit up straight when I can but I'm just so bored it's nearly impossible. Plus I don't have great posture. Don't really know how to fix that. I never know if I'm sitting the right way.

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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Guest XplsvBam





2.) ZERO MILK! If I drink any milk what so ever I get cysts. Annoying zits that don't go away for a week or 2!!! But its alright because milk gives me mild heartburn.




4.) Avoid touching your face at all cost. When you feel tired in class do not do not do not lean on your hand. your hands have oils that your face doesn't like.







What are cysts? Are they just what you said, long-lasting pimples?








Yea I do that a lot. I just don't know how else so sit. I sit up straight when I can but I'm just so bored it's nearly impossible. Plus I don't have great posture. Don't really know how to fix that. I never know if I'm sitting the right way.

cysts are blemishes that may or may not go away. Since mine always go away eventually I call them long lasting pimples. My mom on the other hand is 40 something and if she gets a cyst on her face it lasts months.








I understand its really hard not to touch your face. But it helps. Just be conscious every time you touch your face and you will stop touching it.




I good way to break the habit is if you pull your sweatshirt or long sleeve over your hand and just lean on that. Eventually you wont need to do that but I recommend working hard at this one. Not only does it help with acne but you are more attractive if you aren't hunching over your hand.








Someone told me that soldiers never touch their face because it makes them less alert or something like that. Then I realized that our hands have lots of germs and oils on them and thats when I decided to try not touching my face.








Getting rid of extreme acne like in my case you need to practice 5-6 good behaviors to get your face as clear as possible. My face is still going to be bad for awhile but at least I'll be clean and clear and under control.

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I'm not sure that any medicine except [ak-yoo-tayn] (not sure how it's spelt) is going to get rid of your acne completely. Acne doesn't really bother me, but it did for a while. I used this stuff ... like ... pro-active? Something like that. It didn't help, just dried my face up to the point that it hurt. -_- The point is. Don't worry about it, it's just acne, it'll be gone soon enough.

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I'm not sure that any medicine except [ak-yoo-tayn] (not sure how it's spelt) is going to get rid of your acne completely. Acne doesn't really bother me, but it did for a while. I used this stuff ... like ... pro-active? Something like that. It didn't help, just dried my face up to the point that it hurt. -_- The point is. Don't worry about it, it's just acne, it'll be gone soon enough.




The people who ignore it completely are the ones who are going to suffer with long-term scaring which isn't nice. (Unless of course you have a really weak case of it).








Anyway, i'm using proactive, have been for a while now. I've been to the doctors, dermatologist, had over the counter washes/creams, but nothing has really seem to work. Proactive does, but it seems it isn't working as well now though. Anyway thanks for the well informed post Tigra00.

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Proactive is junky too. :P All it's made up of is Salicyclic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide (the NORMAL thing companies have been peddling for 30 years) and they act like it's some magical new thing. Annoys the hell out of me, especially with their dumb celebrity endorsements. Not a damn single celebrity uses that crap, they all use Accutane because, ding ding ding...It works.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I'm not sure that any medicine except [ak-yoo-tayn] (not sure how it's spelt) is going to get rid of your acne completely. Acne doesn't really bother me, but it did for a while. I used this stuff ... like ... pro-active? Something like that. It didn't help, just dried my face up to the point that it hurt. -_- The point is. Don't worry about it, it's just acne, it'll be gone soon enough.




The people who ignore it completely are the ones who are going to suffer with long-term scaring which isn't nice. (Unless of course you have a really weak case of it).











That's not true at all. They didn't always have these medicines yet people didn't walk around with scars at age 25. In ten years, it won't matter what you did about it now. And if you have a really strong case of it, then you take that medicine that I mentioned earlier. It's not good for you, but it certainly gets rid of a bad case of acne.

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That's not true at all. They didn't always have these medicines yet people didn't walk around with scars at age 25. In ten years, it won't matter what you did about it now. And if you have a really strong case of it, then you take that medicine that I mentioned earlier. It's not good for you, but it certainly gets rid of a bad case of acne.








I already mentioned it in my posts. In my post I mentioned my dad having acne till he was about 35, and the only reason it went away was because he took Accutane. So it doesn't always magically disappear once you get older.



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If it isn't gone by the time you're 24, it's a good bet you're going to have it until you're like 40. :P Generally, it goes away between the ages of 18 and 24.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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