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Marijuana. As bad as they say it is?


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Ok well, basically this is a topic for discussion on marijuana use. Anything can be discussed. Personal stories to why it should/shouldn't be legalized. For some back ground. Here are two opposing sites.








http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana/factsmyths/ (marijuana is ok)








http://www.homedrugtestingkit.com/thc.html (marijuana is bad)








All of this information is credible depending on how you look at it. It may be true or not. If you go by the government view. Marijuana is bad, hence it being illegal. Another reason that marijuana is illegal in the US is because it cannot be taxed. There is no doubt that the smoke from marijuana is harmful, just how harmful, no one knows. I read the entire of both, and thought it was very interesting. I advise you to read it before you post also.








To me this is a very interesting subject, seeing as I'm the age when you get bombarded by "Don't do drugs or else" teachings.








Personally, I think it is a better alternative to tobacco because of not being able to be addicted(at least in 99% of cases). The reasons why it wouldn't be as good, is simple, it is illegal. In my opinion, it is safer for me to smoke marijuana than to drink, or smoke cigarettes.








I'd like to keep it a discussion, so please no "It's illegal idiot, don't do it," posts. If you have something to say, back it up or at least explain why you think that.








Oh yeah, and credits to None2None for inspiring me to make this topic, and for the second link.


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People told me that it's better than cigarettes because there is less likely of a chance of lung cancer. So that is a big part of why people want to legalize it. I don't smoke either of the two, so I couldn't care if they do or not.

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Cigarette death rate








300,000-500,000 deaths annually








Marijuana death rate








0 deaths annually








...Do the math? It's not a hard drug, hard drugs cause about 3-5,000 deaths annually, like heroin, cocaine etc.








Nobody hasEVER died from using marijuana, and there is no proof or studies to say it's a "gateway" drug.








And no, I don't use it or any other drugs. I just find the huge hypocrisy funny, allow something that claims half a million lives per year, but not something that isn't even lethal. They sure could use some extra tax dollars.

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Oh ya, and going on bluelancers point.




I heard the only way you can die from smoking marijuana is if you smoked a joint that weighed as much as you.




But one reason why it isnt legal is because its un-dedectible through blow tests.




So you could be under the influence and not get caught when driving, so your offenses will be lower. Thats what i heard.

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also marijuana isn't addictive unlike cigarettes








Nonsense. It can be addicting. Marijuana works as a neurotransmitter in the brains. Using marijuana makes your body depended over time, creating less neurotransmitter than needed.




Although it's not as addicting as -let's say- cocaine (a neurotransmitter re-uptake inhibitor, which causes the neurotransmitter to stay longer in the synaps) it CAN be addicting.

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also marijuana isn't addictive unlike cigarettes








Yea they can. They can be addictive, but not as addictive as cigarettes. Some smokers smoke a pack a day, 20 cigarettes. Some people who smoke marijuana only smoke 1 joint a day. So they both are addictive but cigarettes are far more addictive.

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also marijuana isn't addictive unlike cigarettes








Yea they can. They can be addictive, but not as addictive as cigarettes. Some smokers smoke a pack a day, 20 cigarettes. Some people who smoke marijuana only smoke 1 joint a day. So they both are addictive but cigarettes are far more addictive.








Totally agree. Anyone who sais it's not addictive dosen't really know what they are talking about. I know someone very close who I believe is addicted, for good reason too.








Anyway the only problem I have with marijuana is that on young developing minds such as say 14-15 year olds, this drug can have pretty bad detremental effects. For example, if your family has a history of schitzopherea (no idea how to spell that) and your a young smoker, you have a greater chance of ending up with mental problems (i'm pretty sure, dont quote me on this). But if you start when your about 18, in a general sense, you shouldn't have a problem. It's all up to how it affects young, developing minds. So if it were legalised, strictly 18+








Just for the topics sake, I have smoked before and found it boring. Also don't take my thoughts as fact, I remember vaguely hearing these things somewhere before.

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I agree with it being illegal though. Once you walk past the line and say, "ok this drug (marijuana) is now legal," then someone will come up and say, "what about the other drugs? why keep them illegal? you made this one legal!" and so on and so forth.








Yea. If it was to be legalized, people would want things like cocaine and heroine to be legalized. That could cause a lot of problems. People would be protesting and rioting everywhere.

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I agree with it being illegal though. Once you walk past the line and say, "ok this drug (marijuana) is now legal," then someone will come up and say, "what about the other drugs? why keep them illegal? you made this one legal!" and so on and so forth.








Yea. If it was to be legalized, people would want things like cocaine and heroine to be legalized. That could cause a lot of problems. People would be protesting and rioting everywhere.








I don't think that heroin junkies or crackheads have the capacity to riot. :lol: :P

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I agree with it being illegal though. Once you walk past the line and say, "ok this drug (marijuana) is now legal," then someone will come up and say, "what about the other drugs? why keep them illegal? you made this one legal!" and so on and so forth.








Yea. If it was to be legalized, people would want things like cocaine and heroine to be legalized. That could cause a lot of problems. People would be protesting and rioting everywhere.








I don't think that heroin junkies or crackheads have the capacity to riot. :lol: :P












I agree with ShadowFaxPZ. Marijuana is a pretty nasty drug, and it shouldn't be legalized.

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I agree with it being illegal though. Once you walk past the line and say, "ok this drug (marijuana) is now legal," then someone will come up and say, "what about the other drugs? why keep them illegal? you made this one legal!" and so on and so forth.








Yea. If it was to be legalized, people would want things like cocaine and heroine to be legalized. That could cause a lot of problems. People would be protesting and rioting everywhere.








I don't think that heroin junkies or crackheads have the capacity to riot. :lol: :P








Crackheads do anything for their rocks... Imagine what they would do to legalize it.

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I'm against all drugs and alcohol. I don't care if they're not bad for you, or if you won't die, or if you won't get addicted, I think they're all stupid. When I see/hear about people doing drugs/drinking, I can't help but think to myself, "Wow, this person needs the aid of drugs/alcohol to have a good time? Or let loose?" It may be a little exaggerated or extreme, but that's the way I see it. Drugs altar your train of thought and just make you look stupid.. I can't see why anyone would want that.








There is a bit of a personal experience that enforces this opinion. When I was in eighth grade, my best friend got into drugs and alcohol. At first I just kind of shrugged it off, thinking it was a phase. I didn't have a strong opinion against these kinds of things back then. But then it started to get really bad. Once she realized that I wouldn't smoke/drink with her, she ditched me for "cooler friends." Or just for friends who could "hook her up" I guess. It hit me pretty hard and made me realize how powerful these things can be.

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I'm against all drugs and alcohol. I don't care if they're not bad for you, or if you won't die, or if you won't get addicted, I think they're all stupid. When I see/hear about people doing drugs/drinking, I can't help but think to myself, "Wow, this person needs the aid of drugs/alcohol to have a good time? Or let loose?" It may be a little exaggerated or extreme, but that's the way I see it. Drugs altar your train of thought and just make you look stupid.. I can't see why anyone would want that.








There is a bit of a personal experience that enforces this opinion. When I was in eighth grade, my best friend got into drugs and alcohol. At first I just kind of shrugged it off, thinking it was a phase. I didn't have a strong opinion against these kinds of things back then. But then it started to get really bad. Once she realized that I wouldn't smoke/drink with her, she ditched me for "cooler friends." Or just for friends who could "hook her up" I guess. It hit me pretty hard and made me realize how powerful these things can be.








I don't think you should be placing alcohol in the same league as illegal drugs. Granted it can kill you and you can get addicted and ruin your lives over it but I can guarantee the majority of users don't get addicted nor do they die. Alcohol is abused by young people, more specifically those around 14-16. Those who are 17 and 18 (such as myself) have a better capacity to handle thier alcohol responsibly and overall see the advantages to not getting 'wasted' everytime you drink.








From memory alcohol dosen't stimulate the reward pathways of your brain in the same way the many drugs do.

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I love the smell of cigarette and cigar smoke. I despise the smell of weed. Therefore weed should be illegal and cigarettes legal.








However, i hardley think we need an introduction of a new drug when society is in the shape it is in.







Those who are 17 and 18 (such as myself) have a better capacity to handle thier alcohol responsibly








That sounds like a wager!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I love the smell of cigarette and cigar smoke. I despise the smell of weed. Therefore weed should be illegal and cigarettes legal.











Ew. Cigarette smoke makes me wanna barf.

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You should smell weed then, that will make you die.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Those who are 17 and 18 (such as myself) have a better capacity to handle thier alcohol responsibly








That sounds like a wager!








Haha, your on! Although I think I will make my quoted statement false by doing so. :lol: :P

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Yeah. Cigarettes smell bad if you don't smoke. If you do, they smell really good.








I was reading it was legal in the states up until about 30 years ago.








That's not true...Weed was made illegal in 1937 because Henry Anslinger used the mass media (Randolph Hearst) to spread false stories of black men raping white women by using marijuana and jazz music. The jazz scene did have widespread marijuana use, players smoking up and playing huge sets of awesome improv, amazing use of an amazing natural substance. But the stories did their work, people testefied in congress about the dangers of marijuana, and the media published newspaper articles and made movies about insanity, death, and homicide all being common side effects of marijuana. Reefer Madness is a good exampe of this genre.

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