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Fastest/Cheapest Way to Powerlevel Herblore?


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I think most people aren't caring to respond to this because of how big of a longshot this is.








I think you should focus on getting like 40-60 HL before thinking about 99, no?








If no, ... ugh, go for it?



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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he just wants to know what way can he get his herblore high without losing alot of money, im trying to figuare out the same thing right now too.

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Herblore is basically a big money-eater. You spend money to make potions that will benefit your character skill-wise.








I'm not sure of any 'fast' way without spending much, but I know a how to lose nothing at all but time: collect all raw material and turn them in to finished products.

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if you play it right you could make a slight profit or at least break even with pray pots








buy rannars 6500 ea and snape grass 500 ea, then sell potions 7500 ea




or collect your own snape grasswhich doesnt take too long on crowded worlds

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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If you've completed Shades of Morton, you can some tarromin to make Serum 207 pots (50 xp each, ~260K pots for 99 Herblore), and use them on the Afflicted.








For curing the Afflicted, you will be rewarded with logs, tarromin, water-filled vials, etc.








It is largely a self-sustaining operation. So, techically, you could get 99 herblore without losing a dime. It just takes forever.








This, combined with herb farming, second gathering, and getting herbs from Miscellania, would get you there eventually.

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if you play it right you could make a slight profit or at least break even with pray pots








buy rannars 6500 ea and snape grass 500 ea, then sell potions 7500 ea




or collect your own snape grasswhich doesnt take too long on crowded worlds




Or to make even more, buy rannars for 6k ea instead of 6.5k, you make an extra 500gp, which add up.

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If you've completed Shades of Morton, you can some tarromin to make Serum 207 pots (50 xp each, ~260K pots for 99 Herblore), and use them on the Afflicted.








For curing the Afflicted, you will be rewarded with logs, tarromin, water-filled vials, etc.








It is largely a self-sustaining operation. So, techically, you could get 99 herblore without losing a dime. It just takes forever.








This, combined with herb farming, second gathering, and getting herbs from Miscellania, would get you there eventually.








Some of the things I've got doing this:




3 Tarromin




19 Coins




14 Coins




13 Coins




20 Coins




3 Vial of Water




1 Logs




10 Coins




1 Swamp Paste




2 Vial of Water




1 Logs




5 Logs




3 Vial of Water




4 Logs




3 Olive oil(2)




13 Coins




2 Tarromin








So how long do I have to do this before I make my money back? Not the best way I'd say. You could buy the herbs and seconds for super sets and sell those (when you get to that level of course)

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First just make 10 4 dose vials of serum 207 cure the people and you get the goodies to make more.








carry a woodcutting axe tinderbox and the 10 pots cure id herbs mix repeat.








you technicly don't lose anymoney from this more like you gain money from it not much mind you sell the oil and swamp paste to the store if you get to much vials store them in the bank.

Theres a fine line between dreams and reality so if something good happens you must be dreaming cause reality sucks!



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Screw ranarrs, that will take too long. What you want to do is buy equal amounts of irits and kwuarm. On world 2, you can get plenty of irits for 1kea. Kwuarms may be a little tougher, but you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them 4kea. Buy eye of newt 200ea, limps 800ea, wfv 300ea.








The point is, you can sell super attack/str sets for 7kea very easily - because there are so many pures with no defense, they often go faster than super sets. The prices above might not be accurate as far as the herbs go, but as long as you keep your costs at 7k or lower per set, you will break even. I've bought irits 1kea before and gotten them fast, so I'm sure you can do that. You could pay 1k for limps and 4.5k for kwuarm, and still make out fine.








To get to 45, do Eadgar's ruse, and other quests with exp lamps if you haven't already.

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im working on my herblore too and i kill chaos druids for the herbs and multiple other creatures for all the other ingredients the only money i loose is on vials. for me chaos druids are the best way to go for free herbs plus alot of people drop the lower level herbs so you dont even have to do alot of killing

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not very known by players, but it is by me: pest control, if u have 10 points u get a nice amount of unids, whichs fairly give good herbs,




so u wont get gaum and marrentills, but higher lvl'd herbs
















i do this for my kwaurm, easy getting


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