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Rate The Sigs I Made For J4K3


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1#. Not really appealing, IMO. And I've grown to hate pixel text, thus I'm not really too fond of the text. The background is also easily achieved by using the chrÃÆÃâÃâóme filter. But since I assume you're pretty new to graphics, I'll give you a break. 5/10.








2#. This one I like more. I really like the whole "retro" thing going on in the background, and I also love the colours. But the text oughta be changed to something else, IMO. 8/10
















Good job.
















// Azvi.


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I don't know how long you've been making graphics, I'd like to know.




If you just started recently I think you are doing very well and heading in a good direction.








These particular sigs are very sleak, but lack elements. Getting that nice smooth sleak feel is important, so be glad you've got that down. Now it's time to incorporate some new creative ideas such as feathered 3d art (if you are going into the abstract direction) or taking a completely different aproach. Maybe learn some landscaping or something, I don't know, something new will never hurt your skills as a graphics designer. It's all up to you, so seak that knowledge!








I don't really believe in rating sigs, but even if I wanted to, I couldn't without knowing how long you've been making sigs. All I can say is I like the smooth and sleakness to them, like I already mentioned, but I'm hoping you learn to add some more elements. :)

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