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High school....


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just be normal and don't disrespect everyone. This is where "chavs" come in. They try to act tough but in fights it is the rugby players that win everytime \'












(england ftw)


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Go to a private school, they are a lot better. Join their band, it will make you a better person, along with increasing your musical talent and helping you in school. If you join the band, when you walk into school the first day, after band camp, you'll already have a ton of friends that you can talk to and see in the hallways. You'll be the not so freshman like freshman. Also, don't procrastinate, go ahead, be a nerd if you want to, just don;t aggravate any of those supposed "cool" people. oh yeah, let me tell you, all the football players are so cool! *rolls eyes* hehe. Just have fun, and don't slack!

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My school goes from grade 7 to 12.








So I have nothing to worry about. ;D




mine has K-12 all in one building and about 250 students (and my dad teaches [me] there :wink: :P {but i only moved here last year*} ) :mrgreen:








summary of this post: do what you want to do and just stay out of trouble :roll:








anyways, no, high school isnt bad... ive been through 3 schools and have never seen an actual bully... so that shouldnt be a problem... but i wish i did so i could kick their :-# as you may know, there will be mean/crazy/agressive students, just as well as... slow.... students... deal with it as you think will be the best way...








another thing i have figured out with highschools is to not be in the popular group or the immature people group(s)... they almost always seem to get into trouble [atleast at my school]... popularity really just :-# in my eyes... i hang out with the quiet kids and im smart, everyone knows me, everyone wants to hang out with me, so really im just rejecting popularity and being myself... which is the best thing in my opinion








also, dont join a class or team or club just because your friend wants you to or somthin like that...








^ i write too much junk when i get bored -.-

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  • 2 weeks later...


OMG i did not recieve my course selection sheet and it is due today!!








The school I aplied to, never send it. What should I do??








Ring them up. NOW.








My guidance teacher asked me to fill up some other sheet from same school. I am not sure if they will accept it because I applied for special program and the thing that i filled up was for regular program. Hope it makes its way through. :pray: :pray: :pray:

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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OMG i did not recieve my course selection sheet and it is due today!!








The school I aplied to, never send it. What should I do??








Ring them up. NOW.








My guidance teacher asked me to fill up some other sheet from same school. I am not sure if they will accept it because I applied for special program and the thing that i filled up was for regular program. Hope it makes its way through. :pray: :pray: :pray:








Special as in special ed or special as in a gifted program?

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I like high school. I was a super cocky freshman...now I'm a super cocky sophomore. Woot.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Are high schools really bad?? :?:




They say ppl might kill u??




I am goin there after a month. :(








I am really scared! :ohnoes:








You can't be serious?








High school is completely what you make out of it. You'll get many different stories from many different people detailing their high school experiences, so there's really no way to simply pinpoint what you're going to go through for four years. Just make the best of it, because it'll be over before you know it.





jake on last.fm

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Are high school really bad??




They say ppl hit each other with solid material??




I am goin there after a month.








I am really scared! :ohnoes:




In high school, bullying is subjected to legal business involving the police. Well, at least at my high school.








There are many classes, sports, and electives to choose from at my high school, so you really get a nice variety of classes to try out.








so no ppl i dont think high school are bad!!!!11!!!1 :thumbsup: :roll:












Totally agree :thumbsup:




Your could try types of classes, u like music?




Just do whatever u like, u will find high school a really awesome place to stay.




Enjoy it.

I just like it!

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dont worry at ALL about high school




just be yourself and you will make friends




if you're really lame, which you shouldnt be, i guess be a little cooler/more outgoing




but still be yourself mostly








I'im in college right now and throughout high school, I expected college to be the best time of my life








but I have to say high school will be the BEST expereince of your life




just make sure you make the most of it








you'll def enjoy it a lot




and you gotta learn to appreciate what you have and not be afraid of new challenges, thats what life is all about








dont worry kid, hs will be great

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If your a freshmen its hell when your a jr or a senior is realy fun




Meh, at my school there is absolutely no hazing whatsoever between grades or peers.








Anyways, if I did go to a school like that, I don't know why people (the freshmen) don't just fight back- get everyone together, not that hard if everyone's getting hazed. Unless of course they want to torment the freshmen when they're juniors and seniors, which is just wrong and sadistic -.- .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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If your a freshmen its hell when your a jr or a senior is realy fun




Meh, at my school there is absolutely no hazing whatsoever between grades or peers.








Anyways, if I did go to a school like that, I don't know why people (the freshmen) don't just fight back- get everyone together, not that hard if everyone's getting hazed. Unless of course they want to torment the freshmen when they're juniors and seniors, which is just wrong and sadistic -.- .








Yeah I know it's weird. As freshmen you don't want to be tormented by people, but when you get to a higher grade level you support the tormenting, I really don't get these people...

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high school is defiantly not scary, i thought it was but now im used to it and glad im not in primary school. :lol:



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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It's funny how younger people suck up to you \'








Funny how that never happens around here...anymore.








When we first started in Year 7, most of our year tended to try and avoid the Year 11's, many of us were pretty intimidated at the time. Same seemed to be true for the next couple of years following. Now however, as we've reached Year 11, all the Year 7's are so arrogant, never once try to suck up or anything of the like.








I have the same problem <.< some of the little buggers actually try and pick fights with us!

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I havent gotten to High school yet, but some of my friends who have brothers in high school say the days seem shorter there.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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High school, like college, your first job, your first girlfriend, moving out of your parents home, etc., is a transitional phase. You will see, hear, touch, taste, and experience things you've never seen, heard, touched, or experienced before. More than likely you'll probably experience a few things you never even knew existed before. It will probably be a complete culture shock. Very few people, that I've heard of, come out of high school the same person they were when they went in. You'll probably try to follow the various trends that emerge to some extent. You'll probably adapt bits and pieces of peopleÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s personalities to your own. Or at times you might do the exact opposite. But whatever you do, remain flexible. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m not implying you should compromise your integrity or forsake your principles, but high school is one of the prime times for learning (both textbook wise and about yourself) and it would be a shame if you were to waste it due to some inflexible stubbornness. Constant, honest evaluation of yourself will serve you well.








You have to remember that practically every problem you encounter, every doubt you have, every thought that nags at your self-confidence; everybody else is experiencing them too or has already experienced them. You will make so many mistakes that you probably wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be able to remember them all. Learn from them. The more mistakes you make and the faster you learn from them, the faster your progress as a person will be. DonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t let any singular event (like a mistake) define you as a person.




Enjoy high school, learn from it and view it as the breeding ground of your personality.








But most importantly, whatever you do, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t shoot anybody. Seriously.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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OMG i did not recieve my course selection sheet and it is due today!!








The school I aplied to, never send it. What should I do??








Ring them up. NOW.








My guidance teacher asked me to fill up some other sheet from same school. I am not sure if they will accept it because I applied for special program and the thing that i filled up was for regular program. Hope it makes its way through. :pray: :pray: :pray:








Special as in special ed or special as in a gifted program?








I am in special educatiion program....

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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High school is awesome, way more hotter girls and more freedom. Dont worry about being bullied or anything, hasn't happened to me. although i have my bro in grade 12 who is pretty tank. Dont embarass yourself though and try to meet some new people the first day! Tell me how your first day goes, oh ya you need to pay attention in math unlike in elementary.








The days do go by faster and dont do drugs! And remember to go to all the dances and stuff



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Are high school really bad??




They say ppl hit each other with solid material??




I am goin there after a month.








I am really scared! :ohnoes:












Ever tried hitting someone with water?That sucks :notalk:


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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Are high school really bad??




They say ppl hit each other with solid material??




I am goin there after a month.








I am really scared! :ohnoes:












Ever tried hitting someone with water?That sucks :notalk:








Yes i have and it is fun for me!!!

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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