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im getting a ram upgrade (will get here be Monday most likely) and on tuesday i will be getting another time card. just before the trial ran out i srated an undead rogue and got it it to level 12 (on burning blade EU) so i will continue to level him.




hehe I though you were on about the Dwaften Rams XD Can't wait till I get mine

Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.




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Good stuff :thumbsup:


I haven't been able to find the answer on the site, but will the game be broken up into realms/servers as it is in WoW, or will we be able to pick servers regardless of location? Would like the odd siege or two with you man :P




it's broken into realm/clusters. The best cluster at peak has... 2k players in it.




Its pretty stupid now.


You got accepted into the beta?

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Good stuff :thumbsup:


I haven't been able to find the answer on the site, but will the game be broken up into realms/servers as it is in WoW, or will we be able to pick servers regardless of location? Would like the odd siege or two with you man :P




it's broken into realm/clusters. The best cluster at peak has... 2k players in it.




Its pretty stupid now.


You got accepted into the beta?




No I'm talking about DAoC, not Age of conan.

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I got Idol of the Avian Heart off of Moroes, I'm pretty happy. I was hoping to do Maiden to try for my Gloves/Mace but the Hunter and Warlock DCed (They're Brothers) and never came back, so we called it until later. :( Does anyone have any experience with Maiden? How hard is she compared to Attumen and Moroes, that's the furthest I've gotten in Karazhan. :oops: I think we'll be starting the Opera(?) event with Big Bad Wolf, Romulo and Juliana, etc tomorrow as well; so any info (difficulty, strategy, etc.) on them would be great too.

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I got Idol of the Avian Heart off of Moroes, I'm pretty happy. I was hoping to do Maiden to try for my Gloves/Mace but the Hunter and Warlock DCed (They're Brothers) and never came back, so we called it until later. :( Does anyone have any experience with Maiden? How hard is she compared to Attumen and Moroes, that's the furthest I've gotten in Karazhan. :oops: I think we'll be starting the Opera(?) event with Big Bad Wolf, Romulo and Juliana, etc tomorrow as well; so any info (difficulty, strategy, etc.) on them would be great too.




Maiden is easy, your healers just need to be on their game with holy fire. Opera is fairly easy aswell. BBW easiest, RnJ medium, Oz the hardest. For BBW, 1 person just has to run around when they're riding hood. For RnJ, they have to die at the same time, need some people on interrupting Julliane's heals. Oz, you just need to kill everyone.




http://www.bosskillers.com/ is a good site for strats.

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Well, we couldn't do Maiden because the Healadin had to leave and I guess you need them for her so the Tank and Healers can be unstunned. :cry: He left right after we cleared to her too...




We did get to do Opera though, it was The Wizard of Oz. In the end it was me, other healer, and Off Tank left, but we did it our first try haha. :lol: I got Earthsoul Leggings which are very nice, especially combined with the Silver Spellthread that I had a tailor make. Yay, epics 2 nights in a row. It was really weird, the raid leader let the Warlock roll against the Priest for a wand with +Healing because 'he could use it to heal his pet' (like the Hunters, bahaha), but the Priest won thank God.




I think we are doing Maiden of Virtue and whoever is supposed to be after Opera tomorrow, then the save ends. Oh well.

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Hey don't suppose you could help me find addons to get my UI to how I would like it.




Ive created this picture of what I want and also a couple of notes on it.






So if you could suggest some addons that would be of great help.




Really I mainly need an addon just to get the middle part for my rogue button.




Also how can I remove buttons for the defult UI? If I try to drag them out they take effect or just do nothing :x

Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.




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Hey don't suppose you could help me find addons to get my UI to how I would like it.




Ive created this picture of what I want and also a couple of notes on it.






So if you could suggest some addons that would be of great help.




Really I mainly need an addon just to get the middle part for my rogue button.




Also how can I remove buttons for the defult UI? If I try to drag them out they take effect or just do nothing :x




Ah sorry I meant to comment on this before..




There are several settings in the default Interface settings that might help you.. check them out before you install a mod.




Once you have it figured, try CTMod. It's always seemed the easiest to set up and use: http://www.ctmod.net/




I have it running, with the majority of it's functions disabled because they are either useless, too big and clunky, or I use better plugins to do the same thing.




Take your time setting it up, investigate the menu thouroughly, and you will have exactly what you want.

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a private one :lol:



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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I started a Blood Elf Mage on Burning Blade yesterday. ^_^ I have to say I enjoy being a Mage but PVP servers make me nervous. :anxious:




Add Cyrant/Lokazt. Lokazt is my newbie priest [26] and Cyrant is my main. :)

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After running Arc with the GM and some core raiders, the GM basically told me I'd need to respec combat swords.





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Ah come on guys! Europe unite! If these smelly yanks can get a server where everyone is playing on, so should we!


Well. There's only about three of us.




Oh and two words, Shattered Hand.


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After running Arc with the GM and some core raiders, the GM basically told me I'd need to respec combat swords.












my guild leader is cool about specs. Serriously though, combat mutilate and/or combat daggers is just as effective as combat swords... if not more so.

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Hey does anyone know a addon that blocks the "Out of energy" or "I Cant do that" sounds that play when you dont have enough mana/energy?

Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.




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After running Arc with the GM and some core raiders, the GM basically told me I'd need to respec combat swords.












my guild leader is cool about specs. Serriously though, combat mutilate and/or combat daggers is just as effective as combat swords... if not more so.




I reluctantly disagree.. So far it burns so much faster.




The main rogue from the guild is swords and she is very, very effective.

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