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Yikes, Defender...What are you, an Evangelic?








You actually believe those dorks on TV who claim God talks to them?








God speaks to noone. Anyone who claims he does is something called a "False Prophet", you know, the thing the Bible warned you about? What's that? You don't believe there could be False Prophets in your beloved religion? Believe it.








So far, every single preacher I've seen on TV that claims God talks to them wants only one thing: Your money. Benny Hinn, Peter Poppoff, The 700 Club, etc. etc. etc.








Afterall, how impressed is God going to be by the title "Christian" or "Evengelic" when you're face to face with him? Not one single bit, so if you ally your beliefs with a group, you can probably say hello to Hell. Especially if it's a Christian group, because satatistically, and according to the bible, not many Christians are going to Heaven.








(I read somewhere that only 144,000 Jewish virgin men will go to Heaven, and noone else, but I dunno'. Apparently, it says that in the Bible.)








Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know. Don't try to accuse people of being False prophets when you're a stuck up atheist who knows nothing about the subject. All you know is academic knowledge which means Jack Sh!t in this situation. :roll:








Every "born-again" Christian (another thing you would know absolutely nothing about) has the holy spirit inside them. And yes its nothing you would be able to not prove considering you have no idea about it and don't have the holy spirit yourself. This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write). And yes I know it sounds far-fetched to a non-believer like you, so please don't go around accusing people of being false prophets when really you sound like an idiot to those who actually know the truth. :roll:








Oh and also they don't want your money. They don't care if you tithe or not, Though they preach to tithe as your walking in obedience with God if you do so, and is an important factor in Christianity.








Simply put your an idiot, trying to prove something through you "intellect" about something you know nothing about. Considering you've just made a personal judgment against certain people through the eyes of a non-believer after seeing it on tv.

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Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know... This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write).








Don't take this the wrong way, but does the holy spirit talk to you? What does it say? Seriously, I'm curious. I'll give Acts a glance too. Trust me, my intentions are pure.

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Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know... This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write).








Don't take this the wrong way, but does the holy spirit talk to you? What does it say? Seriously, I'm curious. I'll give Acts a glance too. Trust me, my intentions are pure.








haha sorry but I just gotta write this.








* warrior says the word Pure"




*glances at sig..*




*warrior says the word Pure"




*glances at sig..*
















And I do agree with Eelspremier. People who dis the bible only run on what they seen on TV, or academic knowledge. Probably why they keep asking for proof so much..








I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.









If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

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Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know... This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write).








Don't take this the wrong way, but does the holy spirit talk to you? What does it say? Seriously, I'm curious. I'll give Acts a glance too. Trust me, my intentions are pure.








haha sorry but I just gotta write this.








* warrior says the word Pure"




*glances at sig..*




*warrior says the word Pure"




*glances at sig..*












And I do agree with Eelspremier. People who dis the bible only run on what they seen on TV, or academic knowledge. Probably why they keep asking for proof so much..








I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.
















Haha, first mention of my sig. :thumbsup: But seriously, If you can't learn from TV or acdemic knowlege, than the best place to learn is from a Christian, right? Which is what I'm kinda trying to do.

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I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.








Yes, well It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.








And yes warrior it does speak to me. And is something you'd have to experience to understand. It doesn't speak to me like a human would by voice...but yeah hard to explain. And yes I understand if you think I'm crazy, weird etc. :wink:

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Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know. Don't try to accuse people of being False prophets when you're a stuck up atheist who knows nothing about the subject. All you know is academic knowledge which means Jack Sh!t in this situation. :roll:




Yes, arguing a battle using intelligence does in fact mean Jack Sh!t when we're arguing against someone's beliefs, which, when one is stubborn to such an extent, becomes no longer a debate.








Every "born-again" Christian (another thing you would know absolutely nothing about) has the holy spirit inside them. And yes its nothing you would be able to not prove considering you have no idea about it and don't have the holy spirit yourself. This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write). And yes I know it sounds far-fetched to a non-believer like you, so please don't go around accusing people of being false prophets when really you sound like an idiot to those who actually know the truth. :roll:




-Again, the typical "you're not a Christian, you wouldn't understand" [cabbage] is getting really annoying.








-No one knows Truth. Many people, including some Christians and many others of course, are just so narrowminded and arrogant to accept the fact that *gasp* they could be wrong.








-You'd be surpised how many "false prophets" there are out for your mullah.








-Can you define what the Holy Spirit is? Not in an insulting way, I simply can't remember how exactly it works and how people view it, and I'm too lazy to go check my Bible :lol: .








-No one knows if "spirits" talk to people, now or in the past. It's highly unlikely, so don't go automatically thinking without question that the people who wrote the Bible, and people today talk to God and spirits. It's not a bad idea to have at least a little skepticism dude.








Oh and also they don't want your money. They don't care if you tithe or not, Though they preach to tithe as your walking in obedience with God if you do so, and is an important factor in Christianity.




Some don't, some do. It's not like every single one of them was on one side of the spectrum- some were greedy, some were good, whole hearted, "children of God" or whatever. Don't think that just because they fit the category of an evangelic Christian that they're automatically good, and same goes for the other way around.








Simply put your an idiot, trying to prove something through you "intellect" about something you know nothing about. Considering you've just made a personal judgment against certain people through the eyes of a non-believer after seeing it on tv.




Wow. You make it sound like you don't trust in, nor have any, "intellect". I'm not calling you an idiot, but it's just the way you phrased it :lol: .








Oh, and claps for the personal attack. Good job evading explaining your point by insulting their intelligience. =D>









I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.








Yes, well It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.








And yes warrior it does speak to me. And is something you'd have to experience to understand. It doesn't speak to me like a human would by voice...but yeah hard to explain. And yes I understand if you think I'm crazy, weird etc. :wink:




Please explain so I can call b.s. :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.








Yes, well It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.








And yes warrior it does speak to me. And is something you'd have to experience to understand. It doesn't speak to me like a human would by voice...but yeah hard to explain. And yes I understand if you think I'm crazy, weird etc. :wink:








I don't think your crazy. I just think if you experience something, anything, you should be able to explain it. Perhaps I don't understand it, but you do and could explain it to me which would be the only way to judge whether I understand or not. I'm curious to know what the experience would be like. Sorry if you feel I'm pushing you here, but I think if you experience something, you should at least be able to explain it without just saying, 'you have to experience it yourself' or 'you wouldn't understand because you haven't experienced it.'








The only way I can learn and should learn about the religion and the experiences involved is from the horses mouth so to speak. If you still don't want to/can't explain it, no worries; I'll just ask someone else. If it makes you feel any better, this is the last time I will press the issue to you. Ever. :P

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Warrior is like a inner voice, which alerts you and you can almost "feel" it talking to you. It comes from your heart, (literally for me - I can feel when it speaks to me that it comes from there). And it doesn't speak all the time, just when the occasion is right. Its like a companion. :wink:








Have I freaked you out enough? :P Anyway back to my point, the tv evalgelist do hear from the holy spirit, no ones going to follow a load of crap like that if they haven't experienced themselves after being baptized in the holy spirit. They are genuine people, and Tigra really has no idea what he's talking about.

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I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.








Yes, well It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.








And yes warrior it does speak to me. And is something you'd have to experience to understand. It doesn't speak to me like a human would by voice...but yeah hard to explain. And yes I understand if you think I'm crazy, weird etc. :wink:








I don't think your crazy. I just think if you experience something, anything, you should be able to explain it. Perhaps I don't understand it, but you do and could explain it to me which would be the only way to judge whether I understand or not. I'm curious to know what the experience would be like. Sorry if you feel I'm pushing you here, but I think if you experience something, you should at least be able to explain it without just saying, 'you have to experience it yourself' or 'you wouldn't understand because you haven't experienced it.'








The only way I can learn and should learn about the religion and the experiences involved is from the horses mouth so to speak. If you still don't want to/can't explain it, no worries; I'll just ask someone else. If it makes you feel any better, this is the last time I will press the issue to you. Ever. :P








He's not saying your stupid in anyway to understand, but experiencing it, is the best understanding. And honeslty, he can't explain it.








Because its trying to teach a blind man what the color red looks like, when he has never seen red in his life.








Or perhaps teaching a person with no emotions what pain feels like, or love, or happiness.. ect. They just wouldn't understand till they experience it. [/img]









If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

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Warrior is like a inner voice, which alerts you and you can almost "feel" it talking to you. It comes from your heart, (literally for me - I can feel when it speaks to me that it comes from there). And it doesn't speak all the time, just when the occasion is right. Its like a companion. :wink:








Have I freaked you out enough? :P Anyway back to my point, the tv evalgelist do hear from the holy spirit, no ones going to follow a load of crap like that if they haven't experienced themselves after being baptized in the holy spirit. They are genuine people, and Tigra really has no idea what he's talking about.








Thanks. Don't worry, I aint freaked out. :P A companion makes sense and would help through tough times or when asking 'why?' no doubt ey?








On the evangelist point, I think Rebdragon put it right when he said some are genuine and some want to screw you over. Like any facit of life, there are always a few that want to take advantage of you and screw you over. It dosen't make the good ones have any more of a tarnished motive though.

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Yikes, Defender...What are you, an Evangelic?








You actually believe those dorks on TV who claim God talks to them?








God speaks to noone. Anyone who claims he does is something called a "False Prophet", you know, the thing the Bible warned you about? What's that? You don't believe there could be False Prophets in your beloved religion? Believe it.








So far, every single preacher I've seen on TV that claims God talks to them wants only one thing: Your money. Benny Hinn, Peter Poppoff, The 700 Club, etc. etc. etc.








Afterall, how impressed is God going to be by the title "Christian" or "Evengelic" when you're face to face with him? Not one single bit, so if you ally your beliefs with a group, you can probably say hello to Hell. Especially if it's a Christian group, because satatistically, and according to the bible, not many Christians are going to Heaven.








(I read somewhere that only 144,000 Jewish virgin men will go to Heaven, and noone else, but I dunno'. Apparently, it says that in the Bible.)








Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know. Don't try to accuse people of being False prophets when you're a stuck up atheist who knows nothing about the subject. All you know is academic knowledge which means Jack Sh!t in this situation. :roll:








Every "born-again" Christian (another thing you would know absolutely nothing about) has the holy spirit inside them. And yes its nothing you would be able to not prove considering you have no idea about it and don't have the holy spirit yourself. This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write). And yes I know it sounds far-fetched to a non-believer like you, so please don't go around accusing people of being false prophets when really you sound like an idiot to those who actually know the truth. :roll:








Oh and also they don't want your money. They don't care if you tithe or not, Though they preach to tithe as your walking in obedience with God if you do so, and is an important factor in Christianity.








Simply put your an idiot, trying to prove something through you "intellect" about something you know nothing about. Considering you've just made a personal judgment against certain people through the eyes of a non-believer after seeing it on tv.








Yes, they DO just want your money. Are you aware of how rich those preachers are? It isn't because God blessed them with riches, as they claim. It's because they out-right steal "donations"...If you could even call them that. All the money goes to "the ministry", which means said preacher gets a great deal of it. Try looking at both sides of the story once in a while. I'd love to look at the good side of it, but there isn't a good side. Those people are evil tyrants exploiting religion and making it into a business. Guess where you won't find Benny Hinn, Peter Poppoff, etc? In Heaven. No freakin' chance. And everyone who follows them is likely to follow suit because they actually believe the crap they spew. Do you even know who I'm talking about? They guys who touch people and claim their healed, only to have the people die later from their diseases? They guys who use microphones in their ears to get information on people to make it seem like they have devine intervention by knowing facts about people?








Please. If the Holy Spirit was within them, they wouldn't need to fake it. They're pretending to be Jesus and it's extremely dangerous. People with cancer have gone to them, been told they were healed, and then DIED later because they stopped cancer treatment. It's like a giant cosplay convention. "Ooooh, lookit me! I'm Jesus, guys!"...No, you're not. Shut up and don't even pretend to follow to teachings, blasphemer.








And that is why religion is so dangerous. Stuff like that. It changes religion's teachings. Over the years, Jesus has become God himself to people, WHICH HE ISN'T...People claim they can heal people...People just make up this "holy spirit" within them crap....Etc etc etc. And by the way, why is the holy spirit only capable of being inside a born again Christian? That's incredibly pompous AND stupid. It's not even scriptual. It's just made up. People make stuff like that up and it totally changes religion into something it was never meant to be. Why do you think I don't follow religion? It's always changing to something it's not supposed to be, and it's all a bunch of fanatical cultists. It's freakin' creepy.








I know a lot more than you apparently think I know, sir. I'm fully aware of what a born again Christian is...It's kinda like saying "I was a lazy screw-up for a good portion of my life, then I decided to "get saved" and now I'm better than everyone! Big ups to Jesus!" It's more stupid crap. Jesus said that accepting him was to be saved or whatever, but he never claimed that only "saved" people would have the power of God (the holy spirit) within them and that God would talk to them. :roll:








Tell me this: Does God *really* talk to you? I don't mean do you ask yourself in your head "God, what should I do?" and your voice pops into your head again and answers, I'm talking do you hear another voice?








If you hear another voice, my friend, you have a mental disorder. Sorry, you just do. God may very well exist, but he isn't speaking to you. What the hell makes you so damned important that he talks to YOU and noone else? Are you even a preacher? Didn't think so. What do you do for him? Probably sit on your [wagon] and wait for salvation while asking him for all the good things in life, aye? I'd put money on it, but you won't admit to that. That's how your average person who thinks he's going to Heaven is. And I don't want to be the bringer of judgement, since God said that's his jobb and his only, but damn...Those people are going to be in for a huge suprise. What's worse is that they actually believe in Hell and believe that there are only two options. Yikes.








Better get to work doing something for God instead of claiming he does all this great stuff for you when you're not doin' jack for him.








Edit: I just read your post where you said the Televangelists actually hear the holy spirit when they're preaching...I'm done with you. You just brought yourself out as a moron and I didn't have to do a single thing. READ UP ON IT, DUDE. Those guys use ear peices and get information from people backstage. It's a proven fact. Someone went into a ministry with a device and captured all the stuff being said through their ear peices. It's completely fake. Anyone who would believe that is a DOPE. They write down infomation about themselves before they go in, and "magically" the preachers know information about them! WOW. Amazing. :roll:








Like I said - God talks to noone. That "feeling" you get is merely you feeling good about believing in something. That's all it is, dude. When you believe there is a God and that he's lookin' out for you and helping you, of course you're going to feel good. But he ISN'T talking to you.








And why would these guys want to fake such things? What good does it do? Uh-duh...To get money from people. Benny Hinn OFTEN asks for donations to pay for moronic things in the name of preaching. I saw him on TV once asking for $1,000 donations (PER PERSON!) to help pay off his personal jet to "spread the word of God". It's ridiculous.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I must commend Eelspremier =D> He got it right. Cept for the insulting parts.. but Tiagra is always insulting the Bible and christians.








Yes, well It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.








And yes warrior it does speak to me. And is something you'd have to experience to understand. It doesn't speak to me like a human would by voice...but yeah hard to explain. And yes I understand if you think I'm crazy, weird etc. :wink:








Please do attempt to "give me a taste of my own", I'd love to see it. There are very few people here who can even begin to get the best of me, and as you can see, few try. I know who can get the best of me in an argument, and you're not one of them. Perhaps BlueLancer...Yea, that's about it.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Ever heard of the Holy Spirit? Read the book of Acts if you want to know. Don't try to accuse people of being False prophets when you're a stuck up atheist who knows nothing about the subject. All you know is academic knowledge which means Jack Sh!t in this situation. :roll:








Every "born-again" Christian (another thing you would know absolutely nothing about) has the holy spirit inside them. And yes its nothing you would be able to not prove considering you have no idea about it and don't have the holy spirit yourself. This is what these Christians on Tv have and Gods spirit is what talks to them (the same spirit which told the writers of the Bible what to write). And yes I know it sounds far-fetched to a non-believer like you, so please don't go around accusing people of being false prophets when really you sound like an idiot to those who actually know the truth. :roll:








Stop assuming you know the truth, that annoys me more than anything in the world. Your assuming Christians have knowledge over other members of society, when in actual fact you have only a belief. A belief is not knowledge. Knowledge is justified true belief. Your belief is neither justified nor true so stop assuming it is. You are infact the one sounding like an idiot because you are asserting your belief over other peoples when it is not knowledge. I have a belief that the Christian God isn't real, my belief is probably more justified than yours however it is not true, and I do not claim it to be true. This is one of the reasons why a society of religious people is set to fail, you call everyone else's belief stupid in the eyes of those who "know the truth" when you do not. So don't ever say you know the truth when you only know your belief.








Oh and also they don't want your money. They don't care if you tithe or not, Though they preach to tithe as your walking in obedience with God if you do so, and is an important factor in Christianity.








Most ask for "donations" and things like that. Look around your religion, people are making money from it. Like selling tapes of how you can get God to talk to you ect. You are being nieve.








Simply put your an idiot, trying to prove something through you "intellect" about something you know nothing about. Considering you've just made a personal judgment against certain people through the eyes of a non-believer after seeing it on tv.








This is the worst argument I have ever seen. How many times do i need to tell you, casting aside intellect in a discussion leads to no discussion because you are basing everything on an intrinsic argument that "you have to be a beleiver to know anything". This argument does nothing for anyone except people who already beleive. Universal arguments are what you need, look some up.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Warrior is like a inner voice, which alerts you and you can almost "feel" it talking to you. It comes from your heart, (literally for me - I can feel when it speaks to me that it comes from there). And it doesn't speak all the time, just when the occasion is right. Its like a companion. :wink:








Have I freaked you out enough? :P Anyway back to my point, the tv evalgelist do hear from the holy spirit, no ones going to follow a load of crap like that if they haven't experienced themselves after being baptized in the holy spirit. They are genuine people, and Tigra really has no idea what he's talking about.




Sounds more like your conscience :-w .








Oh, and I believe Tigra has already burned that second point to ashes.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Warrior is like a inner voice, which alerts you and you can almost "feel" it talking to you. It comes from your heart, (literally for me - I can feel when it speaks to me that it comes from there). And it doesn't speak all the time, just when the occasion is right. Its like a companion. :wink:








Have I freaked you out enough? :P Anyway back to my point, the tv evalgelist do hear from the holy spirit, no ones going to follow a load of crap like that if they haven't experienced themselves after being baptized in the holy spirit. They are genuine people, and Tigra really has no idea what he's talking about.




Sounds more like your conscience :-w .








Oh, and I believe Tigra has already burned that second point to ashes.








It's a hobby of mine.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Warrior is like a inner voice, which alerts you and you can almost "feel" it talking to you. It comes from your heart, (literally for me - I can feel when it speaks to me that it comes from there). And it doesn't speak all the time, just when the occasion is right. Its like a companion. :wink:








Have I freaked you out enough? :P Anyway back to my point, the tv evalgelist do hear from the holy spirit, no ones going to follow a load of crap like that if they haven't experienced themselves after being baptized in the holy spirit. They are genuine people, and Tigra really has no idea what he's talking about.








Ya, this can also touch on the basis of spiritual gifts such as prophecy. Of course, it is not direct revelation from, it a more awareness of your suroundings. Basically, you are told something about a person or place before you really meet them or go there.








Simply put your an idiot, trying to prove something through you "intellect" about something you know nothing about. Considering you've just made a personal judgment against certain people through the eyes of a non-believer after seeing it on tv.------EEls<_ amen! hit the nail on the head.

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This is the worst argument I have ever seen. How many times do i need to tell you, casting aside intellect in a discussion leads to no discussion because you are basing everything on an intrinsic argument that "you have to be a beleiver to know anything". This argument does nothing for anyone except people who already beleive. Universal arguments are what you need, look some up.












Hmm.. I just don't know how to put this, so I'll let the bible say it for me...funny i keep coming back to this same verse.








1st Corinthians 1:18




The message of the cross is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing,




but to those who are saved it is the POWER of God








Let me also say this. I think you people are using the Describable to describe an in-describable God. You are coming up with arguements that keep PROVING 1st Corinthians 1:18.








SO basically ya. You would HAVE TO BE a christian to understand this. I'm sure you may say enough with this "you have to be a christian", which yet again says you do not understand what we are talking about.








How many times must i Say this..




1st Corinthians 1:18




The message of the cross is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing,




but to those who are saved it is the POWER of God..








don't understand what this means..?




Point proven.

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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This is the worst argument I have ever seen. How many times do i need to tell you, casting aside intellect in a discussion leads to no discussion because you are basing everything on an intrinsic argument that "you have to be a beleiver to know anything". This argument does nothing for anyone except people who already beleive. Universal arguments are what you need, look some up.












Hmm.. I just don't know how to put this, so I'll let the bible say it for me...funny i keep coming back to this same verse.








1st Corinthians 1:18




The message of the cross is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing,




but to those who are saved it is the POWER of God











I don't care what the Bible says, it's not an infalliable source. It's words are NOT fact it's opinion. It's opinion has no weight over mine or any better justification to yours. You use it to me like i will say "Oh yes, true" when it's again intrinsic to your beleif.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.








actually if your a "believer" and you have to fake it then you never really owned your religion in the first place.








How can you know if televangelist have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is only for the Believers mate. Yes I understand some of those men/women are just trying to earn/scam people for money. Don't stereotype televangelists.








Corinthians is provable. Quite obvious really. If you don't understand the message of the cross you are perishing. Only doesn't make sense to an unbeliever, and to an unbeliever it is not "provable".

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.








actually if your a "believer" and you have to fake it then you never really owned your religion in the first place.








How can you know if televangelist have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is only for the Believers mate. Yes I understand some of those men/women are just trying to earn/scam people for money. Don't stereotype televangelists.








Corinthians is provable. Quite obvious really. If you don't understand the message of the cross you are perishing. Only doesn't make sense to an unbeliever, and to an unbeliever it is not "provable".








The point is this:








You can't prove I'm perishing.








Go ahead. Try it. I don't FEEL as if I'm perishing...I feel fine, actually! Matter of fact, I think I'd feel like I was perishing if I believed in God. Because God doesn't help people out, and that's the truth.








Two things:








You can't prove I'm perishing without resulting to what the Bible says. The Bible isn't my opinion, it is yours. And you opinion holds NO power over mine. You are not better than me. Go ahead, prove I'm perishing without saying "The Bible says...", betcha' can't do it.








And secondly, yes I said God doesn't help people. He just doesn't. There is a weird thing about God...He only seems to help people that don't TRUELY need help, so long as they believe in him. You could be a well-off, middle class family and not be able to afford a car for your kid, and then randomly win $5,000 on a scratch off ticket and say "Wow! God helped us out!", but then there is still that starving African who wants nothing but a peice of bread and a glass of water.








It's all a roll of the dice, boys and girls. God isn't helping you, he isn't talking to you, and more than likely, he doesn't even exist. If God existed, according to scripture (he loves us all, aye?), noone would suffer as much as they do today. Some babies die before they've even acheived real consciousness of life just because they couldn't get enough nutrients to survive that long, and you spoiled brats are saying "priase the lord!" because you got a car with no down payment. Give me a break.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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This is the worst argument I have ever seen. How many times do i need to tell you, casting aside intellect in a discussion leads to no discussion because you are basing everything on an intrinsic argument that "you have to be a beleiver to know anything". This argument does nothing for anyone except people who already beleive. Universal arguments are what you need, look some up.












Hmm.. I just don't know how to put this, so I'll let the bible say it for me...funny i keep coming back to this same verse.








1st Corinthians 1:18




The message of the cross is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing,




but to those who are saved it is the POWER of God











I don't care what the Bible says, it's not an infalliable source. It's words are NOT fact it's opinion. It's opinion has no weight over mine or any better justification to yours. You use it to me like i will say "Oh yes, true" when it's again intrinsic to your beleif.








Sorry, but the Bible is infallible. The words are God breathed, you know, the very words of God through human writers. If it is opinionated then my religion/belief is in vain, my life is meaning-less, what's the point of following any of the bible if it is all false? Wow, my life is meaning-less, what point is there to life if I have no one to live it for. Ya people, but they will die away. So then if my life is meaning less that means that everyones life has no meaning. What's stopping us from going out and killing and pillaging, raping? Hmm.. Sounds like I'm just an accident from the universe.

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.








actually if your a "believer" and you have to fake it then you never really owned your religion in the first place.












How can you know if televangelist have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is only for the Believers mate. Yes I understand some of those men/women are just trying to earn/scam people for money. Don't stereotype televangelists.








Corinthians is provable. Quite obvious really. If you don't understand the message of the cross you are perishing. Only doesn't make sense to an unbeliever, and to an unbeliever it is not "provable".




We have two choices here:








To experience what you are talking about and follow it blindly.








To stay in the dark about it, and, without any experience, produce an unbiased opinion about this matter.








Bother have their advantages. Both have their faults. Sadly, it's choose one, or choose the other. Personally I'd rather analyze something and not experience it than follow it blindly.








Oh and kudos to you on the total contradiction in the bolded parts.








Sorry, but the Bible is infallible.




Oh [cabbage]. This is going to get bloody.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.








actually if your a "believer" and you have to fake it then you never really owned your religion in the first place.








How can you know if televangelist have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is only for the Believers mate. Yes I understand some of those men/women are just trying to earn/scam people for money. Don't stereotype televangelists.








Corinthians is provable. Quite obvious really. If you don't understand the message of the cross you are perishing. Only doesn't make sense to an unbeliever, and to an unbeliever it is not "provable".








The point is this:








You can't prove I'm perishing.








Go ahead. Try it. I don't FEEL as if I'm perishing...I feel fine, actually! Matter of fact, I think I'd feel like I was perishing if I believed in God. Because God doesn't help people out, and that's the truth.








Two things:








You can't prove I'm perishing without resulting to what the Bible says. The Bible isn't my opinion, it is yours. And you opinion holds NO power over mine. You are not better than me. Go ahead, prove I'm perishing without saying "The Bible says...", betcha' can't do it.








And secondly, yes I said God doesn't help people. He just doesn't. There is a weird thing about God...He only seems to help people that don't TRUELY need help, so long as they believe in him. You could be a well-off, middle class family and not be able to afford a car for your kid, and then randomly win $5,000 on a scratch off ticket and say "Wow! God helped us out!", but then there is still that starving African who wants nothing but a peice of bread and a glass of water.








It's all a roll of the dice, boys and girls. God isn't helping you, he isn't talking to you, and more than likely, he doesn't even exist. If God existed, according to scripture (he loves us all, aye?), noone would suffer as much as they do today. Some babies die before they've even acheived real consciousness of life just because they couldn't get enough nutrients to survive that long, and you spoiled brats are saying "priase the lord!" because you got a car with no down payment. Give me a break.








what a miniscule amount of knowledge you have when it comes to Christianity and the bible. YOU expect God to help you!? I'm amazed God even helps me! The Fact is, we do not deserve anything God gives us! You are over hear saying "wah wah wah God doesn't help me that means he does not exis wah wah" when you should be saying Glory to God for giving me life to live another day. Thank you for allowing me to live in this great country of ours! Notice how your post has an over-arching theme: YOURSELF( man-centered). Thats the problem,and your not alone(EVERYONE)! It is not about you and your life! It is about God. If it was not about God or anything, what does that make life? POINTLESS. I have purpose to Life. To live my life for God.




I don't see how you can act like you understand Christianity/God. He is above you and always will be. You are the Creation not the CREATOR. WHo are you to say He does not exist?WHo am I that I was CHOSEN to be His child? Why are you not saved and yet I am? It falls under a category known as predestination. WHy does God choose bob and not choose betty I don't Know Dueteronomy 29:29 "the secrets of God are for God and God alone". He is a Holy God. We are in a fallen state of sin and uncleanliness. I was purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I am determined to live my life for the Almighty. He can choose whom he wants when he wants. ALL of history is on HIS TIME.








You can't prove I'm perishing without resulting to what the Bible says. The Bible isn't my opinion, it is yours. And you opinion holds NO power over mine. You are not better than me. Go ahead, prove I'm perishing without saying "The Bible says...", betcha' can't do it.








Ok,without the Bible...ok..Die. just die( not in a mean way btw). When you die You will be judged according to your deeds. Two responses from God, "welcome home my good and faithful servant", or "be gone, I do not know you". Where you will be thrown into a lake of fire and brimstone. damned to live all eternity suffering. Cruel? To our fallen minds yes. To a Holy God. Just what we deserve. But I beg of you do not choose that. I honestly hope one day I can call you a brother in Christ!

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Corinthians 1:18 isn't "provable", it's just "obvious" to those who are "saved".








And please, Captian Coward, when you're talking about me, address me.








It's sad that you're siding with someone who believes televangelists actually have anything to do with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't judging anyone based off what I see on TV - I was stating facts about what is on TV.








Guess what? If you're a believer and STILL have to fake it, it's probably because it doesn't exist or isn't on your side if it does.








actually if your a "believer" and you have to fake it then you never really owned your religion in the first place.












How can you know if televangelist have anything to do with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is only for the Believers mate. Yes I understand some of those men/women are just trying to earn/scam people for money. Don't stereotype televangelists.








Corinthians is provable. Quite obvious really. If you don't understand the message of the cross you are perishing. Only doesn't make sense to an unbeliever, and to an unbeliever it is not "provable".




We have two choices here:








To experience what you are talking about and follow it blindly.








To stay in the dark about it, and, without any experience, produce an unbiased opinion about this matter.








Bother have their advantages. Both have their faults. Sadly, it's choose one, or choose the other. Personally I'd rather analyze something and not experience it than follow it blindly.








Oh and kudos to you on the total contradiction in the bolded parts.








Sorry, but the Bible is infallible.




Oh [cabbage]. This is going to get bloody.








Well excuse me. I am just trying to make a point.








Hmm. Not everything will be proven that way, and not everythign will be proven OUR way. I 'm sorry you do not understand this but, I will pray for you and hope that your heart will be be softened By God.

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