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How'd you feel about strenuous walking [Hiking]?


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I've nearly done Silver DOE. Completed Bronze last year. The school which I go to does a Sailing trip up north in the Great Barrier Reef for Gold. Can't wait! :D








And yeah I don't mind a good hike, though after 20km I get a bit pissed, If I'm sore and the end isn't in sight! :lol: And I don't like walking flats. I love good mountain climbs and the trip down! :D

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I've nearly done Silver DOE. Completed Bronze last year. The school which I go to does a Sailing trip up north in the Great Barrier Reef for Gold. Can't wait! :D








And yeah I don't mind a good hike, though after 20km I get a bit pissed, If I'm sore and the end isn't in sight! :lol: And I don't like walking flats. I love good mountain climbs and the trip down! :D








Ha yeah, Wait till the Gold.








It's great fun, 40km over 4 days, Sleeping 3 nights, Sounds pretty daunting carrying all your kit, tent, food, clothes, stove, pans etc..




It's actually not that bad, The hardest part in my eyes is trying to keep the team together, after 4 days with no communication from home or even a shower :uhh: People can get pretty pissed off at each other very often.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Ha yeah, Wait till the Gold.








It's great fun, 40km over 4 days, Sleeping 3 nights, Sounds pretty daunting carrying all your kit, tent, food, clothes, stove, pans etc..




It's actually not that bad, The hardest part in my eyes is trying to keep the team together, after 4 days with no communication from home or even a shower :uhh: People can get pretty pissed off at each other very often.

80K over 4 days with kit isn't much.












The KC is 96K in 39 hours (limit). Granted you don't carry a full kit, but with one, you could easily knock it ove rit 50 hours if you pack right.

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Oh, I almost forgot about the one hiking competition I participated in. We were with a team of four, and it was in the middle of the winter. We were judged both on time and on assignments completed along the way. The first day was 17 km, the second day was 22. The roads were fairly flat (they all are in Holland), but there were a few inches of snow that weren't really helping. Still, we managed to win in our age category (12-15 years) :)

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I love walking places. ^_^ Though, I live in an area where there are no hills/mountains. I usually go out and take a walk around my neighborhood at least once a week. It's fun. ^_^ And it helps me to just clear my mind.








My friends think I'm really weird when they say, "Hey! Lets go see " and I say, "Alright! Lets walk!"

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I love hikiing








When I was 15 I hiked the Philmont Scout trail, a 100+ mile trail and I loved it!








Really wanna hike the appalachian trail








I did Philmont a while back too. Was only about a 55 mile trek, plus side trips, and we never sat down, so it was well over 55 miles total. But 55 miles with a 42 pound pack on my back. We went from around 5,500 ft 11,700 ft in elevation. That was a life changing experience for me. I can honestly say I was a different person, for better or worse, after coming back. You just get a lot of time to think about things while hiking like that, and it introduced thoughts within me that spurred change. The crew had been preparing for over a year, and two weeks before the trek one of the guys dropped out, and I had an opportunity to get in on it, and I literally had 5 days to prepare myself, mentally and physically, for this trip.








I hiked around here (the Sierras) with a buddy and did some backpacking in the wilderness. We found a map, had it all planned out, and started hiking... We got to the top of the mountain range, and on the other side of the mountain the trail had not been maintained, so we were just about winging it, with only a map and compass for a few miles. We hiked from about 5,500 ft to about 8,900 ft over a couple of days. I think it was about a 20 mile trek.








Those are the only big trips I've done, backpacking at least. I've done TONS of day hiking, all over the world. One of the more memorable hikes I've had was when I was quite a bit younger, we went to Angel Falls in Venezuela (tallest waterfall in the world). It was a 6 hour ride in a hollowed-out log boat with a weak engine going upstream. Of course, we had to go in the rainy season otherwise the waterfall isn't flowing, so it was raining the whole time. Then there was a couple hour hike through the jungle to get to the base of the waterfall, and it was awesome.








I've hiked the Narrows as someone else did, but it was raining and due to the danger of flash-floods, I couldn't hike the whole way. In Yosemite, I've hiked to the top of many of the waterfalls, but not half-dome or El Capitan just yet. It's on the list. I'm also trying to get a Grand Canyon hike planned. I'm going to Hawaii soon and want to do a lot of hiking there.

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Hiking rocks. It's a) a good way to keep in shape, B) gtes you out in fresh air, seeing what little is left of nature, and c)it's fun! That's why I'm in Scouts. I picked 225, a high adventure troop, and I hike with them a lot, in addition to the occaisonal hike by myself or with family and friends.

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One of the more memorable hikes I've had was when I was quite a bit younger, we went to Angel Falls in Venezuela (tallest waterfall in the world). It was a 6 hour ride in a hollowed-out log boat with a weak engine going upstream. Of course, we had to go in the rainy season otherwise the waterfall isn't flowing, so it was raining the whole time.








Wow... Did you fly into Caracas originally? I have a good friend from Aruba that I have actually visited down there and we had kicked around going to Venezuela to see Angel Falls but from the sound of things Caracas is nuts. He was saying I would have to buy really crummy clothes so I wouldn't get attacked. I was like umm... no thanks... I'd love to do the hike but I don't feel like dying...








'm also trying to get a Grand Canyon hike planned.




I whitewater rafted down the lower portion of the Grand Canyon... Sadly that is the tamer section. All the trips down the good part were reserved. We did some side hikes. It was cool but you don't get a feel for how deep in the canyon you are because you can't see the top. I personally thought the feel of the narrows was cooler experience. Plus summertime in the Grand Canyon is HOT! You jump in the Colorado River to cool off and then realize you are COLD! I actually goofed around on some quicksand and got stuck on the bank of the Colorado hehe. I was about 14 at the time and my dad had to come pull me out.

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Woop, Well.. Next years summer holiday anyway.








My friend moved out there a few months back and has invited me out to go skiing, free climbing and hiking.








Can't wait! But it's ages away.








Also going to buy some Scarpa M4s within the next week or two, So all is going well.








We have some very experienced hikers in the Tip.it world :shock:

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I love it, but I have to prepare myself a bit. A good example of this was in the Saguaro Nation Forest in Arizona, which is basically hilly, dry terrain, and a ton of cacti. (Ooohhhh... politically correct! I rock...) But since I was just out there visiting relatives, I didn't really PLAN for a hike. So my, with my whiny little sisters, and a boiling can of orange soda, didn't last too long. :D But otherwise, its fun. Ever climb Rib Mountain, in Wasau, Wisconsin? Its not too hard, but beautiful scenary. I've done that one many times, on the way home from my grandparent's house.

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One of the more memorable hikes I've had was when I was quite a bit younger, we went to Angel Falls in Venezuela (tallest waterfall in the world). It was a 6 hour ride in a hollowed-out log boat with a weak engine going upstream. Of course, we had to go in the rainy season otherwise the waterfall isn't flowing, so it was raining the whole time.








Wow... Did you fly into Caracas originally? I have a good friend from Aruba that I have actually visited down there and we had kicked around going to Venezuela to see Angel Falls but from the sound of things Caracas is nuts. He was saying I would have to buy really crummy clothes so I wouldn't get attacked. I was like umm... no thanks... I'd love to do the hike but I don't feel like dying...








This was about 10 years ago. Yes, we flew to Caracas. We knew some people who lived there, so we stayed with them, and they were locals so they more or less knew the way of things. Here's how I saw it at that age: We had been flying for the greater part of 12 hours throughout the day, and it's late at night local time, and we arrive at the apartment complex, and there's three sets of heavily locked gates: One at the parking lot, one to get inside, and another at the door. It was a bit discouraging. We managed to fly out of there to Canima and that's where the less industrialized part of the country is, and it was quite a bit safer by those regards, and that was more or less the center of the jungle travels. I wouldn't even think about going there today, especially with an American passport and the tension between our countries.

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I'll walk for a couple of things and enjoy it. I'll walk for a good photo, I would walk for hours if I knew I'd be guaranteed a good shot with nice light. I also walk for a long time for golf, I will be taking up climbing soon (bouldering - I have a fear of heights. Please don't laugh) And should I ever conquer my fear of heights, I might climb a small mountain in Scotland with a tent, and a laptop and my camera. So I enjoy walking if it's for a reason, walking for the sake of walking isn't my idea of fun. :P

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