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What Is Your Stand On Rares?


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Rares are not worth buying. Period. If you can afford a rare you could actually make money faster then rares going up by actually using it. With rares you often worry about dying with them which is definately not good. They have no stats and if you just buy one to show off.. :shame:


814 to 99 Hunter

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Total Barrows Items: 53

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Rares are Ridiculous.




They are getting way too expensive and soon no one will be able to afford one. They say people have them as an investment, but seriously, if you sold one now for 200+ million, you would be set for the rest of your Runescape Life.




I don't see the point in having hundreds of millions of dollars.


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Rares are Ridiculous.




They are getting way too expensive and soon no one will be able to afford one. They say people have them as an investment, but seriously, if you sold one now for 200+ million, you would be set for the rest of your Runescape Life.




I don't see the point in having hundreds of millions of dollars.




i agree with you there the tool of the merchander you only have to look at party crackers 800m for just one who can realistically afford one personally i would sooner use the money on skills i am more impressed to see a player wearing a skill cape rather than a party hat

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Rares are Ridiculous.




They are getting way too expensive and soon no one will be able to afford one. They say people have them as an investment, but seriously, if you sold one now for 200+ million, you would be set for the rest of your Runescape Life.




I don't see the point in having hundreds of millions of dollars.




i agree with you there the tool of the merchander you only have to look at party crackers 800m for just one who can realistically afford one personally i would sooner use the money on skills i am more impressed to see a player wearing a skill cape rather than a party hat








1. I can prove you wrong. I went from 40m cash (took months and months and months to get) to about....165m in less than 2 weeks of moderate playing. It IS and always will be POSSIBLE to get them. And it is not like most people just jump to a partyhat. It takes time.








2. Most people think having money, looking pretty cool (wouldn't it be nice to afford full dragon to walk around in?), and easy skilling makes the game fun.








3. It is a personal preference.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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There is no use in a (real life)diamond ring (a diamond yes, a diamond ring no) yet they are incredibly valuable, same goes for the rares in Runescape. As far as im concerned if i ever get the money to buy a rare it will be as an investment not something for show.

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I think rares are worth waaaaay to much money, and they lead to too much scamming and luring, which is really nasty. Yes, I have a santa (which I bought for 300k and have NO intension of selling), and I love it, but i'm too scared to take it out of bank incase I get scammed, die or hacked. But meh that's just me, and I guess something has to be rare and worth alot of money.

Runescape player since 6th November, 2003




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I stand in the same place as jagex....




There meant to show how long you've been playing, there not meant to be worh 150m or however much.








if your getting one, i think you should get a santa or a green mask, cheap (compared to others) but look freakin awesome.













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i personally have 5 partyhats right now <3:




but i never wear them..








i only have them as investments and money making tools.




they are not very good looking in my opinion.




and if you have a choice to have 1 rare and 0gp for skills..




or 200+ mill for skills... i would choose skills.








but since i can afford both , i keep a few partyhats banked :thumbsup:



1103'rd to 99 crafting

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I agree with icecube in that I'd rather a useless item be overly expensive than a useful piece of armour or so (bar 3rd age).




If I had LOADS of spare cash I might consider but I'm not even spending money on Cons which is useful, let alone something rare :P


99: Agility 28/12/14|Thieving 20/03/15

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When phats used to be only around 20M, I think it was alright to buy them. But I remember when I had my white phat, I looked at cavaliers and thought, gee those look better lol.








But right now, getting a purp phat would take me like a month, nty. I prefer having like all the buying skills at 99 instead :lol:

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People that buy i would say a good 90% dont do for looks (personal)








I myself have had all rares but party hat.








If i had enough for one i would not buy.








because if i was able to get enough,








for a party hat, I would know i would not,








Have to keep a rare, to make more








money. Because i would have 100mil+

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i guess you have to think..what would runescape be like without rares?




better or worse..if better than rares are bad but if they are better for the economy then doubtless rares are good :P


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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seeing as that 50 sets of hats and hundreds of santas have been lost due to jagex recently banning serveral of my staking buddies ( Raven588, Fubupower, Bogdan2222, Scotwilson1) i think jagex is trying to rid/discurage players of staking high with rares

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i hate noobs who have terrible stats, but they are ridiculously rich due to collecting worthless pieces of paper jagex gave out years ago. And now they stopped giving out tradeble holiday items, so theres no hope for me getting rich by sitting around being a noob for 3 years.

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my view is theyre pretty pointless, but the economy needs them.
















if jagex made all rares untrdabale (p hats etc), things which cost alot, and are rare-ish would become uber expensive.








say masks, santas and p hats were made untradable, things like barrows items and drag chain would become close to rare's and the prices would go thorough the roof

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-gets past gp limit




-prices (generally) go up




-great for vacations




-makes staking fun




















-supid people who showboat and actually wear them (and later complain about how they lost them by alching/death)




-dup scares




-costs a lot of money, which leaves little gp and bank value




-untradeable possibility












Here's what I plan to do with rares:








1)Sell 90% of my bank items for maximun cash stock




2) train profitable skills (mainly runecrafting, but some woodcutting, mining, smithing, farming)




3)train skills that don't affect your cash stock (mainly agility, theiving, and hunter, but some mining, woodcutting, fishing)




4)take an rs break




5)sell rares, spend a good chunk of cash on expensive skills (namely construction, herblore, farming, crafting, firemaking)












You may note that I don't mention any combat. That's just me. Its not that I dislike combat, it just that some of my best friends and idols (ya, that's you, swamp) stick to skills and know how to train them like no other.








I haven't tried this out in its entirety, but I plan to do so after my current goal of 99 fm.








I also find rare merchanting to be decent cash.

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