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I was the 50th person to create an account for RS.








Are you serious?












Yes completely serious. I am about 99.9% certain that I am the longest playing rs player on these forums besides lightning. I am in posession of a list of the first 2k players in which a few of my other friends who started playing at the time are also on.








This username was the first account I created for RS but a few days later I created the character which I still use today. However that username for this forum was taken quite long ago im afraid.








I was a senior in high school when I first started playing runescape. I have since been through 5 years of university, graduated and have been in the real world since June. I dont know specific dates of the first day I played, usually people dont keep records of those sort of things.








That is really, really cool, in my opinion. Gah, I must go and read the new Postbag from the Hedge!

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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Like TrixStar, I have also reset my recov questions on my main quite a few times, but luckily for me, I found a screeny of when I logged onto rs2 on one of my old rs1 pures. :D








I had saved it because I didn't log onto him for over 400 days, and I thought it was a funny screeny. Yay. \:D/








This counts, right? :P


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I was the 50th person to create an account for RS.








Are you serious?












Yes completely serious. I am about 99.9% certain that I am the longest playing rs player on these forums besides lightning. I am in posession of a list of the first 2k players in which a few of my other friends who started playing at the time are also on.








This username was the first account I created for RS but a few days later I created the character which I still use today. However that username for this forum was taken quite long ago im afraid.








I was a senior in high school when I first started playing runescape. I have since been through 5 years of university, graduated and have been in the real world since June. I dont know specific dates of the first day I played, usually people dont keep records of those sort of things.








Don't forget Gugge, at least :P if gower's are still registered here they would be counted too

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This isn't my main. I recently changed the recovery questions on my main...








I also have a fairly old joining date for these forums.
















Apparently there's something about this join date, and it doesn't mean much.








But I still have a scythe..

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I started in August 2005, and A Zombie head is my only proof of that.




I set my recoveries on... July 4th, 2005, the day the SOS came out.


8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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Moderator also made a small quest in runescape, I wonder if you can work out which of those quests it was :) not that i will reveal which quest it is as i believe his name may still maybe on jagex website. That will be up to him if he wants to reveal that information ;)











It was Romeo and Julia he made? atleast website said "thanks Rab" :P








As you can guess, that is only the note of support :P guess again








Hehe Thehate :P








I messed up :)




He did do that quest but the one i was thinking of was abit later on. So it was two quests.




*note* to thehate, i told you my memory is bad :P








last guess...quote from my archives:











28th-Feb - Yet another new quest, and new options menu




Prince Ali of Al Kharid is being held captive by the Lady Keli. If you think you're up to a daring rescue mission then go to Al Kharid and talk to Chancellor Hassan. This is a long quest with many parts! Many thanks to Rab for the many hours he spent creating it

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I have a sythce and bunny ears aswell...but I do remember when lightning and i think robin hood had a fight and one of them switched to non pk. And of course the creation of fally,members, removal then reinstatement of herblore lol. Good times

I Quit. You should too.

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I have a sythce and bunny ears aswell...but I do remember when lightning and i think robin hood had a fight and one of them switched to non pk. And of course the creation of fally,members, removal then reinstatement of herblore lol. Good times








Interesting...I remember when i saw robin hood training in varrock sewer ghosts all time, i started call him as "sewer rat"

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Eh.. I've got a 9 hits account, and my main's last recoveries were set in '05, since I was paranoid about getting hacked. I played since before the scythe and bunny ears, but I couldn't figure out where the scythe got dropped. I thought they meant it literally.










The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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I have a sythce and bunny ears aswell...but I do remember when lightning and i think robin hood had a fight and one of them switched to non pk. And of course the creation of fally,members, removal then reinstatement of herblore lol. Good times








Interesting...I remember when i saw robin hood training in varrock sewer ghosts all time, i started call him as "sewer rat"








LMAO at sewer rat, not the word the old wanderers used for him ;) Robin and I had many fights some lasted for weeks, one particular one i remember lasted 3 weeks, where i constantly hunted him all over rs so he couldnt get peace to train, after a serious bust up with him and he nearly quit rs over it. If i wasn't hunting him someone from the wanderers was back then and we use to sit around waiting for him to log in, back when there was only one to two servers then. Fun days and wasn't much for us to do back then. Pking was very evil for miners and smithers as well.








And yes Tres you was right on quest.

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I probably haven't explained this in a few years, had a character started around dragon slayer (found on download.com haha) named lord cky for anyone who remembers. Played way too much, got number 1 herb, decided to quit. One night in late 2002 i daydreamed about a new prayer beast, i d r. Rest is history. I am not very active in the community anymore.

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I properlly started playing Early 2002/Late 2001 but I had played before, no idea what date it was I played before but I remember walking around, dying to a goblin and qutting :(








The first day "proper" I remember I cut logs and sold them to the general store and made 100gp, I was happy :D








The easter drop I got 3 eggs and sold them for 15k :D (5k ea) was thrilled :D
















Earliest picture I have... Have older ones on Boomspeed but they're stupid and have closed all free accounts, can recover your stuff for just $25!!! I know some of the pics I had from then dated Early 2002 :)

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it's weird that so many of us old schoolers set our recov questions in late febuary 2002... a nd darkdude weren't you a veteran on the gamefaqs forums?!? I still remember the days back with jet0r =p

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I'v been playing for a long time now, but my recovery questing is not that old. Its actually not very smart to keep it the same, more likely that it will be hacked. You should change it every year or so. Anyways, I'v never gotten any of the holiday drops because I was too much of a new player to know to get them.

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The 27/28 feb 2002 status is a glitch, how do you think somany people have the same,i have it to. I know someone who started in 03' and also has it.


Anyway the pictures :










One of my noob accounts, 9 HP + cool name :P.

Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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How'd you get 9 hp? o.O




I'd take a screenie of my recovery questions thing but I'm too lazy. Also got a scythe and bunny ears.


Fun with paint.


Drink night cough medicine, take pills for sleeping, or just start playing with your Pokeman balls! In your Gameboy SP that is. =P~
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I started Muscular Ape in August 2003 however my first accounts were in 2002 :P




But to be honest, I really don't feel like I need to prove myself. If you don't beleive me, why do I care? :?




Proof is kind of hard too - I guess a few things is my rsc stats and also the fact I have a scythe etc.




As for the recovery questions, hate to rain (sp in this context?) on your parade, but on what the above said, it's true - that is a glitch that occured for changes before AND after that time.




*EDIT* I too have a 9hp acc called "Muscula Ape" - had to do with transferring from rsc :)

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Everyone can make account in the early days of this decade, but I also had stats....








Note the carpentery still at the list.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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