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Tip.It Times Presents: The Good, The Bad and the...


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What are you talking about? The reason we "rant" (as you probably would say) is because we care about Runescape. Most of us (the now 20years old + players) have been playing Runescape since 2001 or early 2002. We have invested tons of hours into this game, and rather than just quit we want to tell whats going on so it could be changed to the better of the game.








Quitting is just the same as saying, "I lost". And trust me we don't want to loose. We want to change the game for the better. Because we care about it.












Sorry, didn't make my point too clear it seems. I have no problem with people wanting change - thats only natural after playing the game for such a long time - what grinds my gears is people who demand change or expect Jagex to pander to their every whim. People like yourself who tell whats going on and their points against it are perfectly fine, its the ones who feel Jagex owes them something that irritate me.

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What are you talking about? The reason we "rant" (as you probably would say) is because we care about Runescape. Most of us (the now 20years old + players) have been playing Runescape since 2001 or early 2002. We have invested tons of hours into this game, and rather than just quit we want to tell whats going on so it could be changed to the better of the game.








Quitting is just the same as saying, "I lost". And trust me we don't want to loose. We want to change the game for the better. Because we care about it.












Sorry, didn't make my point too clear it seems. I have no problem with people wanting change - thats only natural after playing the game for such a long time - what grinds my gears is people who demand change or expect Jagex to pander to their every whim. People like yourself who tell whats going on and their points against it are perfectly fine, its the ones who feel Jagex owes them something that irritate me.








You are right. But I think this article is quite good in its criticism. It doesn't give me the "omfg i wan teh updates pl0x!!!" feeling, but just constructive criticism. Criticism that is needed, in my opinion.




The editor is absolutely right about the fact that Jagex is aiming more and more on younger players. Something that can be quite frustrating for the older and more mature people. I hate it when Jagex parents us players around. They even have a "parents guide" on their website, I think it's a disgrace.




Jagex should keep Runescape a game, and not let it become a social institution.








Wonderful written article. I agree with every aspect in it.

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EXACTLY! The owners of JaGEX STILL want RS to be "their" game, and it is killing Runescape. Does anyone remember when the game could actually fit into the set perimeters of the 13+ age limit? Maybe, ohh, back before tutorial island, before the lumby guides, before the coddling and babying of new players..... The whole "idea" of an MMORPG IS exploration, learning from your adventures and talking with other players. I do admit the general player community is somewhat...less than friendly...but JaGEx has taken out all the risk, all the danger, indeed, all the fun. I would honestly rather die in the desert and lose all my newbie gear(when i was that new), than be able to drop it all, and recieve half of it back for free from various 'net' npcs... I would rather learn the hard way about scammers, when i was still only selling rune and addy, than gradually be built up with a " :-s " viewpoint, that they really weren't that big of a problem...then BAM!...Sell a whip for 17504 gp...








I guess i've been rambling, but i have strong views on these issues...actually, i'm kinda surprised that i still have no blackmarks...maybe I'm just lucky.... -.-












The status of almost all players on the RSOF Rant Forum-----> :-#

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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ah... Don't you get it yet? JaGeX is only a puppet. He was hired by Them to make sure that RuneScape works and gets updated weekly. I doubt that JaGeX knows where to find Them, and I am almost sure tyhat they are beyond RuneScape.




If we want to get to the bottom of this we nned to get more info. Maybe hacking into the main abbyssal drive of RuneScape would help... Of course it is located in JaGeXtowers and rumours say that they are heavily protected and located somewhere in the poisonous wastes.








On the other hand i kind of liked the article. I agree with it, but i disagree that RuneSCape is dying...No..... i wish taht would eb true.... IT IS GROWING!!!! SOON THE WORLD OF RUNESCAPE WILL BE BIGGER THEN ANY OTHER WORLD EVEN TEH REALM OF WARCRAFT WILL KNEEL UPON THEIR NEW MASTERS!!!!

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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I really resent the fact that I have to go through the whole dialogue about how dangerous the desert is, do I really want to go there, and here's my disclaimer, every single time I go through there. Which has been fairly often of late.








I also wish they would fix that. I always go into the desert to switch my magic from normal to ancient. I am finding that i constantly need to sit through the whole dialoge. I was happy when they finnaly updated the magic carpet to travel it faster but thats not enough.








Now on to my point.




Jagex, yes, has made some bad choices here. And yes we can't do anything about it because it is a private company. And yes again they don't have to listen to a word we say.








Let me point an example out to you. Here im going to be using a tv show. Now when that tv show is released the producers of that show look at the rating to see how good the show is doing. They check the fan bases and if its good decide to make an (x) amount of seasons. And as every good show comes to an end the amount of fan bases and and support for the merchandise controls how many seasons the show will get. Now the producers can choose to ignore sales on this merchandise. and just releasing merchandice that nobody likes and lose money. Or they can correct the problem and have a richer company with more supporters.








Now i know that only a very small amount of people will quit for not being able to use swiftswitch. Or any other third party software. In the long run if Jagex continues to ignore it players they will end up with a hollow and terrible base for they're game.








I see terrible things in the future...

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I agree with the part in the article about Luring. As I am one of the players using outside sources to..well..lets not go into it.








With the stat sigs taking up bandwidth. It is JaGeX' bandwidth. Not yours. They have every right to say what can use it. They pay for it. So they decide what uses it.








With the babying of players, I agree. "We have to have all these warnings." "Hey! Since we have all these warnings, why do we need to punish people any more?" "Say, that is a bright Idea!"








Next thing you know, item scamming will be legal because of all the warnings they have. "We can't punish our gamers, we will lose money if we do." I have seen recently that JaGeX really cares about the statistics of how many new members sign up every day.








You know, there is a Guide to Runescape book by Tracey West, she had the help of Andrew and Paul to say that Runescape is a family safe enviroment. Well, with what has been going on, I would disagree with that. Even Dr. Simon Bradford and Nic Crowe who wrote this article (See URL)Runescape Article Have been interviewed on Radio 4 about Runescape, and Dr. Bradford mentioned Luring. Radio 4 Interview








I have contacted Dr. Bradford with that issue and he brought it up on that radio program.








Maybe JaGeX heard and are thinking about changing they're minds. Or maybe they are going to stand firm, and ignore it.








Only time will tell.








Edit: With the 3rd party sofware being illegal. JaGeX should support it..not make it illegal because one of their players thought of it first and developed it first.

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jagex should read this cause it voices everyones concerns (at least, it voices mine) in a civilized manner, instead of the continued rants on their forums that just get locked and hidden anyway. maybe if they read it they would realize what everyone is really ranting about




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If you want an example of just how Jagex try to block anything which might actually kick-start some anger, see this piccy. BTW, I didn't go all the way to Page 50 on the rants forum to get this... this was the first page. Half the page was covered in locked threads, half of those didn't actually break a rule... they were locked without a reasoning:








Jagex... Censored? Surely not...











I got an even better censoring but not with locked threads, theyre all hidden. i dont even know what they were about, i just found them one day








Hidden for What?




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I totaly agree with this article, Jagex are becoming more and more opressive and idle. They release second-rate updates when they should be focusing on the old ideas of the game that could do so much with an update.








I would, personally, rather see a whole new update in the general graphics of the game rather than see, once again, another Quest that is not upto scratch.








A much needed update of Runescape is how the people at Jagex Towers think. I'm a young player, only 13, but i still find the increased dumbing down of the game annoying and frustrating. Most updates are aimed at 9- 10 year olds; when the minimum age limit for the game itself is 13.








Hopefully in the future Jagex will come up with useful updates.

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If you want an example of just how Jagex try to block anything which might actually kick-start some anger, see this piccy. BTW, I didn't go all the way to Page 50 on the rants forum to get this... this was the first page. Half the page was covered in locked threads, half of those didn't actually break a rule... they were locked without a reasoning:








Jagex... Censored? Surely not...











I got an even better censoring but not with locked threads, theyre all hidden. i dont even know what they were about, i just found them one day








Hidden for What?








I'm guessing it was for mass spamming. Having a bunch of threads and they all say the same thing and are usually bad.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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Maybe so us older players don't feel treated like children so much, Jagex could create one or two special 13+, 16+, or 18+ worlds where the rules regarding swearing would be a bit mor relaxed. Or how the game kind of holds your hand to make sure you're safe kind of thing.


Xbox Live Username: ILINI

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Well, as I've read through these 4 pages, I've seen basically two main people with strong valid points: Ginger Warrior and Baron8000. And Baron, I agree with Ginger more.








Baron, you do come up with a ton of good points. I think that the main reason people are annoyed is because Jagex is trying to have too much control. While Jagex does have complete right and control over the game, most players feel they are taking advantage of this. Like I said before, Jagex is making the game they want it to be, not the way we (the players) want it to be. While Jagex is not obligated for any reason to do whatever we want, I think it would be in their best interest to.








I remember reading through the archives of the Tip.It news and reading how the person who wrote it met up with Andrew in game, who was wearing the first set of full addy and rune 2h I think. This is of course no longer the case. The only interacting that I know about between Tip.It and Jagex recently was when Jagex threatened Tip.It with legal action because of the one controversial Times. I think that Jagex should be more supportive of rule-abiding fansites, rather than trying to shun us away from them. With the addition of the RuneScape knowledge base, banning clients, banning certain signatures for other forums, and the like, they sure aren't respectful of the work that fansites like this are trying to do. They just up and put SwiftSwitch illegal for example, without telling Strider first. Now that poor guy who doesn't even play anymore is trying to make us and Jagex happy. It isn't fair.








The reason that most people haven't quit is because they don't want to. Sure I don't really like what Jagex is doing (big understatement) but that doesn't mean I'm just going to up and quit. I don't know what I'd do in my spare time. Personally I'd rather play a game with a bunch of narrow-minded founders than watch cable TV. So while Jagex is trying to keep control, more people will become unhappy. Can you imagine if the relationship between Jagex and it's paying customers was actually good for the most part, rather than bad? I sure can't.








Jagex is just digging their own grave. I remember when there used to be tons more worlds coming out each month. This increase of players is no longer happening. Sure according to Wikipedia the increase of players is still raising, but on a graph it would be leveling out. I wouldn't be surprised if more mature players started quitting after finally being fed up. This would make the game more full of kiddies who would annoy the rest of the mature players who didn't quit already. Jagex would be stuck with more people sending in stupid querys and ban appeals, wasting resources back in the UK. This would lead to Jagex trying to get more control. I see a big bad cycle starting, and by the way things are going, nothing is changing for the better.








Your end is coming sooner and sooner Jagex. I know that you're trying to make things better, but how can you keep turning a blind eye to all this? I along with many people are fed up, and I haven't even been playing that long and I can still figure it out.








Supply and demand. Us RuneScape players 'demand' a good, fun, creative and mature game. You 'supply' us with a dumbed-down, toddler-aimed game that shuns good things like SwiftSwitch, other fansites and probably even these forums, where people can post ideas that your forum mods would lock instantly.








Please let your baby go, she's all grown up.


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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Well, as I've read through these 4 pages, I've seen basically two main people with strong valid points: Ginger Warrior and Baron8000. And Baron, I agree with Ginger more.








Baron, you do come up with a ton of good points. I think that the main reason people are annoyed is because Jagex is trying to have too much control. While Jagex does have complete right and control over the game, most players feel they are taking advantage of this. Like I said before, Jagex is making the game they want it to be, not the way we (the players) want it to be. While Jagex is not obligated for any reason to do whatever we want, I think it would be in their best interest to.








I remember reading through the archives of the Tip.It news and reading how the person who wrote it met up with Andrew in game, who was wearing the first set of full addy and rune 2h I think. This is of course no longer the case. The only interacting that I know about between Tip.It and Jagex recently was when Jagex threatened Tip.It with legal action because of the one controversial Times. I think that Jagex should be more supportive of rule-abiding fansites, rather than trying to shun us away from them. With the addition of the RuneScape knowledge base, banning clients, banning certain signatures for other forums, and the like, they sure aren't respectful of the work that fansites like this are trying to do. They just up and put SwiftSwitch illegal for example, without telling Strider first. Now that poor guy who doesn't even play anymore is trying to make us and Jagex happy. It isn't fair.








The reason that most people haven't quit is because they don't want to. Sure I don't really like what Jagex is doing (big understatement) but that doesn't mean I'm just going to up and quit. I don't know what I'd do in my spare time. Personally I'd rather play a game with a bunch of narrow-minded founders than watch cable TV. So while Jagex is trying to keep control, more people will become unhappy. Can you imagine if the relationship between Jagex and it's paying customers was actually good for the most part, rather than bad? I sure can't.








Jagex is just digging their own grave. I remember when there used to be tons more worlds coming out each month. This increase of players is no longer happening. Sure according to Wikipedia the increase of players is still raising, but on a graph it would be leveling out. I wouldn't be surprised if more mature players started quitting after finally being fed up. This would make the game more full of kiddies who would annoy the rest of the mature players who didn't quit already. Jagex would be stuck with more people sending in stupid querys and ban appeals, wasting resources back in the UK. This would lead to Jagex trying to get more control. I see a big bad cycle starting, and by the way things are going, nothing is changing for the better.








Your end is coming sooner and sooner Jagex. I know that you're trying to make things better, but how can you keep turning a blind eye to all this? I along with many people are fed up, and I haven't even been playing that long and I can still figure it out.








Supply and demand. Us RuneScape players 'demand' a good, fun, creative and mature game. You 'supply' us with a dumbed-down, toddler-aimed game that shuns good things like SwiftSwitch, other fansites and probably even these forums, where people can post ideas that your forum mods would lock instantly.








Please let your baby go, she's all grown up.








That is a fantastic and perfect analysis of the problems with RS, Jagex and fansites right now. I don't think I could have put that better myself. Great post!








Baron I understand that Jagex are under no obligation to listen to us, but it's fast becoming the case where they have two choices:








1) They can choose to ignore the very intelligent and cleverly-run fansites, such as Tip.It, which have given soooo much to the development of this game, and ultimately pay the high price of having a game full of little, inarticulate kiddies who will whine and moan and, in general, drag the game down to its very sorry and painful demise.








2) They can choose to listen to us more and perhaps give fansites such as Tip.It and RuneHQ a bit more of a say in how updates should be made. We're not asking for power. I'm not saying we should have powers to veto updates, rewrite rules or anything like that (hell no!). But I think Tip.It should act more as a consultative body for the games designers to refer to, and check for suggestions.








I think RS really does stand on a fault line. It's become the time where, because Jagex has failed to make its mind up yet regarding its target audience, there is a massive confrontation between the older, experienced players (who yearn for some updates their way); and the younger newbies (who seem to have all the updates going their way). Many of the older players, who have valuable suggestions that really oughta be milked for all their worth, are just being alienated by Jagex's stance of releasing as many updates as possible to keep the younger ones happy, and the older players shut up. Jagex really needs to make its mind up if it doesn't want to lose the support of these players.








And then there's the issue of fansites. I tell you, Kiara Kat, if I were you; I'd be feeling a massive kick in the teeth right now! The amount of work that you, and the staff here at Tip.It (and the same on other fansites like RuneHQ) have done to help the game along is immense, and yet Jagex seem fit to just shove it right back in your face, and threaten you with a court case! I have a felling Jagex won't be too impressed with this article either, but they really need to stop being so overprotective about their image, and just accept criticism! A game without fansites, or fanbases at least, just cannot exist. Because their fans are in the unknown and just get bored and leave. If Jagex want to get rid of fansites, then they really must be prepared to suffer a big recession in terms of gameplay and interest in RS.








Baron, I understand that the best way to help RS is to help Jagex. But we've tried that, and it's not working because Jagex aren't listening to us. And this shows when Jagex threatened Tip.It with a legal case. I don't hate RS, hence why I still play RS, and I've no intentions to quit anytime soon. But there comes a point where you have to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, and that's when people simply aren't listening. I think now is the time for people that disagree with how RS is being run, to argue against Jagex and stop being so conservative. That's why I would say if you don't agree with what how Jagex is dumbing down RS then you need to make your voices heard, instead of hiding behind the excuse of "they have no obligation to".

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are you gonna start a protest or something ginger?








No, I don't have the time nor the desire to. I love RS, starting a protest would only give the impression amongst noobs that I got banned and am very angry and just trying to lash back or something wholly naÃÆÃâÃâïve like that.








All that I would urge is for people, if they feel that Jagex are misguided, actually say so, instead of hiding behind the excuse that they don't have to do anything if they don't want to. That's like saying the federal government of America didn't have to do anything in the Civil Rights Movement (which they didn't - they weren't bound to by law) of the mid-20th Century. Don't underestimate your consumer power...

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Killordie that is one of the most intelligent and well thought out posts I have seen on Tip.it for a while.








I don't have a desire to sit here and say how much Rs, or tip.it for that matter, has changed in the 5+ years I've played except that I'm going to keep on playing. Why? Well I'm hooked, I've spent too long pouring hours into the game just to give it up over one little update...








But it's not just one little update, it's change after change that's getting annoy but Jagex know I'm not going to leave and can do whatever the hell they like. This probably applies for a great majority of players - and the new ones won't know the game before certain changes.








It's a win-win situation for Jagex.








Keep writing articles such as this one, it seems to be provoking some real discussion on the boards instead of pointless babble. Kudos to the editor.

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I HOPE!!!!!!!!!

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are you gonna start a protest or something ginger?








I don't think that would be a good idea. Random people would come in and start saying stupid things and spamming alot. Making the protesters look like idiots. The only reason JaGeX changed Rule 7 (Now they changed it back.) was because the protests spilled over into F2P.








Alot of players who are fed up with this are using alternite resources. I already know we cannot suggest anything that prevents luring from happening in the suggestions forum. (I would know..they perm banned me from them.) We have been contacting various groups of people whom would be interested in this subject. There are people who are members of Non Runescape Related websites that are publishing articles about this.








The only way around this situation is through outside resources. That is the only alternative I can see.








(Lol, Ginger, I just saw someone with a username of Ginger Hero. Lol)

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Well, this is all good and true. But don't forget that if people weren't so pathetically helpless that they need everything laid out on front of them, Jagex wouldn't have to do this.








The only true problem that Jagex is making (in my eyes) is that they refuse to admit their mistakes and fix them. When all of this rubbish came out with banning SwiftSwitch, they could have done so many things to remedy the situation, but instead they just kept on with their tyrannical rants about how every third party client for Runescape was just some ploy to steal your account. And how they should not be trusted. In all reality, I have come across maybe one or two malicious clients in all my time playing Runescape. (Ok, not very long, but still.) If Jagex would take the time to actually fix their own website, then maybe would people would use their website, see their ads, and play their game. But, they instead just take the focus on their own faults and focus it on someone else's product.








And now this month with the whole bandwith stealing issue. Yes, Jagex should not have to pay to support forum signatures, but they didnt have to ruin them either. They could have made a simple feed that would make everyone happy. Although, it has become quite apparent that the Runescape we knew and loved is not the Runescape the Gower's wanted. They are not required by any means to cater to their consumers. It seems that they are just waiting for the right kind of consumer for their product, even if it does change Runescape into a daycare.

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That is a fantastic and perfect analysis of the problems with RS, Jagex and fansites right now. I don't think I could have put that better myself. Great post!








Killordie that is one of the most intelligent and well thought out posts I have seen on Tip.it for a while.








I must say I am honoured.















I think RS really does stand on a fault line. It's become the time where, because Jagex has failed to make its mind up yet regarding its target audience, there is a massive confrontation between the older, experienced players (who yearn for some updates their way); and the younger newbies (who seem to have all the updates going their way)ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ.








ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæBut there comes a point where you have to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, and that's when people simply aren't listening. I think now is the time for people that disagree with how RS is being run, to argue against Jagex and stop being so conservative.








IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve actually really thought of making an official post on these forums, RSC, and even the official Runescape forums. I hope that it wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be locked, as I sort of like having a clean forum account. To me it seems that there is so many people with the same opinion, and if I took action, someone at Jagex would have to stumble across my post sooner or later. Would they like to see that tons (I canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t even guess a number) of paying members are sick of what theyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re pulling off? No.












I'm going to keep on playing. Why? Well I'm hooked, I've spent too long pouring hours into the game just to give it up over one little update...








But it's not just one little update, it's change after change that's getting annoy but Jagex know I'm not going to leave and can do whatever the hell they like.








I agree here, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m hooked as well, though I imagine I could be just as satisfied with another game. And Jagex can do basically whatever they want. It is frustrating yes, though they seem so narrow-minded.


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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um i dont realy understand were your topic lies in all this... one thing i dont understand is bout the siggys like there working on my pc and why are they banned huh? what? who? were? wth is happening :anxious:

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