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Everything posted by junkiejeff

  1. ergh... You cannot get 3 different barrow drops from 1 trip. If you would get it, it would be all torag or verac etc...
  2. Those are lot's of idees! I hope atleast 1 of them will be added in runescape.
  3. I hope this is gonna happen! I use my p2p friends as a extra bank. Somethimes I store stuff in his bank. I allmost dropped everything I own. We really need more bankspace.
  4. This is my way to stop autoers: Report every lvl 3 who isn't talking, and has the same cloothes as all lvl 3 autoers.
  5. Sound very interesting. You can learn how to improve allmost... everything! Sounds like a very big skill. Getting exp could be like this: Sharp an wooden axe.
  6. There are enough of trees in runescape. Normal trees: Every place. Oak: Also everywhere. Willows: Places near water. (example;draynor) Yew: Gnome stronghold. Magic: Gnome stronghold. Maple: Sears village. And allot more places and allot more trees!
  7. I love kebab! I always use it when im training. You can get a full inventory in maximum 2 minutes and they cost 1gp each!
  8. Wewt! That's my sig! Me at moss giants, some other newb at moss giants. Newb: Noob go away Me: Why Newb: Your lvl 77 Me: So? Newb: Go kill black dragons Me: Black dragons aren't f2p Newb: Reported! (dont ask me why im saying this, it's a long story) (The newb actually WAS a friend) Me: My main is lvl 77 Newb: Can I play on it? Me: No Newb: Just for 20 minutes Me: No Newb: I will make a keylogger! Me: OK Newb: It will be done in 5 minutes Me: OK (5 minutes later) Newb: It's done! Me: OK Newb: I now have your accounts! Me: OK
  9. Best weapon: Whip. Funniest: My own rubber chicken! I will whack you till you scream!
  10. It would be pretty boring.. But there are other ways for contacting eachother. Any messenger such as msn. IRC channels.
  11. You cannot die of random events in banks such as banks in falador, varrock. Because you can loose allmost everything if you lag out!
  12. I still think random events are 100% random... Only Jagex knows the real answer... :ohnoes:
  13. I heard you get random events when you high alch very valuable items... I dont know if this really is true.
  14. wewt! Why did you get 2 prayer? accident? good luck with your hybrid. Wearing coifs and leather body is better for training...
  15. maybe you should ad anti fire pots? dragonhide is better to avoid teleblocking pkers...
  16. Dude.. imagine you were boss of Jagex. Would YOU make updates for people who dont pay for the game? It's like spending heaps of time for some random people.
  17. Level 99- Leach Life(Takes 1hp away from your opponant every second for 40 seconds and gives it to you.{X}) 1hp is allmost nothing... OR there should be more damage. Or it should be every 5 seconds.
  18. Dude... Jagex gave us security dungeon... And there is no need for lvl 85+ monsters.... Why would anyone train on them??
  19. Hmm... let me think! Isn't this same as a whip? And all other weapons would be useless..
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