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Everything posted by Bludragon124

  1. I would have expected us (USA) at first place. Given a look at the people usually in our grocery stores, you'd certainly think so. But 94.5 percent fat people in first place? That's ridiculous! EDIT: I'm also part of the % of non-fat people in the USA :D
  2. Yeah, that's me. Card shark, bass guitarist, photographer, music lover, etc. I'm surprisingly hot as my South Park character.
  3. I think that the new format just helps junky topics go to the lower pages and die, as a sort of "natural selection" type of thing, except in forums :o
  4. lol profins and i have bee talking aout aids for the last 30 mins in edgy EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  5. Even though I have a berserker ring, I still prefer the wealth for many slayer tasks. I think it helps, on my last iron dragon trip I got about 6-7 rune limbs, two rune battleaxes, over 100 bloods, 50 rune javelins, 30 rune darts, 25 rune knives, etc. I think without the wealth, the drops would have been fewer. Not by much, but I think it makes a difference.
  6. Well, I am probably the in-between eater. I can stop easily, and thus I usually fragment my meals through the entire day. I almost never eat breakfast, so usually my lunch is pretty big, and I sometimes snack until dinner if I want to.
  7. Umm... Coincedence. Santa is actually derived from "Saint" because of the legend of Saint Nicholas.
  8. Yeah, all skillcapes are 99K to buy: meaning their value is relatively high.
  9. Plus you don't have your RSN visible: That could be a factor.
  10. Well, being a competitive swimmer myself, I have to say that swimming possibly is one of the best endurance exercises there is. It works your core, your legs, your back, your arms, pretty much everything. It also builds a good amount of endurance. Couple what you were saying you would do in your original post with possibly some weightlifting (Mostly concentrate on your legs, as I assume you will be doing more running-related stuff than javelin, that one ball-throw thing, etc.), and you should be good to go.
  11. Sort of: though this is probably the stupidest cheating death story ever. Once, when I was about five years old, I decided it would be a fantastic idea to jam my spoon into an electrical socket! After I did that, I blacked out. I woke up about two days later in a hospital room, and was told I easily should have died from that voltage/amperage of that A/C current. When I got back home, I saw the spoon I had shoved in there, and it was melted, skewed, blackened and broken. Quite the shock for me, it was.
  12. Hmm. I don't think I would do it. That is odd, because if I didn't do it, they'd easily get somebody else to do it, and the same amount of lives would be lost. I guess my principles just don't allow it, though. No way, noob.
  13. I love you. not in that way, but still! Best... Story... Ever!
  14. *Gives luck* cool. I remember making my pure: He's not very good though. I totally agree with what you sent in your pm, in that pic, though. The whole "Starting over" feeling is quite something. Have fun! Oh, and by the way, for a little extra moolah... Bank all your cowhides and sell 'em, and do the stronghold of security.
  15. I dunno what noise a platypus makes. That's why I said "Platypus noise." I'll figure it out someday >_>
  16. the best ranking system, so I saw a while ago, is to divide your total level by your combat level. I think it's like... 1-5: low 6-10: average 11-15: High 16-22: ultra high. I read this a while ago, so I'm pulling those numbers out of the air. The way I usually rank myself, though, is usually total/total experience.
  17. Here's the lower floor: Upper floor. Yeah, my house rules.
  18. I'd say natures. Alchers go crazy constantly. Laws are used alot, but not as much as natures. Still, they are very essential.
  19. Noob is not a level. It's an attitude.
  20. The one dream that has stuck with me forever was really disturbing, in a "That could pretty easily happen not in a dream" way. Four burglars broke into our house, and shot my cat. He then proceeded to my baby sister's room (She's 9 now, this was about 8 1/2 years ago.) They then shot her, and began throwing gasoline on all the walls, on the electrical outlets, and setting dynamite everywhere they could. I woke up (In the dream) and smelled smoke, so I ran outside. My parents and two brothers didn't and they stayed inside. The burglars got into a black van and drove off, and I hear one of the peices of dynamite sizzle from outside. I yell "NOOOOOOOOO" in a Luke Skywalker fashion. Then, my dream freeze frames, with my house exploding, my family dying, and me crying because I know they're all dead. It was very, very vivid. Stuck with me my whole life.
  21. I prefer Mountain Dew to pump caffeine, calories, and sugar into my system. I might try that, though... sonds kinda good. Still, it can't be better than Full Throttle, or Strawberry Daiquiri SoBe.
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