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Everything posted by dsavi

  1. Whatever Chrome supports, Safari supports and vice versa- they have the same HTML/CSS rendering engine. I really like Firefox 4, I've been using it since the start of the new year and it works really well. I especially like the "App tabs" feature which I only discovered yesterday:] (Right click on a tab -> "Pin as app tab")
  2. JPEG is very easy to misuse. Fortunately, there's a handy guide on using it correctly.
  3. Yeah Microsoft is uhhh... Not that big on open source. To put it lightly. I suppose you're using it already but I give another thumbs up for VirtualBox. I used to use VMWare Player, but I realized later that VirtualBox is really so much better and now I've switched. Not that I've been doing stuff with virtual machines lately.
  4. There is such a program shipped with Ubuntu already. It's not pretty, but it'll do the job. (Except for temperature monitoring- There's another program for that) Simply enter this command: (lshw stands for "list hardware") sudo lshw Type in your password and it gives you all the information you need to know about your computer. As for temperature monitoring, there's a program and an applet for your gnome panel that can do that for you. Of course you should have installed Ubuntu before you attempt to install any programs for permanent use: sudo apt-get install libsensors4 sensors-applet sudo sensors-detect Then you might have to reboot. I don't really remember. Then right-click on the panel where you want to display whatever temperatures and add the applet, I think it's called "hardware sensors monitor".
  5. I thought that most people realized that drivers aren't a problem on any platform anymore? Those "Get a Mac" ads that are about drivers are a big load of crap from any perspective. Windows installs them automatically. Linux installs almost all of them automatically, or already has them in the kernel.
  6. dsavi

    April Fools day!

    Was waiting all day for TIF's April Fool's day joke, just refreshed the index and thought "There we are". I was expecting something more obnoxious.
  7. With over 20k packages in the repos, I don't think that you'll actually be needing any more than one extra: The WINE repo. Although now that Ubuntu runs a more up-to-date version of WINE by default, it's not really necessary anymore. In fact, I just checked, and I don't even use that anymore. (I did on every version of Ubuntu since 8.04 from what I remember) Also, don't be so surprised about Ubuntu running. I run it on a 13-year-old laptop, it boots up in under a minute.
  8. Sounds like a good way to go.
  9. Linux pretty much runs on anything nowadays, and as Dell even has a line of Ubuntu laptops, (Or has had, it's hard to find) it's pretty likely that Linux will work on it.
  10. Uhh, it's a box. There's not a lot that can really go wrong with it. The texturing is pretty good I guess, but there's so little geometry that texture mapping isn't exactly a huge feat. Unless Maya still doesn't have automatic UV unwrapping? :razz:
  11. Menu in the top left corner -> Preferences -> Menu bar. Menu in the top left corner -> Preferences -> Tabs on top.
  12. You've got it the wrong way around, actually- OS X is "optimized for" (Locked into) the hardware. For example, OS X 10.6.5 or so and later will not run on Intel Atom processors without a patch, to make it more difficult to run OS X on a netbook.
  13. Personally I think that you're going in the right direction with these but you need to kick it up a notch. Get a really wide lens (less than 20mm or so) and get up close. You seemed to be a bit too conservative here.
  14. As a rule of thumb, a browser vendor's own tests almost always run the best on their own browser.
  15. As a web developer I can never forgive Microsoft for creating IE. It has taken a huge amount of progress out of web development in the last several years. Plus, it isn't open source, doesn't support as many open standards (WebP/OGG/OGV), and doesn't run on Linux. Why would anyone ever even consider using IE anymore?
  16. I got the analogy until the part about neighbors. :razz:
  17. dsavi


    I'm writing a program that writes a program. INCEPTION
  18. LibreOffice (Formerly known as OpenOffice, there were some licensing issues). It is more compatible with other programs, than MS Office 2003 (For example it can read/write .docx files). It also costs nothing.
  19. Hype such as that Macs "Just work", don't get viruses, and the sort of hard to define lifestyle thing surrounding them. It's amazing sometimes how deluded someone who likes (Or doesn't like) Macs can be sometimes. It is true however that at the moment, Macs are far less likely to get viruses.
  20. I think anyone who is considering this should know that "Mac" and "PC" are both essentially different names for the same thing. Apple is great at marketing, and have created both a lifestyle around, and new name for, their computers to set them apart as something different. Which, essentially, they are not; The biggest differences between Apple-branded computers and other computers is pretty much just that- They're Apple branded. On the inside, the hardware is pretty much identical. That said, Macs do look pretty good and I would consider getting one. There's a lot of hype surrounding them that I think more people should be aware of, however.
  21. Up to my neck in C writing an advanced and obscure feature for Blender. This is my second try but it's going really well. I'm in the logic part right now, which is of course my favorite part.
  22. C++ is a superset of C, personally I think that the added OOP functionality that C++ has really doesn't add so much to the language. Therefore I prefer C, it's minimalistic and it's still possible to apply the concepts of OOP to it (To some extent) with structs and function pointers. So while C++ does have more features, it's really a matter of opinion as to whether or not they're worth it. I know that Linus Torvalds isn't a big fan. [Crude language warning]
  23. As far as usability goes I would definitely recommend Wordpress. But I've also heard a lot of good things about Drupal.
  24. Does this have to be in RCT? I have it but I'd like to do it in RCT2 instead. I suppose if it still works in RTC (Suppose I'll have to dig up my copy) it's still eligible.
  25. Bizet's Carmen. What, you're not listening to it too?
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