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Everything posted by dsavi

  1. Stupid US-only thing, I want one sooooooo much. Oh well, I applied anyway, they had a "Country" drop down. :-w
  2. dsavi

    MR, Jay Leno

    You know what is really annoying? I've seen it many times before but seriously it's 2010. Having unnecessary line breaks between every phrase is really annoying. It makes things hard to read and generally reeks of n00b. Yes I know you copied and pasted that from a chain email but that is just another reason not to post it.
  3. dsavi

    Your dream job?

    Dream job I suppose would maybe be a 3D animator for feature films, either Pixar or a larger studio that uses Blender. Or maybe founding such a studio as one doesn't really exist yet. More realistic is a Blender programmer, I've contributed code to the codebase already in fact. :-)
  4. dsavi


    If you want to hate that song forever, I suggest you go ahead. That's the reason I never change my alarm clock song, no matter how much I like it I always end up dreading it.
  5. dsavi


    ~10 mins biking to the bus station 35-45 minutes on the bus 7 minutes on the metro/subway ~10 minutes on a tram or ~5 minutes on a bus. (Not counting the time spent waiting in between, a bit over an hour) Yeah. I wouldn't do this if I didn't like the school I go to.
  6. I had a similar problem once, it was some sort of profile error. Try creating a new profile ( http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing+profiles#Creating_a_profile ). That's probably not a final solution, but it will help tell what the problem is.
  7. Yep, I've done a similar thing with VGA/DVI on the same graphics card.
  8. If you manage to get a good agreement with the developer, you could benefit from application sales somehow I'm sure. But you would have to be careful, as you would kind of be at the developer's mercy.
  9. A bit of a Python n00b, aren't we? In Python there's a clear distinction between eval() and exec(), meaning that even if the program was root, all you could to to a system is evaluate expressions at it. Which isn't very threatening.
  10. ^ Ugh, the program looks good though. I'm working on a calculator in Python for Blender 2.5. It's going pretty good. Behind that simple interface there is actually quite a bit of functionality. Thanks to eval(), you can use it to do anything in math or mathutils.
  11. Jagex's actions could have been illegal, I'm not sure about "Fair use" in England (Or if it would apply). Welcome back. :-)
  12. dsavi

    Name change

    I've had my name changed. Okay so it's not actually that big of a deal. My dad made a mistake while writing my middle name on the form-thing that you give to the hospital or government or whatever, he wrote a name that was very similar, and my mom was like, weren't you going to name him after his uncle? (Ironically it was my dad's brother I was being named after.) I actually only found out this earlier this year I think, didn't exactly come as a shock. Because I don't like search engines making connections with various accounts and my real name, (Although it's probably too late now), first my middle name was the same as a famous astrophysicist, and then a famous computer company CEO (His full first name, not what you read in the newspaper), just with an "fa" instead of a "ve". But my middle name is actually the most normal of them all. My last name is often misread where I live, because when my great great (a few more greats in there, whatever) grandfather immigrated to America he changed an ΓΈ to an o to make it a bit easier for English speakers to pronounce, The original name is not so uncommon here, except for with the Americanized spelling which I have the distinct pleasure of having. My first name, however, is very weird. Nobody here can pronounce it. Again, the search engine thing, so let's just say that people usually mispronounce it DAY-vees or DAH-vees. (Stress on the capital letters, ee as in "EEK!", all S's as in "snake", not "these") I was reasonably cool with it for a while, although I usually asked people to at least use the first pronunciation mentioned, but eventually I had enough, and started correcting people. The problem is really that people here couldn't pronounce I as in "is" to save their lives. Still nobody can pronounce my name, and every time my name comes up on the list for a new teacher, my class laughs (And it's not the first time that people have annoyed me about my first name either). So I know where you're coming from, even if you don't get that feeling from my post. But seriously, the more I read through this thread, the more awesome "Clifford" sounds. Yeah, that's about all I can say.
  13. Kudos to the coders, if the code base is anything like it was when I was there, it's... Difficult to maintain. Also Purple > Green.
  14. dsavi


    Some are OK, I don't find two to be that bad, but three annoys me. It's just so static and the composition is lacking. It's not interesting to look at because there is nothing happening in the picture.
  15. Something like <?php $db = mysqli_connect('address', 'user', 'password', 'db'); // Sanitize user input $comment = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['comment']); $name= mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['name']); $email= mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['email']); $q = mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO comments (comment, name, email, timestamp) VALUES '" . $comment . "', '" . $name . "', '" . $email . "', NOW() )"); ?> I think that's how you do it. That script has no error handling or anything, so just use it as sort of a guide.
  16. Have ridiculous schedule tomorrow and no time today, so next one I'll do is Friday's.
  17. He isn't an OTer!!!@@@@@!! But he loves her!
  18. Yeah this is pretty fun. I'm working on mine now. e: Would like to have worked on this one more, I'm quite busy this whole week though.
  19. Try Mypaint. Works great out of the box and the interface doesn't get in your way like GIMP, also has some great painting brushes. Quick shortcut list to get you started- B - Brushes L - Layers f, d - Brush size ,. (Comma, period) - Zoom V - color
  20. I know, pretty awful. I'm trying to get it done quite quickly, so that can sketch quickly.
  21. ^ Yes, please! I've completely run out of ideas as to what to draw that's within my limits.
  22. dsavi


    The YouTube video isn't nearly as high quality, and having followed this project for 13 or so months I want high quality. But if you watch it on YouTube, at least watch it at 1080p. :razz:
  23. Shutup Tripsis. <_< :razz: Uhh, while I make today's (Whatever it will be), here's that sculpt that I intended to post yesterday before I got caught up in the release of the AMAZING short film Sintel. Go watch it, it's creative commons licensed. Was going to post a render but I couldn't get the shaders right.
  24. dsavi


    Tiny bit of background first. The Blender Foundation manages the development of the open source 3D animation, rendering, compositing etc. package Blender. Using funding from pre-production DVD sales, they create "Open Movies", only short films so far, with the goal of creating and achieving development targets for, and promoting, Blender. They made Elephants Dream and Big Buck Bunny, and yesterday was the online premiere of the third, "Sintel". The first open movie was really weird, the second was for kids, so they decided to make this one more "mainstream". "Open movie" means that the resulting movie, and the files used to create them, are released under a creative commons license for anyone to download. Please torrent if at all possible, download here. I must say, I was completely blown away. The graphics! O_O And the plot. But I won't say anything more.
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