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Everything posted by Ravenkana

  1. Just tried bounty hunter on four separate worlds. Four separate world with the BOUNTY HUNTER THEME. I couldn't get in once. Reminds me of the duel tournaments: clunky, hard to use, and dominated by a specific group of players who use less then savory tactics.
  2. I see many of you dumping on the PK'ers, Merchants, and Stakers. They don't bring in money, you say, they steal from honest players, you say. Well they don't. Many complain about how PK'ers attack players for no reason, but that's just it, the wilderness had no rules; there was nothing for you to hide behind. Merchants were crafty, at least the real ones were, and bought low, sold high. They just provided large sums of goods for players. Stakers were similar to PK'ers only with sets of rules and less risk. But now, with these three gone, what becomes of skillers? High level goods, like rune arrows, will not be so desired. Two of these classes built up a large demand for potions, food, and other commodities. Merchants helped provide skillers with the INSANE amount of goods required to level. What will become of Runescape now, with RWT supposedly gone? But lets not kid ourselves. RWTs will find new ways to cash in. In fact, the only way to TRULY stop cheaters is to completely destroy the game we love.
  3. And also the lack of professional PK'ers will filter down to the skillers. Many goods on the high end of skills will go unused; rune arrows, bloods, potions etc. There just won't be a demand for those products any more. Er... Not as MUCH of a demand I mean.
  4. If even a third of the players who claim they are quitting go through with it, how will JaGex recover? After all, most of the new members of the game are gained through word of mouth. And JaGex doesn't advertise. But what if JaGex, which takes its rules very seriously, decided to crack down on something else like, say, foul language? What if they severely limit the chat system so that all you can say are pre-arranged little quotes? You may say that won't happen but... would you have expected THIS two months ago? And what if they decide that players who have more time to play have an unfair advantage? They might then decide that every player can play for only three hours in a 24 hour period. We must stand together on this issues, regardless of playstyle. If we don't, JaGex may change still more much loved aspects of the game. P.S. What is up with JaGex's fixation on the number three???
  5. WoW never had PK for profit and you do not find Wilderness from there as well...but what you will find there is bots and well established RWT! But because RWT is so easy there, there really is no way or need to fix it. So WoW stays the course.
  6. I was in Lumbridge just now and someone was having a 9 mil drop party. And the bankers were repeating it over and over and over (so on and so forth) again.
  7. A few select? I think not. They've just decimated both Pk'ers and Merchants in one fell swoop. AFTER taking down Stakers. Of course, JaGex didn't mean to do this. We're just innocent bystanders.
  8. The question I present to you is this: What will happen to Runescape fan sites, such as this, if many players quit?
  9. Though I may not be one of you, I still bid you a fond adiou. I give you my sincerest apologies, I am but a skiller, but I feel your pain of the new update.
  10. And, on another note, what will happen to Tip.It and other Runescape Fansites?
  11. I already bailed out and gave all my stuff to my friend. If this doesn't change, I'm moving to the Horde.
  12. JaGex: Guess what Stakers!?! We just put a 3k cap on what you can stake! But fear not! We have implemented a poorly tested, hard to use, finicky minigame which will replace it! And, if you don't like it, there's still PKing in the Wilderness!!! Three Weeks Later JaGex: Guess what Pkers and Once Stakers!?! We've completely abolished the wildy in favor of two untested minigames, one of which it is impossible for the individual to win as he will get killed by large clans in junk armor!!! And guess what Merchants and People Who Have Friends!?! We're about to implement a new feature which will make it impossible for you to do unbalanced trades!!! This includes gift giving and profit making!!! But at least there's still skilling... Three Weeks Later... Yah. If this isn't changed in a week or two, I'm quiting P2P. But I'll hang on in F2P as a crazy old man, telling new players of the glorious days of Pking and Staking as well as Merchanting. Whilst eating beef jerky.
  13. Has anyone seen the gravestones? The most expensive one is 5K and saves your stuff for ONE HOUR. Provided someone does not bless/repair it. The second best one is 500 and preserves your stuff for half an hour... Just a WEE bit to safe, doncha think? This game is starting to look a bit like Toon Town... Maybe JaGex will start making chat messages "preapproved" so you can't curse. But even if RWT is stopped now, they'll find new ways. They will. And then JaGex will delete still more content we know and love. If this system isn't fixed in a week, well, I have but one thing to say: FOR THE HORDE!!!
  14. What's negative about what he's saying? He's saying that jagex is promoting a culture of fear and turning players into wanna-be mods. There shouldn't be such a stigma to someone not replying. Sure it's unfriendly, but we do have the ability to turn chat to friends and people don't need to freak out just because someone doesn't respond. Just because people want to be pmods by reporting as many people as they can, we have this environment of players not looking out for each other, but using each other when they can to report each other and raise their own chances in becoming a pmod. How is it Jagex' fault, that certain players believe they have higher chances of reporting random people who don't respond? I'd like to know which role Jagex, as a company plays in the way people choose to think. Its basically blaiming Jagex for letting stupid people play, isn't it? It's jagex's fault because of how they've implemented the reporting system. They shouldn't have made it public that reporting increases your chances of becoming a pmod. Now we have a community where someone will report you if you say "tip it" because they think they'll become a pmod. Granted the report system is great for obvious reasons, but it also creates just a really bad environment that we didn't have before pmods were introduced. This thread is based on the fact that people report , in hopes of becoming a p mod. Maybe we should return to before there were no p mods, and everyone could put an auto character selling gold, items, characters. Advertising websites. Scamming people openly . Extensively swearing and being tards to other players in general. What you mean like the way it is now? The only reason there is no extensive swearing is because the player has to find loopholes to the filter software.
  15. Huh. Never thought of Malignus before. Maybe you'll have to do a quest for him to access summoning? Herblore set the precedent.
  16. Can you really blame anyone for being cautious about the updates? The staking thing was a blow beneath the belt. It looked exciting from in the BTS, but when put into practice it was horrible. A lot of these moves do seem designed to hamper RWT. The beasts coming from their graves in the wildy? Make em aggresive and watch the low levels flee. Of course these WOULD be in the higher wilderness...
  17. If this is a bought item as opposed to a crafted item, any hoarders will be very disapointed. Eh, it sounds like a pretty pointless update to me. But then, what do I know?
  18. How much is it? 155 - 174 It's a piece of flax spun on a wheel. How much do you expect it to cost? how about them phats? they are just pieces of paper shaped like a crown. how much are those things....? And the bow strings are a crucial item in the oh so lucrative magic/yew bow alching business. Seriously.
  19. Yesterday I put up 1000 natures at the market price. One day later none have sold. So, to see if any other people are selling natures, i buy one for the market price on the Grand Exchange. At that same moment one of my natures sold. I collected both money and the rune, and put them in my bank. A few second later it clicked; the rune I had just bought was my own! I could be wrong... but I don't think I am.
  20. I, like many of us, died first at the hands of a dark wizard. It was my first visit to varrock, and he got me before I entered the gate.
  21. And like everyone else you were unrightfully banned and a victim of jagex's "oh so inadequate" customer service.. :roll: if i were jagex I wouldnt even have customer service after 1 week of opening mails from runescape kids after all, if they dont know how to play, much less argue for their case (just read half the whines about being banned on these forums) why shouldn't they be treated accordingly? Because we pay them :ohnoes: I got my blackmark from saying "I bought this hat" in varrock square. They counted it as account sharing. That's what the evidence says. Is that fair? That is most certainly not fair my good man. But back on topic, I've only sent in one question right after I had started. When I was still free to play. Undoubtedly, it was cut and paste but I can't remember.
  22. Why is everyone making doomsday predictions about the GE? JaGex will NOT limit trading because of it. Why? Conviniance my friends. Since the Grand Exchange is only located in Varrock, trades in the distant realms of runescape will continue unimpended. After all, who wants to hoof it back to varrock every time you need a specific item? I could be wrong of course... But on the subject of the staking... I can say I honestly feel sorry for those who used to enjoy it. I really do. But life goes on... -.-
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