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Everything posted by Ravenkana

  1. Has anyone thought that, due to these nifty price ceilings and floors, the benefits of no bots is offset by the artificially low prices for the goods once produced by bots being kept into practice in the GE?
  2. But, thanks to the set prices of the GE, you'll still be selling for the old "safe" wilderness prices.
  3. I remember finding the bronze scimitar respawn in Rimmington... I thought that THAT was the most awesome weapon ever.
  4. ...lol? I may be out of my friggin mind, but I'm pretty sure pokemon g/s wasn't the first game ever to involve fighting monster "pets". Ya. The first games were Red and Blue.
  5. Heh. Seems as though Jagex's obsession with RWTs has manifested itself in more then ONE way...
  6. Before, when summoning appeared to be more skill related, I could see it definitely being P2P only. But now that it affects a core aspect of the game, i.e. combat, I don't know...
  7. Automated responses have gone too far; Jagex can no longer accept compliments!
  8. I support. But I get the feeling that if this project ever comes to fruition, it will be on the heels of an update like the Wilderness destruction/Communism takeover of recent times.
  9. But them thar revenants stop th' ole fishin business from bein pro-fit-able.
  10. Well it DOES fit in with the general atmosphere.
  11. Yes yes, true. But a sharper learning curve = a better idiot filter.
  12. Noobs don't bother me... Why? Cause I'm only a lvl 83 and I wear inexpensive armour- proselytes with dds and Helm of Neitiznot.
  13. So... the dungeon is now slightly more pointless?What rock have you been living under for so long? :shock:Welp... Take a right from Fremminik village, walk to the rock crabs and, out by the sapphire spawn, is the rock I live under.
  14. Heh. Heh. Keep on saying that. Soon enough... But I think law running will become dead... the assist system simply isn't good enough as it is... Why does it have an exp limit again? I never quite caught the reasoning behind that.
  15. So... the dungeon is now slightly more pointless?
  16. Oigle... it was too short. It took me, what?, 10 minutes to complete? And that includes building and dressing three extra snowmen.
  17. Oh, really mah petite fromage? One question: Do you find the name Krazyfakin offensive? That would be mon petit fromage, fromage is a masculine word. Anyhow, Krazyfaken is not offensive. Nobody cares what the name could look like with some imagination, if you switch some letters around, etc. The fact is the name as it is, is not offensive. Jagex has completely throw out logic out of the window if they ready to ban names like that. Obviously some wannabe mods thought it would be funny to report hardly offensive names in the hopes to gain a few points (not really). This the same kind of individuals who report people for saying tip.it or google. And worse, Jagex listens to them, what a bunch of idiots. Sorry... I don't speak French... or even take French language classes. Though I can do a passable French accent and an EXCELLENT Cajun one.
  18. Oh, really mah petite fromage? One question: Do you find the name Krazyfakin offensive? It's Krazyfaken. I laugh at you for not knowing who Krazyfaken is? It isn't that guy above, lol Yeah krazyfaken was some clan leader; but i once got warned for having '[wagon]' in my name when my name is petercassell, which happens to be my name IRL. Krazyfaken is not made up, he is just the prime example of injustice going around, which we rub in jagex's face. But why should we be upset about that? He was very naughty, according to the great and powerful JaGex! And, if you can't trust a massive souless corporation, then who can you trust?
  19. Although I like the general idea, the revenants are still way overpowered. Being challenging is one thing, but these things are more than that. I hope they reduce the damage some. These things don't even have that good of drops.
  20. If this weren't the Internet, people like you would make me bloody FURIOUS. YOU try bounty hunter. You've obviously never really tried PKing, so you cannot tell the actual difference, but I can tell you that Bounty Hunter is the saddest, most broken "replacement" Jagex could POSSIBLY have provided. I've never PKed and I don't plan on going to Bounty Hunter any time soon, as I have 9mil in my inventory D: So could you (or anybody) get into a little bit more detail about what stinks and what's changed? (Or refer me to such a topic -too lazy to look it up O:)- ) Since I've been handing out more than my share of my opinion while on here, I suppose I'll just hand it to you straight: Bounty Hunters is a PvP minigame separated into three sections, each for three different tiers of levels: 3-55 56-100 95-126 (you read right) Regardless of which section you are in, you are immediately thrust into a multi-combat zone where anybody at all may attack you after six seconds. You are assigned a target to kill; the level and location of this target are completely random. You may attack anyone you wish, but if you kill someone that is not your target (even if they attack you first), you get what is called a "pickup penalty", which means that if you pick up ANYTHING, be it a bronze arrow or an abyssal whip, you may not leave the cave for three minutes. This penalty does not apply if you manage to kill your target instead of a random person. But even if you DON'T pick something up, the penalty prevents you from using the protect item prayer. So if someone ELSE started the fight and lost, you will lose all of your items if you die.
  21. Even if it increases it will probably increase just a little bit each quest and 30K is still idiotic. I would expect at least 300K for having all the quest complete. Aye. Consider the different levels ye need; 57 herblore anyone?
  22. Well some websites *cough*Tip.It*cough* have kindly created Quest Guides.
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