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Everything posted by Ravenkana

  1. a rc pker? Maybe... But do those guys ever go to the agility arena for a spot of "training"? Methinks not.
  2. Very nicely written. Kudos for you!!! I understand where JaGeX is coming from, but I'm still going to quit. Why? The atmosphere feels... different. Things are changing and, in my opinion, not for the better. Now, if they tweak it quite a bit, I might hang on. But as of now, hasta la vista babi!!
  3. Is this what JaGex's idea of a PK'er is? A mindless, overpowered, cheating monster who takes advantage of poor defenseless players? For shame...
  4. But what if the company was based in Europe, Australia, or the USA? If both buyer and company is in the USA then just change the USA part with "new york" and the China part with "Washington DC". The same principle applies. A person can simply not travel X miles in seconds. I don't know what a proxy server is but... couldn't it mitigate some of the chance of detection? In a way, yes. They could. But It would be a massive pain. You would have to get details from the buyer on were his location is and get a proxy server in that particular area. Very unlikely to happen. You would need vast resources to get this to work on a world scale. Its just 99.99% unlikely that they would use that method as cover. Thanks for the clear up.
  5. get food, and weapon, no armour. When you see one, start with mage pray, and if it still hits you, change pray. So now each one is like a mini Tok-Jad in respects of attack styles?
  6. Runecrafting is INCREDIBLY dull and time consuming. Trust me. I know. I have lvl 50 runecrafting. And the god sword hilts? They're 100 mil and up (sorry, don't know their current prices) because they're so common. And have you fought one of those bosses? I haven't. And stop bashing PK'ers, they are NOT as bad as people tend to suggest. if someone has 44 rc does that now mean they can make 35m+ a month? if so, then its still not bad, making 1m+ a day. slayer is also incredibly profitable, there are tons of ways besides merchanting and pvp. if thats all you wanted, why not play AQ? itll be less burden on jagex But if everyone starts Runecrafting, the only profit will be for pure ess miners. And slayer is profitable, I'll grant you that, but it levels slower then HP and you have to go back to the slayer masters for new assingments.
  7. Really? Why can't you criticize them? Isn't that a violation of freedom of speech?
  8. Which most likely won't happen. Yeah I had trouble doing a clue last night....gah. Normal Pkers were easier to avoid. Yah. They were only human. They had to sleep sometime...
  9. They can do the course?!? In what twisted way is this anything like the PK'ers of old?
  10. Their levels go ABOVE 126!?!? Wow! These are WAY tougher than Pkers. Plus they can mage, melee, and range without switching stats, they can teleport, they can heal, and they hunt in packs... What was JaGex thinking?
  11. Consider the exp rate per rune; the highest amount of exp you can get, normally at least, is 11 or so. Compare to other skills. See? It's ALWAYS been time consuming, if not hard, to get lvl 99 Runecrafting.
  12. It is NOT a bug. New players as of december, and those that have had histories of scamming (black marks given) have this implemented striaght away. If you trade with these people the limit is in effect already. Neither of the players were new. Erego, either JaGex has been concealing information, or it is a bug...
  13. yup pretty much gutted. people will have to stick to ZMI alter now But only if they want exp. not profit, right?
  14. Do you think these mushrooms are poisonous? Tis but a flesh wound!!! See you soon!
  15. i have to say i agree that they are annoying, but what u don't know can't hurt you, so maybe if you're reading this right now, well playing rs, the person next to u a a rwt. P.S. This is not new, one of my friends does it a lot(he's super rich(over i million can. $)), so i know it's not new, and all he does is get banned, buy a new account, get banned for rwt, and over and over again. So... this is nothing new. And the recent updates just limit player freedom and item transfers...
  16. But what if the company was based in Europe, Australia, or the USA? If both buyer and company is in the USA then just change the USA part with "new york" and the China part with "Washington DC". The same principle applies. A person can simply not travel X miles in seconds. I don't know what a proxy server is but... couldn't it mitigate some of the chance of detection?
  17. They are clearly out of line, but corrupt isn't the word i'd use. Going over the top for justice (banning vaguely offensive names) and equallity (removing cheaters at all expenses)-sounds like communism. Don't forget "to achieve total equality through silencing the voice of the dissenter through violence and/or threats."
  18. I remember it... Wasn't one of the guys who got banned RS name Limparse? In spanish that means "to clean oneself." Two years of spanish class, and that's the only useful application so far...
  19. Wait, are you serious? :shock: Someone posted this query response they received recently - it seems legitimate Ahem... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10. That didn't work. So: Thats the biggest load of grade A manure suitable for the fertilization of fine fruit and vegetable products that I have ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes upon!!!
  20. What does "high threat" entail as defined by JaGex?
  21. Um... this could show further bias against certain characters as shown with the spree of "offensive" name banning. Look at Queltar's article to learn about THAT.
  22. Are you just making this stuff up? :-s The best gravestone, Angel of Death, saves your items for 5 minutes and costs 500k... Ya.. now I'm embarrased... I had just examined someone's gravestone, the Angel of Death by the way, when I posted and it said 59 minutes left. I had just logged in and didn't know about how the whole thing worked with the blessing and all that... so sorry.
  23. But what if the company was based in Europe, Australia, or the USA?
  24. ooooh wow that was brilliant in how they already circumvented the update....not :roll: ....sure, here is my account info....what's this?...I can't log on? *recovers account eventually*...aww I've been cleaned out.......how did that happen :-k geez I can't even report it because i'd just be banned.. :wall: come on, please tell me no one would fall for this ridiculous website.....rofl...but then again, there are those 200+ a week "ZOMG I got hacked" threads... Um... if they can't trade more than 12k per hour, how ARE they going to clean out accounts? And these people don't want to PLAY the game, they're trying to make money; if they steal accounts bye bye repeat business...
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