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Everything posted by Zierro

  1. What's the difference? By dismissing an idea as false or logically unlikely, you're still filling up a spot with a new system of beliefs. I mean, just look at the guy above me.
  2. Pain, suffering, hatred, gloomy, despicable, incompetent, melancholy, [bleep]ing, eradicate, entropy, parasitic, grief, disgusting, anguish, dysfunction, unfortunate, foiled, inopportune, and wiggly.
  3. Beta for Reach's new playlist: ZB Slayer. -No bloom -Swords are always an instant kill -Tweaked armor abilities -Damage that bleeds through shields
  4. Shrewd businessmen =/= power hungry pigs geared towards hierarchical domination and world control. At least not all the time.
  5. I think the fire rates were slower. They also didn't have zoom and the character speed allowed you to strafe and dodge more easily.
  6. I didn't know it applied to pistols as well. I'll need to do some experimenting to see how OP it is. EDIT: Oh god, I definitely see what you mean. Magnum being more powerful than DMR is just ridiculous.
  7. This is more or less what my opinion revolves around. While aborting may be a highly questionable practice in many cases, there's no way around the fact that people will still do it, just as they do with drugs and guns. Putting bans on activities like these seems to sprout more problems than it alleviates. Not to mention, we shouldn't prohibit women who have been raped, have medical complications that could result in both the death of the baby and herself, and other circumstances that don't fall under the excuse of irresponsible laziness from being able to continue their lives normally. And lol at sex being a need of equal magnitude to eating. It's a strong innate drive, but that's certainly not a well-founded moral justification for anything.
  8. So who is liking the beta? Personally, I think it cleaned up a lot of the "clunkiness" that caused me to like Halo 2 and 3 a lot more than Reach. Swords and DMR's are a lot less unpredictable and luck-based.
  9. Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
  10. People who make competitions out of suffering haven't had it hard enough.
  11. Fixed. But seriously, money makes the world turn. Don't just blame it on corporations, blame it on humanity. Yeah, but they could at least worry about ethics every once and a while.
  12. Why is it inherently more cruel to kill a human than other organisms, plants, and even other animals? On one hand, maybe it's embedded into our species so that our normal human response is to feel revolted when a fellow member of our race dies. Although, I'd think it's because we are of a higher level of cognitive thinking and awareness than the other species, and thus have a greater capacity to "feel" pain than the organisms with more limited senses (not even babies possess the ability to feel humiliated), are a greater asset to the future of society than an animal, and because they will be "missed" by all the people they've established bonds and memories with. If this is the science behind why we strongly feel that murder is immoral, it would be awfully hard to argue that causing the death of a fetus is equally immoral.
  13. You can never tell with Adrenal. That's what coin-flips are for.
  14. Zierro


    Today, I went to Daytona with my girlfriend and realized how pathetic of a living environment our town is. I am certainly moving somewhere more eventful when I have enough money.
  15. I have to disagree with you here and blame the internet instead.
  16. If you force a woman to give birth against her will, that is by definition taking away her rights. That is sexism. And even if you don't want to cede that, there's no question that the leaders of the pro-life movement are sexist. They don't like it that women control their own sexual reproduction, and want to control it themselves (it's why the leaders are also opposed to contraception). Plus, overwhelming evidence shows that poverty is correlated (and yes, causative) with women controlling their reproduction. You're stating something that is inherently a matter of opinion and not a "fact by definition". The label of "sexist" is something applied by the pro-abortion movement to anyone pro-life in order to discredit them. It seems unfathomable to basically every pro-choice person I've ever met that pro-life people actually mean what they say - and oppose abortion simply because they believe it to be murder. I could go one step further, for instance, and say that abortion supporters are sexist because they're taking away the right of a man to decide what happens to his child. But I won't go there, because that would be a cheap attempt to discredit someone based on a parody of their actual argument. I doubt you'll show me the same courtesy. Even though I'm mainly pro-choice (depending on context)... OWNED. Huh? Not that I think having a unique DNA sequence is a good argument for what it takes to be considered a 'person'. I just have an uncontrollable desire to clear any discrepancies amongst debates.
  17. I never really got bothered by couples kissing in public. Now, couples breaking up and going back out 100 times a week - that annoys the hell out of me.
  18. If you know me, you'll know that I'm a pretty liberal person. Do what you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to others. Well, when people go on organized crusades of hatred and violence, even if it is done civilly at the moment, it usually turns out to be the prelude to catastrophe, as we all learned in History Class. Does this mean kill anyone who utters anything with a violent context? Of course not. However, if they are systematically organizing the extermination of innocent civilians, it's not really a stretch to call this person a major national threat just because they haven't directly confessed to something in which they openly revolve their lives around (this particular man has been renowned as the "Osama Bin Laden of the Internet"). The reality of the situation kicks in right about here - unfortunately, someone's going to die. I'd rather it be the radicals than the innocent people who don't even understand why the hell any of this is even happening. I think a lot of people here are just romanticizing about the principle of free speech and are upset that, legally, there is a limit to what you can say. I do sympathize on this point, however, speech does translate to real world effects... death being one of them.
  19. In your technical little realm of fine print and black-and-white instruction manuals, I can see exactly how there is no harm in organizing, rallying, and inspiring mass murder via the internet. Let's all just ignore the fact that they are the key component to the bombings, hijackings, and executions we all fear so much - let's instead focus on what our official documents tell us is wrong. What really matters here are the formalities and semantics behind the issue at hand - not the real world issue of saving innocent [bleep]ing lives.
  20. I think there was a saying or something about this. Experienced people are more predictable than inexperienced people, since they're going to do whatever it is that is best to do in that situation, while an inexperienced person will act randomly. So, an experienced player might try to pull some long combo, you'll recognize it and be able to counter, while a button masher will be completely unpredictable. It wasn't about fighting games, probably chess or fencing or something, but it fits. So true. I am a beast when it comes to countering pros in Halo and Pokemon. But put me up against an average player and they somehow tend to one-up me. :D
  21. It's amazing seeing how reluctant people are to believe there really are terrorists out there set on spilling your blood to make a political point. Just about any terrorist-related topic is flooded with skeptics pinpointing the government's methods as "unethical means to an end", when really all they're doing is preventing something which, time and time again, reveals itself to be a preventable gory catastrophe. I mean seriously. Is it that you think this man was framed of being a terrorist?
  22. Seems to be quite a few glitches. On the other hand, it sounds like a lot of fun once they hammer them all out.
  23. I agree. I got too cocky in one of those matches and got a -4 though. :-X But this one was pretty good:
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