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Everything posted by Hawks

  1. Hawks


    Gah I ought to be reading A Midsummer Night's Dream but I'm not and I don't want to. I've got to go with my mom to pick up a car this afternoon plus my prescription...
  2. When I get to the advanced connection selection screen, the 'direct connection to computer' option is always grayed out, I don't know why. My only available option is 'Allow incoming connections' which doesn't work. Going to try that program and see if it works. Otherwise: any suggestions on forcing a computer with one serial port (with BIOS options Auto, COM1, and COM3) to become COM2? I got LapLink to work in DOS but it needs to open COM2, which the computer doesn't have. I've tried adding a COM port in the BIOS but it was COM3 by default and had some issues...
  3. Hawks


    During the eclipse, I was probably awake, as I haven't been able to sleep because I am all stuffed up. But it was cloudy anyway. And it's still not snowing. I really should do something useful today, but I haven't. I watched Ponyo, it was entertaining, although I like Kiki's Delivery Service more. Might wrap some presents if we get proper boxes for them. Generic Mucinex does work, except it only lasts 4 hours = me waking up at 1 or 2 in the morning, not being able to breathe. :wall:
  4. :P Even though I'm American, I'd be liable to change it to British English... I think it sounds better/looks cooler most of the time. Except the 'ou' thing, that doesn't make sense to me.
  5. I have reached a problem. The Laptop, as far as I know, does not have an Ethernet adapter. It doesn't have a slot for the cable, so I can't go the easy way and simply put both comps on the same network, and I can't just stick a network card in it, even if I had one. I do have a serial cable and a parallel cable; I have 'LapLink V' which will not even install on Win98 (98 is too new for it... :P) and thusly I need to network somehow with a parallel or a serial cable. Are there any free programs that enable me to do so between Win98 and WinXP? In regards to LapLink: Their website says the V version I have is DOS and runs under 95/98 but won't install. DOS Command Prompt under XP is not applicable to DOS, so the installer won't work there either. I am going to attempt to copy the files to a directory on both machines and run in MSDOS mode to see what happens. My simpler question of a free app that works on 98 and XP still stands. LapLink's instructions on how to get around this problem give me 404 errors so the page doesn't exist on their end. Or am I setting up the network the wrong way? I have both comps in MSGROUP and have [both] a parallel cable and a serial cable hooked up. I used the wizard in XP to set it up, it finds MSGROUP but doesn't find LAPTP, the other comp. I don't remember the path to get it to go directly there, either; I tried msgroup\\laptp and that didn't work, nor did \\laptp. I tried finding both computers on either (with 'Find Computers') and failed, so I guess I haven't got the right setup, because I'm pretty sure I've got the right cables. Also editing first page to reflect this development.
  6. If we already hold a 'staff' position (ie in TET, a mod, etc) we're allowed to apply for the Times, correct? I'm looking forward to applying. :smile:
  7. With Christmas in less than a week, and since I've got a lot of time on my hands right now, I thought I'd write you all something to waste some time on. Since nobody told me what they wanted me to talk about on my last blog [except for some bizarre Engrish rock crusher comment...], I still haven't got any ideas. But anyway. There are a number of presents under the tree and none of them are for me; this is presumably due to the fact that I have wrapped all but one of the presents... That is, anyone who would be wrapping my stuff hasn't wrapped anything yet. :P I finished the papercrafts for my cousins [but don't have boxes for them] and eagerly await Ninjatoes' new Mario papercraft, which I think I shall tackle if he releases it before January. I'm going to be hopefully working on some interesting Lego minifig customs after Christmas when I receive my BrickForge stuff. I am currently ill and dunno what's wrong; I've got some craptastic upper respiratory crap going on and my neck kills. And looking forward to the finish of TS_Stormrage's fictional about the Fremminks! (definitely spelling fail.) That is all.
  8. Fictional was epicsauce! :thumbsup: 'Eight years a noob' was an interesting perspective, I've never thought about it before. At 'All about the experience': I never look forward to updates, mainly because I'm f2p; it would be interesting to look at how f2pers look at the optimist or pessimist side, because I think we're more likely to just outright not care, since we get nice things so infrequently.
  9. Hawks


    I wrapped a bunch of presents today, my brother's going to hate me when he opens his though; he's got a bunch of tiny toys that I wrapped all individually. :P Then I went to the store and we got 8 2-liters instead of the limit of 4 because I bought some too. I am now going to get pizza later and then the day shall be done. Must study up on some chem though, need to know properties of the groups of elements.
  10. Midsummer Night's Dream for AP Lit, picked up Zombies vs. Unicorns and have read a couple of the short stories in it (is anthology of epic authors writing about zombies or unicorns or zombies and unicorns; is epic :thumbsup: ).
  11. So. We have a number of computers in my computer repair class that are so ungodly slow, we can't install operating systems on them. The systems in question are XP or 2000, and the computers in question are Dell Optiplex Deskpro EN or summat. Designed for 98/2000 ish. Should have plenty of ability to run/install at least 2000. My current one won't get past the full-color Windows 2000 start up screen. The little bar that's next to 'Starting Up' at the bottom doesn't move at all, and I've left it on for hours at a time. Since that install hadn't even been set up yet, I said screw it and tried to reinstall 2000. It took the CD at least 30 min to load, and another hour to format the new partition. There is something wrong here and I don't know what. I can't put any new RAM into it, because the computers are so old they only have 2 RAM slots, and all of our old crappy RAM is only like 64Mb each [ie all the ram that fits in the comps is only small amounts]. My comp has 128Mb of RAM I believe. And there's nothing I can do to fix that. I believe I have tried installing 98 on it, but when I attempt to format the HD after fdisking it, it can never find the HD (says c: invalid media type) and I can't do anything with it past that. Another one gets to the Windows XP setup and freezes at naming the computer/workgroup part and has to be restarted to attempt to do anything. Hard drive was replaced, and it seems to work now, as it already had 98 on it. So any suggestions you may have on how to install OSes better so they actually work would be appreciated.
  12. Drawing/nice pen: Staedtler Mars Professional Drafting Pen, except I can't find .5mm refills anywhere anymore. For general use I use Papermate pens in various colors and such. Mechanical pencils: Niceish Papermate 'Clear 0.7mm Mechanical Pencils' I have some that I've had for like 3-4 years now and still are in decent shape. The part that holds the top of the pencil on always breaks though, so I've got duct tape on most of them.
  13. RIP Alduron. I didn't know him well, but he did a great many great things for this community, and his work lives on.
  14. I was a little bit confused by the bacteria references in the second article, :P although I get Forsaken's point now. Loving the Fremennik fictional!
  15. Hawks


    Humalog insulin 'cause of mah 'betes. Generic Claritin when my allergies are acting up, and melatonin because I can't sleep worth crap. And a large amount of ibuprofen... Because I've got crappy knees, bad posture, and a crappy bed.
  16. Sounds like a plan. I'll have to try that, I believe I've got both on the laptop, one or the other on other comps, plus spare cables around. :thumbup:
  17. Hawks


    Dun like it. I must now figure out how to get rid of it.
  18. Lost Symbol is pretty epic. Finished up Brave New World, wrote the paper on it. My mom picked up the newest Ranger's Apprentice book (don't remember title, #7 I think) and I'm going to start that soonish. Also reading Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in AP Lit.
  19. I liked all the articles, 'Baby's first MMORPG' seemed particularly relevant to me because I play RS because it's free and doesn't require specific software or nice graphics cards and junk. Also enjoying the fictional!
  20. Yeah 222 floppy sized archive pieces. Not worth doing when there's only 3.05 Gb of stuff on it anyway. I took it apart, and tried to IDE it but it's not IDE, I think it'll fit on the floppy cable though, which is smaller (duh). I was worried about getting power to it but I think the floppy power will work too. Didn't get a chance to discuss it with my teacher today as he was gone, so I gutted another computer which is now not even turning on; going to replace PSU and hope it works. It's the most convoluted PC design ever; they tried to cram as much stuff in as little space as possible, I think.
  21. Ergo I have another computer on the network that is online. Laptop is crap. I don't have a cable to directly connect laptop to router. Does not have a wireless card. Is not attached to internet. Currently archiving file to see how big it is, per Guy's suggestion.
  22. Not currently on a network, network was dialup anyway. Going to try to stick it in a comp with IDE cable tomorrow.
  23. Current developments: I have a Direct Cable Connection set up on the 98 and it works. I can't set up a guest direct connection on the XP desktop, only a 'incoming connecitions' connections (ie host). If I try to set up the connection 'backwards', the 98 can't find the XP computer. I have both a serial cable and a parallel cable, from the LapLink thing, but the XP comp doesn't recognize the serial cable. I've gone into the bios and changed the parallel port to EPP and ECP to no avail. [hide=original info]I have a 14yo laptop, with Win98 (not SE), a 6.8 GB mini hard drive, a floppy drive, and a CD drive (128MB RAM ftl). My grandmother is insane, and she would very much like to have some 8 years of emails taken off of it [it is her laptop, currently in my possession]. She uses Outlook Express as her email client, as her email is provided by her ISP. So far I have achieved: Export emails from Outlook Express to Outlook Export from Outlook to a Personal Folder File (.pts? Dunno if this is right filetype) Copy those files to another folder in preparation for removal to another computer Find settings folder for Outlook Express and decide it would be good to copy that as well STOP. Can't get files off comp, too big for a floppy, I can't burn a CD or use a flash drive. The settings/pst files are like 150MB. I may try to copy the entire program to ensure working order though. At the moment I am unsure which program her computer has, and/or which she's using for her email atm. Quick Google search later; her current comp (win xp pro) has Outlook Express on it. So questions: 1. Anyone know about compatibility of Personal Folder Files with Outlook Express and would it be possible to simply copy those files/import them into Outlook Express? 2. If not/otherwise are there other filetypes shared/compatibile between Outlook and Outlook Express or old Outlook Express to newer Outlook Express (I think it's v6 on the XP) 3. Is there a way to transfer those files without removing the HD? I can't put them on a floppy (too big), I can't load flash drive drivers, and I can't burn a CD. ----3a. Anybody know how big the file for WinZip is, or know a more compact file archiver/compressor? This is the best way I can think of at the moment to get this off. Additional information: Everything will come out of this computer, the floppy, the CD, the battery, and the HD. It's about the size of the floppy drive, says 6.8 Gb on it. It's in a weird harness that enables it to plug right into a slot in the computer, but it says it's an ASA/IDE drive. I have access to a number of machines with Win98SE that I could theoretically put the laptop HD into, copy (even the entire contents of the HD probably) on to a flashdrive, and be done with it. However, the HD may have viruses on it. The Win98SE comps have old AVG on them, that run a bootup scanner. Would this probably find any viruses on it? She has dialup, and for the time it was able to connect to the internet, it had Norton AntiVirus 2004 (which I uninstalled because it ate RAM). Or is it [this is more likely] that the OS is just a piece of crap, the HD is totally fragmented, and there's so much crap on it it runs freakishly slow? (I thought so). Thanks for helping with my crazy old slow computer problems.[/hide]
  24. Hawks

    Holiday Gifts

    I'm saving up to buy myself a bass guitar, so I'm hoping I get cash/gift cards for the most part. My parents got me a camera (Canon Powershot A470) already and I know I'm getting that. Besides that, I'd like Tetris Party Deluxe for the DS, a Lightsaber Pen from ThinkGeek, and Origin of Symmetry by Muse. I'm making my cousins little papercraft things for them for Christmas. One is into Star Wars, so I made him a Darth Vader Cubee, one likes Yu-Gi-Oh, so I made him a Yami Yugi Cubee, one likes cats, so I made him a Long Cat Cubee, but I'm considering making him a little cat papercraft I found that I like better. I'm making a bear on a cupcake papercraft for my other cousin, since I couldn't find any ballerina papercrafts. I'm making my brother a couple of epic MTG papercraft deck boxes.
  25. Hawks

    First Siggy

    This gives me hope for the world. To your sig: I think it's a good start, especially considering you didn't copypasta a bunch of C4Ds/fractals in there and just mess with the opacities/modes, it looks pretty good. The text doesn't go with the tag though. Underbanner: It's good, I think the background doesn't really fit with what you put on top of it... But it does look cool.
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