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Everything posted by Barihawk

  1. This last page kind of makes me feel amused and sad at the same time.
  2. I don't think the two can coexist. If you believe a divine spark started a chain reaction (even at the smallest level) then you're moving outside of the realms of science. I don't think the concept of god has any place in science. As for saying it satisfies nothing except for curiosity and the search for knowledge, I think perhaps we differ greatly in that respect. Satisfying curiosity and seeking knowledge seem like two perfectly good pastimes to me. I think it is a good pastime. I enjoy studying even after many years of high education (shudder). However, in the end it's insignificant compared to other things being discovered. It's for nothing but bragging rights. And if you are someone like me, God deserves a place in science if he created the laws behind it :P. *runs before inevitable flaming from others*
  3. I return to my original point, which has yet to even be noticed: Why can't the two coexist? Like I said, Georges Lemaitres was a devout Catholic before, during, and after he came up with the theory of the Big Bang. He was awarded by the Vatican for significant contribution to science. He could have the two coexist, why can't others? I'm not saying one's wrong, I am not saying one's right. But why must you all carry on like they are mutually exclusive? In the grand scheme of things, knowing for sure if we were dropped on this Earth by a Creator or evolved from a puddle of goo is kind of pointless. It satisfies nothing except for curiosity and a seeking of knowledge. You can be atheist or Christian and still be just as good of a brain surgeon, mathematician, teacher, plumber, politician, marketing executive, lawyer, biologist, pharmaceutical technician, whatever. Why is it necessary to bring such passion to something that's rather mundane in the vast realm of science? With the exception, of course, to the concept of defying God (which drove many of the 'greats' in science to do their research which have lead to many advances in numerous fields) which is kind of silly because atheists don't believe in God in the first place :P Essentially we are in yet another black/white/us/them debate again that boils down to hard headed repetition of the same arguments, pointless whittling at each other's posts, and personal attacks. Hurray.
  4. I know, right? This is obviously sexism and homophobia from Jagex's end. [/humour] I'm just wondering how this will work, considering that the graphics aren't even high enough quality to show detail for the eyes (except in dialogue or when taking a photo). They might be overhauling character graphics ingame to show more detail.
  5. Six hours after I got the vaccine I was chilling with some friends at somebody's house when I started feeling funny, and I suddenly go extremely cold, like a really bad fever spell. Luckily two girls volunteered to lay on top of me as I was shaking on the couch, but it passed in 10 minutes and I was perfectly healthy and drinking again 2 hours later. I could only imagine the state I'd be in if I actually caught the flu... I don't like being out of commission for a week unlike a lot of people here. I got the vaccine on Thursday, injectable. It burned for less than a second (the Type A burned for 30 minutes), my arm never got sore, I barely even felt the needle. Stop being wussies. I admit that the Type A gave me chills for a few moments after a few hours, but the H1N1 injection didn't bother me at all.
  6. Colonel Telford was much more of an [wagon] this week than usual. Especially at the very ending.
  7. I work in a pediatrics medical clinic, and we charge for our vaccines, however it's usually to insurance/medicaid. The only reason those vaccines are free is because they are being distributed by state health departments and are only available/free to the very poor who can not afford insurance/cash pay. The vaccines are expensive, to be honest, at 35 dollars per dose. For a flu shot, that is very costly. Also, I have recieved both injections. H1N1 is fairly harmless compared to the seasonal flu, but there's no point in getting it if you don't have to.
  8. Thank Louis Pasteur? The process has only been around for over a hundred years.
  9. Wtf...the Bible doesn't mention anything about what life was created in the beginning, and as such dinosaurs are not ruled out. Seriously, people. READ THE BOOK. Genesis is only about 100 pages long, and the relevant information we are discussing in this thread encompasses about THREE PAGES in Genesis. Step 1: Find a Bible. A house without one is a sad house. Step 2: Open bible to page one. Step 3: Read for two minutes, then stop. You have probably passed the expulsion from Eden by this point so there's not much point continuing. Step 4: Come back to thread. Step 5: Feel secure arguing in the thread knowing you've done at least the minimum amount of research. We weren't all raised Christian... You obviously weren't trained in basic research and analysis either. And also, you don't have to be Christian to do the above. It takes a few moments and can be done at a library, school, church, hotel room, wherever.
  10. Wtf...the Bible doesn't mention anything about what life was created in the beginning, and as such dinosaurs are not ruled out. Seriously, people. READ THE BOOK. Genesis is only about 100 pages long, and the relevant information we are discussing in this thread encompasses about THREE PAGES in Genesis. Step 1: Find a Bible. A house without one is a sad house. Step 2: Open bible to page one. Step 3: Read for two minutes, then stop. You have probably passed the expulsion from Eden by this point so there's not much point continuing. Step 4: Come back to thread. Step 5: Feel secure arguing in the thread knowing you've done at least the minimum amount of research.
  11. Since I believe wholeheartedly with Sunli, who was able to take the time that I could not to type out such a response, I will tack on this. Creation and the Big Bang are not mutually exclusive, and I think Adrenal is screwing with you all to make you look silly for not noticing this. Dr. Lemaitre was praised by the Vatican for his theory, by the way :P. The Big Bang is actually what nearly all educated Christians generally believe in. We also accept the true age of the Earth, and believe that man in it's current form has been around for at least 40 thousand years due to archeological evidence of culture. It's a common smear tactic of those that dislike religion to call those who follow it a bunch of backwards fools. The truth is, religion is constantly adapting and there are many scholars and theologians out there who are trying to keep it a living faith that adapts to the modern times and knowledge. All we have learned from science in the past thousands of years...all the knowledge we have ever gained is immense and fills countless volumes, but it has yet to disprove God's existence. And the more people try to learn to accomplish this goal, the finish line has not gotten closer, although they do discover countless other things that benefit humanity. Tl:dr: Science + Religion = happy handholding buddies if you are doing it right. Edit: I also maintain that the vast majority of you have never read Genesis, opened a Bible except to follow along with the pastor, or have not followed my advice from several years ago that before you debate the Bible, you actually have to read it. I might just have to start a Bible study for some of you, honestly. You can break apart the entire book line by line in about a year. Let's do it.
  12. My philosophy, and that of many Biblical scholars/non-idiotic Christians: Why can't there be synergy between both? Sure, if you add up the years in Genesis you get some wierd number, but guess what: Genesis was written 5000 years BEFORE our Calender, and several thousand years before the first calendars were even written. Who the hell is to say what a year was to God? One must also remember who's telling the story vs who the author was in both Genesis and Revelation, the first and last books of the Bible. God was speaking directly to both to men who lived in a time where they could not comprehend fully what he was trying to tell them. Hence, the heavy use of constructs in both books to represent imagery. God told Moses he created the world in seven days. But how long was a day to God? Could this have just been figurative language as to not boggle Moses' mind with billions of years of careful construction? Would John have been able to grasp the concept of the modern apocolypse with nuclear weaponry, ID chips, or global dictatorships? So who's to say the two don't go hand in hand? It's worth noting that the Big Bang theory was come up with solely by one scientist, Georges Lematire, in 1927 and that this man was a DEVOUT CATHOLIC PRIEST. My advice for the topic: Stop thinking in black/white. Start realizing that in almost all things in this world, the gray area is much bigger.
  13. Merciful hit it on the head. It has been stated numerous times that Runescape's graphical abilities are immense and the resources required to update everything within versions is a massive undertaking. There are hundreds of thousands of models that have to be redone, tens of not hundreds of times more items than the game had at RS2 launch. As such, they are updating everything they can in phases, and only currently are creating new NPC's with the new graphics. Older npcs and areas will have to be done later. Eventually in a year or so, this quest will all be RT5 quality, but Jagex only has limited staff and they themselves have said that focusing only on graphics would divert attention from gameplay areas for minimal satisfaction gain.
  14. Because the potential is that the passenger is merely "holding" the beer for the driver. It's a no tolerance policy.
  15. Almost every state in the US has laws against open containers in vehicles, whether driver or passenger. They don't need to sniff it. Beer bottles are nearly 100% guaranteed to be carrying one type of liquid. If you can smell it on someone, they've probably had more than a little. And by his own admittal, the OP is/was drunk.
  16. Let's look at recent US politicians who have won recently: Jimmy Carter...Al Gore. No, the committee isn't practicing any kind of political pattern here, are they? I would have gone with the female Afghan doctor. Edit: On the other hand, Jimmy Carter does actually deserve the award for Habitat for Humanity. But I'd like to see him out in the fields helping on some of these projects or motivating volunteer teams rather than sitting in his mansion making videotapes.
  17. Dude, it's the Asian Fonz.
  18. Worst nerf ever. If anything, EVERY noncombat skill should produce similar untradable products that make you uber in pvp. And this is coming from someone with something like 44 herblaw.
  19. Chey rocks my socks.

  20. This coming from the guy who practically mouthed "BS" when Rio got the Olympics? Who is actually strengthening military efforts around the globe? Who's administration's only real foreign policy victory was the "negotiation" for those two girls from North Korea that Bill Clinton achieved (and therefore is deserving of the award) but which is moot anyways since it was Kim's attempt just to grab attention for a few moments?
  21. The speech was fantastic, well written, and well done. The day of school removed by doing the federal curriculum was a ginormous waste of time to the school districts idiotic enough to have done it. Teachers already have a tough time trying to crunch everything that they are expected to teach into a school year. Having an entire day wasted only makes that harder.
  22. Jad isn't about switching prayers during combat. It's a complete lesson in preparation and planning, requiring on-the-fly strategy. Or following a guide and cheaping out on the rewards.
  23. And in a week the tactics will shift, five guides will be written, and new ways to bypass learning how to do it for yourself will be read by monster hunters everywhere.
  24. You mean the strongest monster in the game for solo play which was designed to be almost impossible to beat in the first place but was so abused with safespots and handicaps that it's associated status symbol became a joke is now actually more difficult and that's not fair? :o
  25. Wtb career where I get paid 180k a year to soak up private funds and then release faint promises of hope whenever my contract is up?
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