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Everything posted by vilageidiotx

  1. oh ok, somebody will lead you if you charter a wiki guide. meant for the person above rpggamer
  2. If you are always right, then your last two posts were lies, which weren't right, which means you were wrong, which means you posted another lie, so you have been wrong at least three times 7+7=14
  3. That job was taken, so i had to be the "Two who knows most of it all' Why was the "one who knows it all' job taken?
  4. Perhaps, but that means you lied about not being right, which means you either are right sometime or were right once when you said "im never right", so you must have been right before at least once. The moon is in orbit around the earth.
  5. I have never enjotted anything, and i dont expect to start enjotting now, so no Do you know....the muffin man?
  6. banned for lmao'ing, because once you have lmo'ed your a, you will need to find something else to lmo because you only get one a....wait wrong person banned for being repetitive
  7. You get what you wanted, but instead of what you thought, you get three toyota wishes (a japanese minivan) i wish for fish
  8. Banned for assuming i have a damn business, when im not in the business of damning at all.
  9. Nursery rhymes :-s dont ask me...that was the first thing, im serious Water
  10. Yo mamma! Do you have any proof i had a childhood?
  11. You get a picture of 89% of the world...and a cheeseburger shake >insert 1/2 a coin<
  12. Because bob barker aattteee yooouurrrs braaiiinnssss!!!
  13. false :lol: The person below me is bald
  14. *cough* No eating the cheese *cough* I high cheese alch you stomach, take the cheese i get from it and hide it in a pyramid full of traps, mummys, and rabid raccons with [bleep]ed tails :ohnoes:
  15. you get a gun and a nose to insert later >inserts a nose-gun<
  16. They should fix the bank to be searchable and organisable, and they should make a player-owned shop system to make selling and buying items less of a hassle.
  17. I knew some people who played runescape, namely my father and a really good friend in another game, so back in january 06 one night i decided to make a character to meet my friend from the other game and just play around. I wanted something just generally silly, so i tried Villageidiot...and that was taken, so i dropped an l and went with vilageidiot and it was taken, so i added the x and it became vilageidiotx. One night became two, and two nights became a week, and next thing i knew i was hooked.
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