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Everything posted by vilageidiotx

  1. Its not cheating, or it wouldn't be allowed. I feel it does take an element of the game experience away, so yes it is questionable, but as of now its just part if the game we have to deal with. Still, i wouldn't at all be upset if jagex did put a stop to it.
  2. The only thing i could see them doing with a rs3 is move from java, and that would be a stupid move on their part. The only reason runescape has got where it is, is because of its most critized flaw, graphics. Runescape is ,essentially, the "Poor mans" WOW. It works on most computers and is cheap, because they don't have to pay for anything intense. If jagex updated runescape to run with graphics similar to that of WOW, it would lose most of its community. They know this, because what they have works, and works well. It not only holds a near monopoly on cheap MMORPGs, but it is running with the big dogs, coming in second on the popularity list. This game, inspite of its graphics problems, have outran games like lineage and guild wars. Why? Because those games are trying to tap into the WOW crowd, they have to compete much more. Runescape, however, is in a league of its own.
  3. My favorite so far has been dds/ddp++. I own a whip now, but for some reason the dds is still one of my favorites.
  4. It will now be safe to walk through varrock square =D>
  5. You get an orchestra! You got your wall-banging sounds :wall: :wall: Violins :boohoo: :boohoo: Harmonicas :ohnoes: :ohnoes: Clappers =D> =D> ...and finally, whistler! :-w >inserts the guy who the orchestra wouldn't let whistle :-# <
  6. 3/10 Ive never seen you until today, but you have been the most active poster ive seen today, so you are doing good enough for a 3/10
  7. Perhaps, if you are an Evil Dictator All dictators are evil
  8. However maso, unbeknown to you, amongst my many minions lies one so great, so dangerous, and so loyal, that he is considered one of my best. Who is he, do you ask? This ally is no human, no no, but it is....(you may fear to go on, so i will spare you the pain, but if you choose to go on, may you not blame me for any anguish you encounter) My greatest minion is... [hide]Maso's Liver! It is one of my most loyal minions, and it betrays you by giving you side pains, making you visit a hospital, where one of the doctors(also my minion) steals it from you and gives it to me! I bask in its cheesy glory, and it gives me much knowledge! Such wise cheese! I hide with it in my mansion thats floating in space, it being defended by bigfoot and his friend, somewhatovergrown foot.[/hide] So now i have the cheese
  9. You get a wooden shield and a bronze axe >inserts :cry: <
  10. You know you have been on the computer to much, because when you watch tv A: you move the remote to keep it from falling asleep B: When you didn't catch what someone says, you try to rewind it by finding the progress bar and dragging it back Both of these happened to me. Im a self-diagnosed internet geek :roll:
  11. In soviet russia, vending machine gives you YOU! >inserts a brick wall :wall: <
  12. Gluesticks, they never worked for me :oops: WDYHM? Having the ugliest car or no car at all
  13. They make my head burst One is the loneliest number
  14. However, i do have someone working for me who does go to yours school, and they take the cheese from you and sends it to me via Idiotmail, and i hide it in my mansion in kazahkastan, guarded by and army of the best soldier, whom all look like this :evil:
  15. Hmmmm....who is liars? Warm soda or flat soda?
  16. Lol, his next rival. I now am picturing a wrestling match between bush and, lets say, hillary clinton. ooopss... i mean, perhaps, but its hard to kick a guy out of the country, since nobody can kick that hard. the square root of 25 is 5
  17. Perhaps, but its hard for a soft drink to build bases, and even harder for it to build a base on a old man. By the way, i meant he is in denial about believing in santa, as he does believe but won't admit it, therefore he says he doesn't read and think before you critique. ...and now for my part.... We are the champions my friends.
  18. In soviet russia, h20 saves YOU!
  19. You get the power of shell gas stations! >inserts :idea: lightbulb :idea: <
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