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Everything posted by vilageidiotx

  1. You get a phone modem >inserts credit card<
  2. Granted, but i find out all your other secrets in the process, and i tell them to your grandma! I wish i wasn't a slave :cry: its boring
  3. Vest won't protect a brain, so a gun WOULD kill everyone. As long as they are humans. :twisted: What? You dont wear a vest on your head?
  4. You get the rest of me! >Inserts gazzys nose<
  5. Granted, and he as at your door right now, ready to party :twisted: I wish the i could wish the ultimate wish
  6. Don't worry, a runescape movie is extremly unrealistic, dont even think it might happen, this is all just for fun.
  7. Perhaps,But your assuming everyone knows how to work a gun, or that the target isn't wearing a bullet proof vest. Taxes is the easiest way to kill a man
  8. Granted, but in the process, i do kill things you dont have yet and would have if i didn't kill them, destroying a large piece of your future I wish that none of my wishes be corrupted
  9. Banned for posting before me! How dare you! :shame:
  10. Its nice you appreciate people who appreciate F2P
  11. What are you talking about? Ive been here the entire time i was here! U R L4T3!1!11!1oneeleven!11
  12. 9/10 The best food be spicy! :idea: Lightbulbs :idea:
  13. You get a note that says... then it proceeds to spray anthrax at you before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke >Inserts nose :^o <
  14. Lucky for me i survived, and in the dead of the night i blew a hole in your manor, and found the cheese! I took the cheese, and i retreated to my fortress in tibet, where i put the cheese in a plexi-glass case, in a room set with booby traps and full of laser beams that, when disrupted, set off a security system that first shoots at you, then calls in my guards who will finish youu off. Now with the cheese secured, its time to plan World Domination! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
  15. hmmm... Drunken Dwarf: Danny DiVito Evil Chickens Voice: Gilbert Gottfried Vanakka: Hulk Hogan Two Wannai Bwannai Trio: Chris Rock, Will Smith, and Chapelle Rantz: Rosie O'Donnell (come on, you know you agree :thumbsup: )
  16. Unluckely, you disguise it as a pitbull, and since where you are recently passed an anti-pitbull law, the police took it away to a pound ran by one of my minions, and he pointed out it was cheese and got it released, where i took it and went into orbit in a laser shooting pac-man shaped shuttle.
  17. After the sink uprising, i had to..."do away" with all the sinks ...However, undetered, i sent steven hawkings to go in to your maths class, where he proceeded to confuse you with extremly complicated formulas, and while you tried to make since of what he was saying, i made off with the cheese...and after a short pitstop at the popes place to have the cheese blessed as "The Holy Cheese of Swiss", I went into hiding in my secret bunker on an undisclosed planet at an undisclosed location.
  18. You get a roll 8-) >Inserts finger<
  19. Depends on your believe. If you believe in evolution, it would be the egg, as the chicken we know and love would have hatched from the egg of something closely related to the chicken, but if you believe in creation, then the chicken was created first. Why is darkness not light?
  20. 10/10....me and her have been....seeing each other lately :-$ Mcdonalds
  21. With my infinite wisdom, i knew you would hide under a sink, so a used my mind to turn all sinks into my Minions :twisted: :twisted:...and to make a long story short, your sink swallowed you and brought you to my tibetan stronghold, where i took the cheese from you and put you in my dungeon, where you have to listen to an endless stream of fergielicious!!!! Meanwhile, the sinks i employed are now in the process of Conquering the World for me to own. :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
  22. Its the same day as earthday Ahh! My hair is burning!
  23. Luckly, i have a naturally slow pace, so i have no problem being as slow as ezlo, and i slloowwllly ttakkkee itttt aaawwwwaaayyy. Then my trusty Idiotcopter comes and picks me up, and i fly safely away to my stronghold in the mountains of tibet, complete with 50 feet walls and a moat full of poisoned toast and ticks, as well as guarded by robots and guys with guns.
  24. Banned for using proper punctation but not proper capitalization.
  25. You get a deed to the mcdonalds down the street, as well as lawsuit from the vending machine company for filling their machine with cheeseburger >Inserts Ancient Coinage<
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