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Everything posted by Dormado

  1. nice guide, but you forgot to emntion that godsword blade was tempered in teh tears of teh mystical race iceyne , and thus they are the only weapon capable of slaying a god. if only i had 75 attack.....
  2. No Revenants. That teleblock, poison, freeze, and hit 20s. In F2P. And can't hit you if you walk behind a tree. OOOO A BIG SCARY REVENANT IS GONNA GET ME LOOK OUT you should be afraid... with talk like this ur asking for soem revenant pounding. They can teleblock, tele out, they eat, they switch styles according to prayers, the knights magic atack hits over 40, and they dont get stuck on trees, they start walking norrow and using magics. it other words wild IS more dangerous then even before
  3. cooll,i go to the penguins now! I'll might be wrong but you can't say Dodo egg with big letters in game? It's possible, you just need to type Alt0160 after each letter. OMG i went killing penguins on the same island two days ago and spent 2 hours there killing them! nothing! maybe they were added like a hidden update ?
  4. baba yaga from lunar isle is a charachter from russian tales, Koshchei (or whatever5 its spelled) the deadless (from fremmenik trials quest) is also from russian mythology. And i'm still puzzled about Uri, if i remember its examine, its weird...
  5. I am lvl 72 member, and i am...BORED My ebst friend cant play during holidays so no KBD trips, IO've already tried these things and they didn't work: Castlewars, PC, Bounty hunter, clan wars, gnoem delivery minigame, shades of mortton, random skilling, questing, revenants hunting, blast furnace, and some other activities.... Shoudl i try RPG? NEED HELP! boredom is killing me....
  6. is it posiible to kill KBD with 3 man team, we are about lvl 80, one mage, and two rangers. (73mage, 72 and 69 range), defs and prayers are also quite high.
  7. I just cant resist: your songs are really good , =D> keep up the good work :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  8. lol my thoughts exactly ...And if they're supposed to be replacing pkers...then shouldn't they be dropping something worthwhile? :-k At least these pkers don't run, tele, call you a safing noob, have a load of sharks, and use a clan of 50 to take you down in 2 seconds. Imo, it's better off. :-w I was fighting a demon revenant when he disappeared - teleing ? YES, about 1/2 of them tele out IF you dont do enaught damage in teh end of the battle.
  9. try hanging around 1 place (lvl 13 castle works for me) and they will find you themselves (PS: tehy often team and tele so dont do this without team
  10. w0w, i'm lvl 72 and now i make my money from this, TY so much!!! i'm gonaa buy fulol ahrims tomorow \ (my dream)
  11. those revenants are actually sometrhing interesting, I attacked the goblin one and when he was about to die he disappeared (tele? :-k ) then theres 2 demon revenant teaming on me and both attacking with diffirent styles... their wayyyy to much inteligent. P.S>: the ebst way i found to kill them is to use protect from melee, then they attack with ranged , (magic and melee hits highest). soem mages robes are really a big + so their freezing attacks fail....TB - just run away and log out.
  12. oh sure it was all great.... I got ambushed like 10 times until i got there!!! And tehre were spies EVERYWHERE, so many normal tipiters got paranoid and attacked EVERYONE. As a skilled tactitian i can say that this was a tactical nightmare , at teh begging people got lost and stuff. IF we won then we must thank Guthix, because taht would be miracle,. Insanity, I'm sending this letter witha bat from the end of teh wilderness. I am injured send medics , i think there are some more survivors... /RE
  13. i ahve found out that almost 100 so call 'tipiters' were rsc'ers tehy killed soooo many of us
  14. wow thsi is @fun@ green caped guys killed me and my friends, friendly fire eh?
  15. hehe, i met so many friends here that i cured my depression , i actually saw great leader dbz himself, and gazed upon the balck mask of mario sunny. So all i can say is....THIS IS TIPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take everything, GIVE THEM NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. THIS IS MADNESS!!!! there's almost 400 ppl following toast , 100 near the well and tehres ppl everywhere!!!! i say we got waaayyy over 500
  17. I was scouting, the battlegrounds and all wildy is almost empty , so no signs of a trap, Offtopic: OMG i killed three lvl 36's RSC guys while scouting WITHOUT weapons or food!
  18. If you really want to survive me and my friends can organize a protective party for ya. 8-)
  19. i will remember thsi year as a year when teh most powerful weapon godsword coem into play
  20. first of all, JaGeX didn't kill staking, tehy jsut added 3K limit to stakes. Many people would say that's teh same as actually killing it but it is not. Remember when you enter tournaments arena you get a message saying dueling is a honourable pasttime . that's the thing, it's not for living from it, but for passing your free time, something like a hobby. Second it's honourable, it's for honour and combat experience (that is much more valuable then soem gold coins). As i have said before : @JaGeX did a great job, Filtered the noobs who were in it for money from dueling. \ .
  21. phew!!! I made it, the last one.... \ i must be lucky. :-w
  22. nope, everything in runescape can be autoed I do believe. I seriously doubt solo-ing Zilyana from GWD is a task for an autoer. \ wait 1 year and you'ill see quest autoers. Doing MEP =P~
  23. I lost my common sense and higher opinions of Jagex when they eliminated dueling. Granted, this is a different scenario, but with the mentality they approach RWT with, I have to say I HOPE Jagex doesn't do this, not I KNOW Jagex will not do this. ahem.. jagex didn't elminate dueling , they just made it hounourable, or in other words, they filtered off noobs who wee in dueling 4 money.
  24. Role in film: Crew member. anyone basically Do you accept to the terms and conditions? mh.... yes... agreed :XD: i got a bit overexited there :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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