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Everything posted by Dormado

  1. Hows it going filming? And could I possibly help?
  2. Fight in wild? I think that the official rules of DMR states that all fights must be done in the Duel Arena? Or at least it said so when i checked rules last time... Just checked, yes it clearly states that all matches must take place in Duel Arena.
  3. so i see, but the update said otherwise: it didnt let me jump in.....
  4. No, the effects remain the same now matter how much its degraded
  5. Along with teh BH update there was an update saying that ppl that used safe methods of getting drop potential up now could be fought, but today i found a pair of rune full - aircasters and they made fun of me when i failed and couldnt attack them. WTH? the new system should find such an obvious way of getting potential up - casting air strike in full rune....huh? then what unfair methods of getting the potential up do they detect?
  6. Lithuanian players, there seems to be alot of pure badly behaved Pker's amongst them. :)
  7. Mostly i keep music and sounds on, music - because there are few playtracks I like, and sounds just mainly because it's easier to know if you've hit, with ancients for example.
  8. To the poster above me.... seriously, ur the type of players that pisses me off. Frankly I was surprised that someone created a comics about Lt players, didnt know there were so many of them. But insulting other ppl on forums just to think that they wont read ur language. seriously.... As irgi lietuvis (I'm Lt too), and I hate stereotypes, (But I find the comics way fun to read :D i mean seriously how do ppl come up with this stuff?
  9. well its eithe ryou egt lvl 52 and use spirit terrorbird, or you use bull ants (lvl40)
  10. Probably using summoning BoB and energy restoring familiars would help
  11. Kalphite guardians? thats actually a very good idea! Exactly where can you safespot them?
  12. Heh, i need some help: Me and my friend are looking for some mid lvled monsters which can eb used for bussiness , we want to train magic and /or range on them (not aviansies tho), any suggestions?
  13. 1.Yes, beacause most of their stats affect economy - ie: the better their skill, the more money they make in certain time. Infilation. 2.Yes. Economy infilation. ^ 3. yes. economy infilation ^ Infilation is bad,
  14. So here are the few questions i wanted to ask: 1. where can i train attack kinda cheaply (money gain unneeded) except the dragons, with my lvls: 71att, 72str, 60def? 2. My friend has been bugging me about the penguin seek locations. I've heard there were some kind of weekly report forums, where you can find the current penguin locations? is it true? links?
  15. so kill him if he annoys you, and wait for another replacement. should work
  16. Buy Sumona gives dumb tasks, there is not thing in her task that gives you some $$$ & charms Insult summona once more and you shall taste my blade. pft. Humans
  17. if Duradel annoys you do While Guthix Sleeps and kill him (wtach him die). That pretty much solves every problem 8-)
  18. Protection from Magic does not affect dragonfire attacks from Bronze, Iron, Steel, or Mithril dragons. Protection from Magic is a substitute for Dragonfire Shield or Anti-Dragon Shield against Green, Blue, Red, Black, and most of their variations (Like KBD and Elvarg). Antifire potion is a bonus on top of whatever you're already using. That is, it will hardly have any effect if you're not wearing a shield or praying, but if you're wearing a shield and drink an antifire potion, it makes you completely immune. cool , didn't knew that. still he could have equiped his DFS in time, thats even faster. shame he didn't lose anything
  19. you could have just pressed protect from magic and survived. Its pretty easy to do so between the shots
  20. You mean : w00t partY!!! :P :P :P 1 year since the damned auoers were kicked out and defeated. 1 year since Rs is hell of a better place to live. 1 year since the madness ended. Celebrate!!!
  21. well , since stealing creation is a game dedicated to them, they will be no way removed from the game
  22. What else would they be? Is it just coincidence that I'm averaging about 900 cosmic runes every 1k chaos at ghostly warriors? How on earth could the drop rate of an item not be set? How would you code it? I agree with AlexDT There is no luck in the game. But it's frustrating how easy some players get drops. yeah, especially considering that I'be been hunting D* Monks for several days now, and still haven't got anything :wall:
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