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Everything posted by Raven6666

  1. if you know how to script html, it should be easy enough to bypass it, otherwise use world 6 and forums
  2. i suggest a lot more agility levels, underground pass is annoying enough in that area, just pick the route with the least amount of jumps
  3. always have them now, i achieved everything that i really needed or wanted
  4. if anyone didn't notice, i posted up another picture of him with a chat
  5. although the tortoise shells can be sold to a general store for about 4k a piece, im not sure of the alch price for the giant snail shells though, might find out later
  6. i would suggest a castle wars world, if there are ice barragers, let them damage you
  7. I'm not a noob; I know the normal Mort Myre snail shells can be crafted into helms, next time read the words
  8. when people mis-spell names with a c, they usually replace it with a k, look at the picture, look at the right-click box
  9. well i've achieved almost anything i really need, apart from 99 in a skill or 200m exp in a skill.. So i decided to burn of my ivandis rods at temple trekking and here is what i found http://img327.imageshack.us/img327/6494/asdfgid6.png - just the preliminary picture http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/4329/asdfg2wr9.png - one with an actual chat the mouse was over the npc walking away(to the north, his back is facing my screen) now, the Barrows brother is a different spelling, so just keep this in mind
  10. kinda of an aweful time for aussies though(6am sunday aest) would help if i was a mod, but yet again, do you really need pmods?, i doubt there is any true difference for the use..
  11. Rod (of Ivandis) Dust Giant Snail Shells just wondering :roll:
  12. i would say the pyramids are worthy of being in the top 7..
  13. try rso forums, or for house parties, otherwise just ask your clan
  14. all i was meaning, it depends on your interests and stats
  15. gloves as in gloves - dark gloves if you want gauntlet help, just pick whichever would suit you, only costs a measly 25k to change it boots - rune boots for defensive stats climbing for a str bonus
  16. did you come to the realisation that it does come at the cost of a lot more inventory spaces left, entangles take a minimum of 2 spaces, and you have to waste a lot of time and resources making the binding necklaces and only claws of guthix can be autocast, but yet, you have to waste a whole lot of hours playing pest control to get the max points, 250 games, 5 minutes each, maybe two whole days worth of 10 hours if you take 5 minutes per game now, on to the topic of using the ancients vs godspells strike uses 6 elemental runes claws and flames take 5 elemental runes both 2 different types and combo runes would be used 5 a cast, considering runes cant be half-used the ice spells take what? no airs, only waters was it? 3 waters for the blitzes, easy enough, 3 runes if you choose to autocast with ancient staff, or 2 rune spots if you care to click-cast like godspells, and it comes with the feature of a bind the risk of gettin the godspells ability outside of the arena is as risky as dt, but if you have a high lvl friend who's helping you with the godspells, they have a bigger risk of dieing from pkers rather than desert treasure, considering they can teleport when they wish, outside of wildy, may have more hp and know their way around godspells and entangle is less space friendly, but faster, yet with barrows, its good to keep a whole lot of food on you, but you did say you entangled guthans(possibly verac and torag too) but you can easily pick them off with guess what, slayer dart and armour, with a good defence level, it isnt that hard, plus, if you're not built as a pker, why have a low defence? it seriously helps on minor opponents like this
  17. i doubt that they would do anything to shift the existing prayers to a new level, if that happens, there will be a lot, i mean a lot of people flaming jagex about the decision and maybe a large slump in anyone pking or even playing the game for that fact those are my calculations for the prayers
  18. http://www.tip.it/runescape/?rs2monster_id=614 if jad had 900 hp, getting a fire cape would be next to impossible for the very best
  19. although, when you wield that ring, it's the same effects as the easter ring we received earlier in the year, yet you turned into a rock much like the old mining ones, so i would also think that you'd lost the 32kg from the barrel of naptha/tar
  20. i would try suggest any arrows and a ring as possibly the percentage of a kilo would stack to an extra, also, not all items are exact kilos, i think the number represented would be the number rounded down(hence a ring+arrows may add that few hundred grams of weight)
  21. pest control( to use a 3 monsters in a line technique- note, it doesnt have to be a straight line, can be like a corner, but if there is a brawler in the line, it will not work) and fight caves(on the lvl 180's)
  22. high eighties/low nineties was sick of f2p, although more p2p'ers are disrespectful
  23. answer this for me, as an invisible bonus, would you be able to build rooms just out of your reach, without the tea
  24. it's a simple quest, good exp, but it has a majorly annoying mind game the maths used is algebra btw and i think you should mention the crystal seed you get at the end, as well as singing it to a saw
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