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Everything posted by Raven6666

  1. mundane tasks to me would be considered along the lines of resource gathering, resource using and walking i hope there are no explosive spells for fishing spots.... who knows, there might be a cooking form or superheat item!!(hope that it isnt something lame like "open door")
  2. i've seen it with a cake!, i think its something to do with the webs
  3. if they nerf those things, they better give us more points per game then!! otherwise so many people will be putting in combat rings into their houses for almost unlimited training for pvp
  4. increased chance? what chance is that anyway? look here, if you're attacking someone, you have a 100% chance of having a splatter mark on them, and about 20%(pure guess, okay?) chance of 0(% goes down with lvl i would say) the explanation is just rubbish unless they consider hitting=damaging if they do, why have the blue splattters for 0? well i think they could either elaborate or change the spec as mage longs are commonly sold for alching food
  5. 1)sure the grammar may be off, only jotted down the info without having it being 100% formal 2) im no noob, i know that jmods DO own their own characters and play them more often, as well as the fact that the jmod characters themselves are for scouting out problems and fixing 'em and airwig, no msg, and please (inappropriate word) learn to crop, or link it instead and about the mod mark incident, i wasnt upset just annoyed as there were a few bugs i knew about yet not even a 'thanks' even after i said it
  6. if criticism or a small suggestion if what you want to post, not welcome here...
  7. nice find, but if you have ever tried using the f/rings without the dramen staff, a msg comes up.... with the msg in mind, i have no idea how the heck a jackal would get there, but i suppose he smelt some sheep....
  8. http://kbase.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/ ... cat_id=869 (warning this article i have written may be a long read, depending on certainties) now, look through the topics once you have read the articles on Jmods i think half of the things they say are b/s, here is some evidence 1) trading with jmods: someone on this site posted that jmods CAN trade, ont thing i remember from these forums: an rsplaye was with a jmod at the kbd, with the player claiming it was broken, the player dies while the jmod is ranging the kbd or something around that... then the player dies and is returned his items and then an addy axe i think(unsure if the axe was the kbd drop or already on the player) from that info, number 1 is b/s to tipiters now to: 2) sure you can duel jmod, if they want to, but click on the link,"jagex staff moderators are unattackable" evidence of b/s: a thread had a jmod defeat msg(i think niall) in the jmod thread somewhere about 3) just a question to get you thinking, useless info isnt it? hell they ARE staff, but wait, didnt someone say they were one of the staff for development on these forums? 4) useless question to throw you off(basically same q as 1!) 5)(sorry for the no pic no proof jerks..) but recently, Mod Mark signed on, i asked him a few things, said somethin about a bug, BUT noo, he didnt reply, although it does say they have to help, but when i waited for a reply, the only thing i received was a "Mod Mark has logged out" message 6) possibly more padding to throw you off? we all know that jmods can play the game, if they couldnt why have the pages in the first place? 7) kinda obvious answer isnt it? now, wheres that pic about the mod in heart unit?(rhetorical question) (disappointing thing is, if you do get employed, they give u a character, you cant upgrade your existing one if you already play[wonder what happens if you get fired...]) 8) most important: what is one? well lets see, shouldnt this be at the top?, kinda pointless if you read from top to bottom like most people, this would throw off people quite a lot in the order they read the articles well if you have read through this whole 8 bits i have typed up, you deserve a cookie N.B. - the numbers are connecting the paragraphs with the articles
  9. i would prefer chessy's house, already has the top furnishings and etc, and eagle lecturn of the highest grade
  10. i've had 3+ guthans in the same room more than once double karil more than once probably quadruple veracs multiple times would say this phenomena has been around since the beginning
  11. he stomps the ground sooner or later for both attacks if he lifts a back leg a tiny bit, range atk if both are still, mage atk
  12. good:ahhh(or a type of sigh) bad: very very bad words.. (or a sigh) or frikking or bloody hell i just used a hell of a lot of the bad words just then jad frikkin killed me bloody hell
  13. Exactly. Point me to a straight guy who wears a skirt? (And don't say a scottish guy ) as said above the majority of the barrows bros wear skirt leggings, now, i'm assuming you have a deathwish and if you are dissing male characters who wear a skirt, im assuming you aren't straight?
  14. it isnt a bug, its connected to the feet shuffling, which i think came in around the time of defenders
  15. take notice of how players "shuffle" their feet sometimes, same thing to jad
  16. its in the screenshot gallery page 7 for all you playing at home even the jmods verac the kq(look at the other pics)
  17. although i highly recommend you NOT to fish the karabwan as it is a delayed heal(click on food, character eats, a few milisecs later, hp comes in)
  18. not so fast when you dont know the best methods dh bod dh gaxe guth helm guth spear guth bod t bod v helm v brassy are all over 1m, but 9 other melee items are worth under 1m, lowest would be t hams at about 200k only half(not exactly!) of melee barrow items are over 1m, but look at ahrims and karils, both under 2m a set, karils is so cheap its more worthit buying new karils items instead of repairing! the only "hard" barrows brother is dharok as the high damage is inflicted, barrows (armour) was meant to be the best of the best, but as the items were so easily obtained(i could've worked halfway to a d chain from all my runs now) people lost respect and value for it, as you can see people duelling, if whole armour is on: veracs, wildy:ahrims for mage, guthans and dharoks for training over half the people i see with barrows i would consider noobs to not know how much trouble it should have been to get an item
  19. free to help, for a while tho, can do up to 100 pics in the next few weeks
  20. no, i can recognise the site you can offer up items to sell/auction off, but the monetary you pay is the gp in rs, not real life cash basically ebay for runescape sell n buy rs items with rs cash
  21. well i dont remember being able to double loot, as jagex said that they took it off a few weeks after release
  22. well i think jagex posted on the news that they did change it so its not possible for 2(barrows specific) items are attained in the same run....
  23. i thought gettin 2 barrows items in the same run was fixed already
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