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Everything posted by Raven6666

  1. just hold a cannon, a lot of cballs and a few antip's and tele away at cammy, once u get one, set the cannon up and safe away
  2. i've had like 3 people in a maze once(was almost done with it and then a guy from the same place i was earlier was in the maze) the maze one was about a year ago all the mimes i've participated in had at least 1 other person too, even if that person just finished these were long ago and i had an evil bob(fish) with another person
  3. im (very close to) lvl 100 and i get called noob every time i go to cw? why? because they are jealous. my definition of noob is: stupid newbie thats why i am seriously offended by those *insert inappropriate words* who just use it like how everyone uses a weapon, no real decision or thought put into it i've played for almost 3 years now and i was never called a noob on f2p when it was still rsc only days(maybe once or twice tho) but runescape has lost about 80% of respect values ever since i started oh and to omali, anyone can go into p2p, regardless of their lvl or skill, so you really cant compare it to the school form as there are plenty of high lvl(95+) people in f2p who are more mature than a lot of people and everyone has their own style of playing, so you cant really describe the rs population
  4. i can slightly remember one, wont go into detail with it.. basically i got tempted by an item(lured into deeper wildy) and got stabbed by a girl, 1 hit kill and i lost all the items on me, kept like ashes bones n logs(i think i had some expensive items on me in that dream)
  5. the first time i hit past 1k, we won the rest, lost but hell, my str is puny, and dont expect me to have a d2h
  6. it wouldnt be the true 666 anyway, since wasnt the bible written in hebrew originally? if so, the 666 would really apply to the hebrew calendar, lets wait and see if anything happens then......
  7. all quests that i have finished(mep2 and devious minds unfinished) take away the reward and i'll still do em, as long as i'll be redeemed of all items that are required
  8. well thanks to the new interfaces which show the damage, id like to show you all a pic i did earlier today(i got a bit higher on the first time, but missed the screen by a millisecond) theres 2, seperated by quite a lot of damage dealt first one(lower dmg)http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/3708/820dmg24mp.png and my 2nd one (higher) http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5012/1098dmg24lk.png your pics are welcome if you have any extremely high damage
  9. i got it when it wasnt 5 minutes old, funnily enough its fun to mess up in that one, but no, it is not new anymore
  10. i dont think the bro's count in the combat priority, you can be maging a giant in an area where there are agressive monsters, one of the agg's atk u and u stop maging the giant and focus on the agg opposite here replace the giants with the bro's replace the aggs, well with any of the crypt monsters, but the crypt monsters still attack you, and you still attack the barrow bro their priority on attacking you goes over any other, if there are more than one of the type, they all attack if in hand to hand (no obs to use as a safey) double bro's in the same room go hand in hand with double teamed, i can show you a guthan, verac and karil pic(i think i safespotted the veracs)
  11. this is just normally bored?, i'd love to see you do barrows tunnel and the elven lands
  12. i remember that the brothers have the attack priority on you, hence if you have 5(got close to that with verac and guthan) they'll all still attack you, not taking notice of single combat area or such as you use the safespots in the northeast and a rat attacks you while you're maging a melee bro(safespots dont work on karil n ahrim of course)
  13. there are universal rando's to cope for whatever happens in the scape u could be walking along and get a mom mime tele its(almost) all random, although some people can predict how long until the next "event"
  14. wouldnt the proper english for the title be: "Some PK'ers IQ's are <50....." plus most pkers pk just for exp and fun of the kill, some dont even care about the loot also, did you have a feeling they wanted you to lose the current scroll? hell, if they attacked you as is, ask yourself "Why?" clue diggin is fairly easy unless you're a lvl 3
  15. 100k willows is your answer, really fast if you have it at your fally patch otherwise: just ask your friends to borrow a whip for whenever u need one oh wait, scratch the willow idea, takes too long but 3 barrows items should be able to get you a whip dont even need pray pots just a lot of food or a high pray lvl and barrow your heart out
  16. The ghost speaking ammy has also changed which this is irrelevant [back on topic], if you look at that pic that was leaked, i would say they are planked houses nails and a lot of planks would be needed BUT prices wont really rise since yews are fairly easy to cut you dont have to stock up for things unless u need like 10k of an item
  17. i have about 4k ashes, well 3k now as i used a lot for shades of mort'ton i only stock up on 30 of the gen store items and such since it saves cash n time but the fruit one is crazy
  18. lets see, the elidnis altar give +10% hp(correct me if im wrong), and guthix rest wont top on that apparently(tried before) 108 hp is max with the altar 104 max with guthix rest if u add em, 113, so nothing really makes sense
  19. the best weapon depends on the character everything whatsoever; cash, skills, security etc etc bronze daggers n claws are the best for some while whips are the best for others
  20. i only tried out ffl when i was extremely low on laws, its a godsend but the thing is: the crafters are basically giving their ess to other people if anyone wants to correct me, go ahead
  21. picture editing is a thing that has been along with jagex for a long time cabbages, fishing pass fishing trophy g'speak ammy splitbark renovation and a lot more
  22. ergh, Bob at Lumby Tindel Merchant at Port Khazard Dunstan at Burthorpe Squire at Void Knight outpost weapons cost 100k to fix if full broken body armour 90k legs 70k(correct me if im wrong) helms 60k says in the guides otherwise u can drop the hammers as the item and let them break(0) and they can be tradeable
  23. we've been able to change the url name and get pics since about the 2nd last change from now quite funny if u see a life rune(lost the pic of it when i reformatted my comp)
  24. damn, i shoulda reported someone for trying to lure me... hmm, one strange thing is : in the tzhaar ones, the helm was dropped, if it was full guthan, the spear would drop usually would it not? what cam program was that btw?, it looked seriously too smooth good thing i didnt fall for those tricks
  25. i rememebr seeing a guthan helm cosplay, it seemed good, but too green good luck on whatever you're aiming at, but i wanna make a gr8axe out of metal n wood(an actual one)
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