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Everything posted by Raven6666

  1. well maybe they will have a problem on delivery and u gotta help? and a reward is carpy?
  2. heraldic is tradeable, its black addy n rune styles and they look like junk all the other things that are found now are junk i want of em lighters
  3. nah then it drops it on the ground fun fun :x so u can have fixed barrows items on the ground? holy.. well maybe not fixed but hey :P thanks for the pic... this is gonna be a hot pk spot, and... its gonna help pkers
  4. cant be lvl 4 clues look at the logic, whats higher than steel drags n abby demons( as in slayer) otherwise they have to do some other thing and in reply to the 10 of each lvl item, i think it might not be 10 for every since they said that means maybe 14 to lvl 1, 12 to lv 2 and the rest for lvl 3(i think they are gonna have 33 or so items new) and in relation to the new wildy monster, i remember someone saying its most likely gonna be stronger than kbd but weaker than kq
  5. whip d scim n d long are all the same high/low shop value i think the protection depends on whats nearer the top left corner but one more question ehre did they change protect item and skull combo(as in keepin 1 )
  6. i was thinking ar-den-neay (or) ar-doo-neay well i was f2p then at lvl 80 whatnot and wanted to get p2p so i read up never really knew how to say it but i say it as ar-doon
  7. i got a few of em, duked one or 2 i think,, mainly were storage accs lol
  8. basic lag unless u got LOGS when cuttin it from a distance, that would be something new
  9. calculate it for a week or a month and peak days, get a screeny of the people on servers and bam
  10. not true when i had it 1 in every 8 hits with a whip was damage, and not that good either well whips under 1kg isnt it? but if u were actually training why would u be concerned of weight?
  11. u sayin that coz of actually doing the quests? or just doin em for the rewards? didnt realise they almost hit 100 quests.. it'd better be good, unlike a few things
  12. a closet a library a locked chest or 2 for special space - eg other misc. items a range(well if i have a bank chest, best cooking EVER) and a shelf/cupboard for all my pots herbs and 2nd ingreds and if we get more than 5 special things, i'd choose seed sacks
  13. lemme clarify that a bit more it ignores AT CHANCE, and NOT ALL THE TIME i wouldnt really recommend hybriding myself, but never gave much of an "f" about pking either not exactly "huge" prayer bonus, but u would kinda lets just say it has the best mage def for melee armour too tired to think of more reasons
  14. http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2749/boo7qp.png long scim whip are all same g store value, i might check out what happens if the things are left hand corner oriented tho...
  15. i already know that the g wspear cant be poisoned i didnt want to read thru the other replies coz i was in a small time-frame and i prefer to use my cash on more cash or a certain type of exp
  16. Experiments are crap, seriously. If you want good xp, go to rock crabs. They might hvae a lot more people, but there is proportionally more crabs than people, and it's multicombat there anyway, so just attack the same crabs as other people. And turn off public chat so you don't have to hear the kids yell at your for that... :roll: Rock crabs is tons of running. Don't get me wrong: i did tons of melee there. But I havent even been there in ages. Talk about old school 8) i seriously agree with pero, hell rock crabs at least drop SOMETHING whilst experiments, are good for those noobs who are fillin up servers
  17. ima gonna get like 25 of em now always like to collect this type things
  18. and thanks to the mods, they just nerfed my sig i linkd this topic and had a quote , and how is that offensive? im not promoting anything am i?
  19. no need to be rude because you're off-course another link http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/p/p0171200.html and another http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/pentacle and another http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pentacle and one from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentacle
  20. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=pentacle just did, i think you're wrong
  21. maybe one which is recent?pref barrows, since i got nothin to put as msn display pic and some other avvies. any links would be appreciated
  22. i finish quests fast, wouldnt say enough tho i thought they have only small detection for macros and if some of those detectors happen to pick up a person more than once, manual action they could easily have O and 0 be more diff by just having the zero more square and have a line goin thru it, easy fixture i think they are already making new models for land and nps styles for magic, there is already enough and there is space for more, look at melee and range, they have metal, the only way to max that is higher hitting spells, hence ancient they are already busy doin all the carpentry and poh stuff they already made the wilderness as formidable as possible anyway, i think..., mind too clouded at this time of day, oh well
  23. well i use mort-ton store most often to check a price or 2 of course, its the same buy and sell price as the bandits in wildy, 60k (hi-alk price - for whip) gonna check scim soon
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