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Everything posted by Raven6666

  1. well im supporting that thought(although i only have 61 slayer...) but if you look at the manual/ingame guide the dispersion is uneven from about the mutated zygos/speccies and beyond hence: the monsters will likely need 60+ slay req oh nd stopse, if the major monster at the end requires 95 slayer to kill, youd think that it be seriously hard to get there (cmon, look at how dark beasts are positioned!!!) and wakka, cant you just get like a slayers respite(possibly matured?)
  2. to take piccy its Ctrl and Print Screen, then ctrl V into paint, crop, go on to imageshack and host it, then copy the code it gives onto the forum. easy! control printscreen is take a picture of the active window, printscreen is the whole whatnot i'll be finding some gear and sending in my pic soon enough
  3. if you stay in the same world and same spot, you'll never sell it, plus it isnt likely to have everyone goin in n out of your area just world hop, 2 windows make it fast forums are your friend
  4. if summoned monsters attack players, havoc if there's one that can tb somehow, or let u atk outside of wildy, barrows is dead, tb them if there's a bug and bam goes for anywhere else too, if it can attack outside wildy and not in pvp zone, everyone who cant afford it is d-e-a-d
  5. turned out to be We didn't get any notice like farming, but we knew it would eventually come out and stocked up. quote] the notice to con/carp was the start of tbw cleanup with the logs, then the updates with more tree areas and the most direct was Carpenter Kjallak
  6. the spells are for the ones who can afford it and the effects usually become unfair as you dont need skill in the lvl to hit hard you need the money whereas in normal mage, skill is the main thing rather than money
  7. 2 words: castle wars world: any au ones or the busiest ones
  8. safespot and then take the pics plus i highly doubt 2 jmods would talk ingame, as they would work for the company and hence know each other in real-life therefore either being in the same building at the same time OR knonwing each other's phone numbers and in turn, they wouldnt go ingame to talk, let alone a public place or a public world
  9. if they do this, they'll have to move the max exp n lvl of stats also, i slightly remember on the rso forums in the suggestions that they do not want any suggestions considering a topic like this
  10. then scroll and screenshot unless the 22's are players and begging like crazy its easy
  11. sorry to sound like a jerk, but no pic no proof
  12. it was my favourite rando i would assume they took it out from the panic, but not from a though of making the game more "auto friendly"
  13. i support, as the offensive language report wont cover the username if they havent spoken, well the username is a form of the language is it not?
  14. i think that they actually had something planned like this.. something along the lines of a random scenario
  15. they just don't know it yet :P just like cancer! well i havent seen much monty python, but it seems quite the best
  16. i can do a twist on that: always buy your pots as 4 dose - usually cheaper
  17. it doesnt work for me err, runtime error, closed my internet windows(apart from rs funnily enough)
  18. one addition i would add, donnie and gee can be almost found everywhere, i think across the river sometimes too
  19. Although the Holy Wrench give +1 prayer bonus when drinking a potion, it wont make a difference if you are attempting fight caves (eg, 20 pray pots - 21 natural recharge a dose, 4 doses per = 1680 pray points gained 19 pray pots - 22 recharge/dose 4 doses = 1672) just a bit although this changes over at 21+ pots (if 22 w/o wrench, the points recharged will be the same)
  20. Thats where you got it wrong. F2p is the demo, P2P is the real game. Dont pay=Dont get updates P.S. They're called Quests... :roll: not a demo either well possibly but definitely not a trial, 1: they usually cap your stats or items, sometimes playing time and also, it is possible to get 99 on f2p but members is just an expansion with certain caps still in place
  21. read the instructions and the file/s will work scanned and clean seems fairly good, but the option of room rotation is still a must have(matching up doesnt suit my style)
  22. just go for the portals, in melee for range- splatter time mage - fun for mass damage
  23. basically, i just want one so i can add a bit of music and a bit of notes to a recorded rs video if anyone has a link to a software or a forum thread here, post away help would be appreciated as i would love to edit my vid of gettin lvl 100 cb
  24. veracs is more of a wildy based set, so either pk or duel or any pvp combat
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