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Everything posted by lwilson100

  1. ok, this is the great lessen i have ever learned, me and 3 of my friends went to tempe to smoke at one of their brother's houses. he told us that never to break more then one law at a time. this is what you do if your holding don't speed, and stuff like that and you'll never get arrested. don't smoke behind babys'r'us and go see a movie because you'll get arrested and the cops will talk about how they beat their kids. True story.(pm me if you don't believe me) :evil:
  2. my friend smuda and i dared another friend to drink some bong water(actually it was Hawaiian punch but you get the idea) and he went inside for a minute and while he was inside we got a bunch of ash and added it to the punch. we added enough to make the punch literally black, and he drank it with out a problem. the best part was he never knew how much ash was in it and we never told him :twisted:
  3. yes there is a reason to live, first off emo kids kill themselves and no one likes emo kids, that and living is fun even if your life stinks like cabbage just change and make it better. remember no one likes emo kids
  4. i will probably name my first son will or wilson just to tick him since his name will be will wilson :twisted:
  5. that is probably the best explanation of how to describe racism, but i think the reason its a hate crime against obama is because black people are minorities. i think politics/personnel prejudice play a big part in it too, not presidential, because my friends and i were detained a few months back and the only one the police questioned about were we got the "dope" was my indian friend,india not native american, and i personally think it was just because his skin was darker and i think a few of the cops were skin heads because they talked about how they beat there children but thats a different story
  6. look through the player made guides im pretty sure there is a method that gets around 1m junk an hour
  7. im not sure but i believe you get 2 xp per damage in pc against monsters and the full xp at portals, and just go with bronze there cheap and there isnt a big difference between them and iron
  8. some of the games are based more on ROTK then others and even the book is loosely based on what really happened historically, its a lot like the illiad were its based on history but its full of metaphors and exaggerations.
  9. go to c wars, sing in varrock center, challenge noobs to a noob fight, follow people around and talk in foreign languages, or just bug people :thumbsup:
  10. first off dont use torso, its most over rated item in the game. just use bgs and torags its fun to use at c wars and can still be pretty good at training slayer
  11. ^^agreed sooner you start slayer the better
  12. noobs are the people who ask nooby question(ex. what makes a noob). seriously though they are usually immature players that show disrespect toward other players.
  13. i think fire giants would be the best place, if you want better xp just get better knives/better armor
  14. it all depends on the person's luck and use ring of wealth i used it when i was clue hunting at cyclopes and ive got around 15 rune defenders now
  15. lwilson100


    i'm currently taking a break from runescape and plan on coming back when i can afford a sgs. Should i wait till it drops to 30.3m(my cash pile) or come back and just make the rest of the money i need? don't try to talk me out of getting a gs, i dont care about how there not the best training weapons. there fun to use and thats why i play runescape.
  16. I am probably the biggest DW fan on tip.it, and all i have to say is that there good games but koei does a horrible job with them. I started playing DW 2 and most recently purchased DW 6 for PS3 and all i have to say is that there is little to no major improvements to the game. It took KOEI years to add basic game features players had been asking for and there still are many people still want. First off there no online, second they removed many characters in DW 6 and took away most of the musou modes. They turned an already button smashing game into an even bigger one with the renbu system( massive PHAIL) and they continually launch as many different versions of each game when they could easily add the features to the standard game (ex. empires and XL). Dynasty warriors is a good games series but im fed up with koei taking baby steps. I will probaly rent DW 7 if it ever comes out and hopefully koei gets their heads out of their cabbages and finally make a decent game. And DW 3 was definately best in series great story lines, good voice actors, great levels, weapons, and items. Hopefully there will be another DW game to top 3.
  17. just look through the AOW for guides there are literally dozens of guide there and takes 2 minutes
  18. get slayer helm/ black mask and just use a mix of barrows armor to see what looks best.
  19. will definitely be going, only reason that i wouldn't attend is if i over sleep, for tip.it narbs :twisted: edit: wear tip.it team cape or just normal green?!?!?!?
  20. over rated: d scim under rated: d long
  21. fire making because its so pointless :thumbsup:
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