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Everything posted by PlutoniumCross

  1. Being only cb 96, I dont get much fans until i go to f2p castle to fire blast and waste some of my crafted deaths. "Pmg!@11 88 Magic!@1 dont kill me pl0z" "Team?" Ahh but still its much nicer being a skill total noob than a choob :roll:
  2. is it better to just enchant 1 particular type or go around enchanting each bonus as it comes up?
  3. omg, u are so lucky, ive been crafting deaths and all the deaths Ive crafted ive sold for 250 each to f2p dudes. And when I was a lv 80 merching full rune i bought them for 180 each and sold for 200k ea :oops:
  4. wow thats quite a lot of air battles a day :D Im impressed. And for the seeweed just Big Net fish and drop all the lower lv fish and boots and stuff. This way you dont die of boredom as easily. Sounds quite cool, must do :lol:
  5. Yeah, I literally used to get 1 - 2 nests every load. It was crazy. Now you dont seem to get any at all anymore
  6. Id say that runecrafting is better. 1. Runecrafting gives exp. Once youve made so much natures (ie money) you hit 92 rc and you make double. Once u hit 92 rc you get 1m per hours easily. 2. You can merchant while runecrafting.
  7. 86 Fletching - 90k an hour stringing magic bows (perhaps even more, but i cant be bothered normally to go all out stringing) 66 Runecraft - 30k an hour, world 66 law team. Damn expensive though. 88 Magic - 120k an hour, ice burst abyss dudes. 59 Slayer - around 10k in half an hour - cannon daggernoths with guthan on healing.
  8. Oh damn. The whole time I was mass enchanting with onyx enchant it only got me 60 exp per enchant? Why dont the guardians tell you about this... :cry:
  9. This update was obviously designed to help the poorer people who cant afford to make/buy alch fodders like yew longs, and cant afford the nature runes beyond 100 at a time. The alchemy place is great for someone with just 55 magic, as hi alch helps magic enormously around that level. Also this update is to utilise the previously largely unused cosmic runes and law runes (for telegrabing anyway)
  10. *assign a to hi alch* *assign b to stack of bows* abababababaabababababababaab yeah sounds like a cool idea :lol:
  11. id go around proving fights knowing that no one can attack me. :oops:
  12. Im a noob bc i killed a rc pker who was trying to kill me with tangle and tb lol yep im the noob here
  13. farming can be bought with watermelon seeds, tree seeds and fruit tree seeds. You get from 48 - 71 in a week maybe.
  14. The guitar would be slightly harder to start off with, but the bass is actually a little bit more difficult when you are a bit more experienced than a newbie. Overall with the real hardcore stuff the guitar is definitely harder. Theres a lot of modes, scales and techniques to learn, and they appear a lot more often than bass solo as such. If you wanna learn the guitar, start off by learning all the easy chords: E, Em, A, Am, D, Dm, G, C, B7, G7. Then you would wanna learn Power chords and Bar chords Then learn pop rock songs and learn to count. Then you might wanna try some easy solos.
  15. Prog metal prog rock and prog trance, lol, i guess ill vote for heavy metal. Rock and trance would be my 2nd and 3rd choice though
  16. currently: squire wannabe 70's strat hoping to get: gibson lespaul custom, or flying v, or a proper 70's strat Amp: Marshall 100W Distortion Pedal: boss MT-2 metal zone Plays: Metal :)
  17. ... god damn it, if u dont like farming- get over it! same with carpentry, if u dont like it then dont train it... but dont start whining again when theres a new ownage item that requires carpentry to get
  18. even though i agree that its utterly useless, it is about 10 times better than lava. With water and earth you actually get to save 2 different runes in one spell, whereas no spell in this whole game uses both fire and earths.
  19. you realise the strongest claw is only rune and the strongest dagger is dragon? when dragon claws are released it will even things out much better.
  20. lol good idea but i doubt jagex would want 40 people of each maxed out skill to control the rs economy
  21. p hats arent going to drop stupidly, but on the other hand, santas. Santas are being way overhyped as "going for well over 10m at christmas". This is not gonna happen. No ones gonna pay that much for the most common rare in the game. If anythings gonna plummet its gonna be santas not p hats. *sells off 4 santas*
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