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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. Thanks all...cape is teh hawtness... and, seeing as you commented, il stick your blog in my list :D
  2. Go phaper!!! 99 theiving is hawt!! You can do it and good luck!! I'm loving the look of that pie house...
  3. Yeah, it makes quite a bit...roughly between 30-35m if you sell all chinchompas :shock: I sold most and gave some to my friend. Will probly use the money to get either a buyable 99, raise some lower stats or just have it sit in my bank and look pretty :thumbsup:
  4. Thanks for replying... Kinda mucked up the gratz messages, sorry Kris Feels weird having cape, i dont know what to train now :D I've decided to get all stats 50+ as a starter.
  5. Thanks all... Shey: wont be hunting for a while yet :D Deal: Impeccable taste in music?!?!! :lol:
  6. Hey all! My goal for a while has been to acheive 99 hunter...I started in the middle of my exams (not a good idea, i played rs as a break from studying, and i passed all my exams :thumbsup: ). Promptly after my exams, i took a break from rs, which went on longer than i had planned. So, when i came back from my holidays i was refreshed and ready to see my goal through to the end. And today, Tuesday 14th August 2007, i acheived my goal!!! Thanks to (in no particular order): Sheynara=Inspiration cape ftw?!? Met shey when i started hunting and became friends and her hunter cape was teh hawt inspiration. Henderson= Been my friend for ages and supported me right from the start. Very nice guy and good friend. :mrgreen: Kris C6= Cheers for coming to the small party! (good luck with agility) :thumbsup: [bleep]e= Just recently met him through the new chat feature but he is a funny guy And i said i would dedicate this to him :XD: Prof Fleb= I thought i would give you a mention due to the randomness of our conversations...yarr?!? :ohnoes: Anyone else on my friendslist i have missed or anyone else left out = thanks a bunch!! :thumbsup: Note: My cropping skills aint too good...stating the obvious really.... 99 Hunter: Stats After: Totally 1337: Plans: During my trek to 99 hunter i feel i have kinda neglected my other skills, so, here are my plans for the future concerning my other stats: Att/Str/Def/Hp~ Plan to leave them as they are for the time being. Range~52 :oops: ~60~possibly 70 Magic~64~70 Prayer~?? Not sure, if i have some spare money, may get it to 60. Rc~52~60 Construction~?? May get to 50 if i have some spare money. Agility~43~50 (at least) Herblore~38~50 Theiving~57~?? (I plan on training this, maybe to lvl 70, we'll see) Crafting~52~60 Fletching~Leaving that as it is Slayer~45~?? May use slayer to train range and mage Mining~55~60 Smithing~50~60 Fishing~67~whatever it is when i need food Cooking~68~Possible future 99 Fm/Wc~May do the odd bit, not a priority Farming~I have never really trained this, but if anyone has anytips, i would be glad to hear them. Rate/Hate/Crate Cheers
  7. mcneilp

    NO! I WON'T.....

    Im glad someone made this thread so i can add my own little bit on to it.... YES This dang staff is members! NO you can't have it... I ran past the ice giants because you were bugging me.... NO you can't have my helm NO i wont pay for your membership... YES im grumpy...(i wonder why...^)
  8. Good luck in real life... :thumbsup: Always sad to see someone leave but meh, life goes on. All the best! :D
  9. yeah i agree its just a passing fad but zot_mutske's idea is good...one thread for all. Got my exam results other day...an A for advanced french! O:)
  10. I got to agree that this is kinda pointless...used to play pokemon when i was younger but dont give peanuts what pokemon i am.... You like to scare people and talk to ghosts?!? :shock: Turn off your gameboy and go seek medical attention!
  11. Gratz...heard about it on teh clan chat... My first ever barrows run was a disaster, dh in tunnel..nearly died..2k coins -.- Gratz anyway
  12. mcneilp

    The truth

    Anyone read all the way through?? I read the first couple of bits then looked at the pictures. IMO they are just using big words, if they want more people to read it...dumb it down a bit eh? We aint all intellectual superbeings from cydonia! (yeah, i read that bit)
  13. Hmm, there are too many threads like this...free french/spanish/whatever translations. Ca m'est egal... (i know accents and such are missing but cba finding em on my comp..) I challenge thee!! Can you translate this into english: Je voudrais casser quelque-chose. Est-ce que je peux emprunter votre nez? Hehehe...this is a good one for the holidays to france...
  14. Well, I'm taking five highers officially, but I'm studying music during lunch to hopefully get myself a sixth higher. I'm going for a job that there's only one university in Scotland that offers it. So I've got to have more to offer than all the other applicants - fifty-six places for each year. It'll be pretty damn competitive. Hopefully I'll be able to manage the six, but if I can't - music is out. You seem fairly clever but i wouldn't overload on the highers...they are a big jump from standard grades, beleive me. I presume you are in 4th year of high school, so i would space all your highers out over 5th and 6th year...it is still tough going but not as tough as trying to do em all in a year, you'll manage tho. Drop the music, when exam time comes you will regret taking it... Yeah, all you americans post whatever grades or stuff you get in exams, may need to explain 'em tho!
  15. Rofl...One day...one day...... This is some topic :shock: Hmm, a nice butt is a waste if you can't get past the breasts :lol:
  16. Its that time of year again! :ohnoes: Around this time in August, In the UK, young people are opening envelopes (or logging onto internet) to find out how they done in their Standard Grades/Highers/Intermediates (In scotland) or GCSE's/A Levels (In England). If this is you, did you do better than you expected or were expected to do? Did you do worse? Whats your plan for next year? (stay on at school, college, uni) Anything else to do with exams? Discuss : I got my results today and done better than was expected of me. Only thing is, i recently found out i can't do the job i have always wanted to do, due to factors no one can change. So opening the envelope today, i wasn't to bothered what the results were (Kinda bad attitude to have... :oops: ) as i know i will never be able to do my dream job. When i go back to school, it will be my last year and i plan to just fart about and have a laugh (best days of your life, right?) until i find another career i'm interested in, which i might even have enough qualifications for. Post Away!!
  17. Harry p0tter n00b!! :P Gratz, awesome lvl :thumbsup:
  18. I would be dissapointed, although my friends list is drastically short (i went through it deleting everyone that had quit, left me with about 15 names, of which 5 regularly play :cry: ) i do like talking to my good friends, especially when doing boring skills.
  19. Good stats considering how long you have played, but due to the santa and cash donation i'm gonna give it 3/10. It would have been a 6 if you had started from scratch... Goodluck anyway!
  20. 100/10 99 slayer is excellent! Good luck with whatever you plan to do. :thumbsup:
  21. Awesome stats, Awesome bank...when i say bank i really mean...pee hat! 10/10 for stats and bank. 99 herblore and 99 farming = :shock: Just get 99 slayer and ur my idol :thumbsup: Slayer, herblore and farming are the 99's i respect the most. Good Job!
  22. YOU CALL THOSE BOOTS CLEAN, PRIVATE? :shock: Nice mask and santas, 10/10. All the best with the Marines and hope to see u posting again further down the line :thumbsup:
  23. I think it is pretty cool that rs has its own economy...gives some more depth to the game, with "unofficial skills" such as merchanting. Pretty good stuff!
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