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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. mcneilp


    I had a massive spider in my room the other night, i could actually hear it scuttling along the side panel... :ohnoes: And 8 spiders per night :shock: There'd be none left if everyone swallowed that many...Yeah, think its 7 or 8 per lifetime.
  2. That armour is kinda overpowered as the others said. The onyx gem drop from the dragon is a bad idea also i think...and the 6 different defensive styles needed isn't a good idea if it is in single player combat, or is it in multi?
  3. Loving the level up pic : "You just advanced a slayer level...Your musical level is now 8" :lol: Considering that Runescape is set in a medieval like time, and she has an iPod and electric guitar in her invent, i don't think it could work. Can you expand on the skill, and how it is trained, what its skillcape looks like and any other features?
  4. Hmm, some of the foods heal a 'lil much, compared to the level needed to make them. Vomit stew sounds...nice.... :-X
  5. Maybe add some pictures of what the items may look like? I think the treasure trails are fine as they are, no need for trimmed mithril armour which would be gawd ugly anyway. Don't think adding another clue level and more rewards would benefit the game much.
  6. Care to explain?? Could easily be a fake... Looks like he's in the GWD... :-k
  7. Its a lighthearted way of saying have fun and good luck in game...Everything Jagex do gets ranted about near-enough, now they can't even say goodluck in their own, weird-humourous way. Kinda pointless rant imo.
  8. May have something to do with that "Bubbles" virus thing jagex announced, then again, it may not. Just don't download anything you are unsure of and for the love of god make sure you have a bank pin. Also scan your system regualrly.
  9. No way. I couldn't see this working as the lag would be big i thinks and it is an invasion of privacy, as everyone said. I don't support.
  10. A very well thought out idea... Heck, i'd like to see it ingame.
  11. This would turn out like the new pest control i think. Castle wars is for everyone, and whats more, its a team game. That means even lower levels can make themselves useful putting up/destroying barricades, healing other players and helping to kill enemy, not everyone has to go around killing everyone. Also, you would get teams of High(lower) levels, eg 62/63 dominating the lower level games which would just put you in the same predicament as you are in at the moment, only instead of level 120's etc, it will be the 62/63 levels. That my 2 pence.
  12. "Sh*t Happens" Is always a teacher-pleaser :)
  13. I've never played american football but in football/soccer, just stay calm and try to explain what happened and get some team mates to back you up. Works in soccer, worth a try in american football... :-k
  14. mcneilp


    My thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace.
  15. Kinda weird thread, not much for discussion i don't think...why not google it or something. That would probably give you better results, without the sarcastic comments.
  16. Yes, UFO's are real, as Ufo's can be anything from unidentified planes, birds, weather baloons or just irregular shaped clouds. Aliens on the other hand,i find it hard to beleive that all throughout all the galaxies/space there is no other form of life.
  17. mcneilp

    the abyss

    Nope, thats the beauty of the abyss. Watch out for rc pkers as well.
  18. Its a zammy alter with a long, safe path (no monsters) and a short, dangerous path (with monsters) leading to it. When you get to it, you will craft random runes with the ess you have. The higher rc level you have, the more chance of you receiving more higher lvl runes (bloods, souls, deaths etc). Also try world 70, it has been set up as the "official" world for ZMI alter crafting. Hope this helps.
  19. Il give 7/10 for pic..pretty good screeny you got there. Lol @ the person who thought it was fake....
  20. I'd give it a 9/10..i struggled with it at 80 something cb :oops: I shoulda been over-prepared :D
  21. They call you "noob" to either: (a) Make themselves feel big and mighty when they beat you, even though they are 20 levels higher than yourself. (b)Try to discourage you from potting, using prayer or training defense as it makes it harder for them to kill you and take your items. They don't like you having an advantage over them. I notice this a lot in c wars, as i don't pk myself, but i just laugh, it's not my fault i had the sense to bring some strenght potions and switch my defense prayer on, Its not my fault i want to give myself the best chance of surviving. The best you can say to this people is either nothing or a "lol" in the chatbox and console yourself that at least you didn't turn out that way.
  22. Its a good idea but as someone said, D Hide/rune bodies are enough to show you have done the quest, no capes needed. I don't think any special capes should be added to f2p servers, more of an incentive to buy members.
  23. F2P Definatly is harder to level up in. Although there are less skills to train, which means your time is less spread out over skills, there are also less ways to train those skills. And to locutus who said = "..deserves more than a pc product member..." Not all members max combat by using pest control. Although i do agree that a maxed combat f2p does deserve more respect than a maxed member, pest control product or otherwise.
  24. Make bodies runes as soon as you can...they barely sell but the exp is worth it in my opinion. Alter is within running distance of Edgeville bank as well.
  25. I'd definatly try castle wars, even if you just have rune, its an awesome minigame. I'd also just explore, visit the new members cities and you'll eventually find something you'll enjoy doing. Going back to f2p is gonna suck...
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