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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. College...best days of your life :ohnoes: Yeah, moderation is the key here, balancing real life with runescape. There are also many people who play rpg's like runescape to get away from problems in their own lives. This isn't the way to go, always let real life take priority, eg homework/essays before logging in, don't stay up all night playing when you know you have something important in the morning. But yeah, balance and moderation is the key.
  2. When i started rs, i presume i was like most other people, getting combat levels up to stop "being a noob". Then i met a lvl 3 skiller at draynor willows and that changed my perspective on how i view levels. Now at the time this skiller had more exp in wc than i had in total over all my skills and this showed me that combat levels don't equal experience.
  3. *bows* Look forward to working with you all A late merry x-mas and a early happy new year to everyone!
  4. I pulled the ardougne lever to go to the wildy agility place. I pulled it and before i had even clicked to move i had a revenant orc beside me...That kinda put me off them. They seem kinda strong but at least rcing via abyss is slightly more risk free.
  5. I'd say 1/10, seeing as there isn't one :shock: I call mine alfred
  6. It was part of a screen shot i took at a TET event, we were all running to kq (if i remember correctly :P ). Thought it'd make a nice siggy if i captioned it good. O:)
  7. Yes my sig lies, i haven't updated the blog in a while....rate anyway :D
  8. Wanna post my pics but my comp starts acting up whenever the browser re-directs or i post something too big (egphoto/blog :cry: ). Getting it fixed mid-january though so i'll leave you all in suspence :ohnoes: I'm also waiting on an influx of (Drunken?) x mas pics soon...
  9. Have a merry Christmas and a brilliant new year!! Don't get too drunk/fat! (delete as applicable :D )
  10. Missed another of your parties :cry: Not sure when il next be online, im having trouble with my internets and got a busy week ahead with work and prom/partying etc. Hope to get it fixed as soon as possible though....gratz again :
  11. I get this problem when i try to send emails, post large posts on these forums or upload pictures...the loading bar takes ages to complete then when it does complete "internet explorer cannot display the webpage" whereas the connection is fine and i can do everything else. Im stumped as well :-k
  12. :thumbsup: You posted!!! Mine is on it's way, photobucket is playing up
  13. I went to that drop as well, never even got close to popping a balloon I remember running past you, recognised your name...anyway 8/10 for luck! :thumbsup:
  14. gratz on 15m Fishing exp, awesome :P Pwn those Dk's!!
  15. One of the best organised banks i've clapped eyes on, and the contents aren't too shabby either. Awesome costume room as well, some amount of geepee spent in there. 10/10 definatly.
  16. Awesome, im hoping to get that exact level today also. 9/10 :D
  17. 10/10 for 99 herblore, kinda unlucky how you got the level though One of the hawtest capes in game if you ask me.
  18. Great job guys! Good luck with the modding :wink:
  19. Writing a rant on the RSOF would be easier, and probably have more effect than a "boycott" as at least Jagex would be aware of what you think, as with a boycott, their not going to assume "Whoa, we have less players today, must mean the players are unhappy". At least with a clearly thought-out rant in the right place, the right people (Jagex) will see what you think, other than making the servers slightly less laggy with an un-noticed boycott.
  20. Very nice, thats one of my long term farming goals as well. Keep it up :thumbsup:
  21. When i go to post large post, such as updating my blog, or sending large Pm's, my browser takes ages to load and says http://forum.tip.it/posting.phpor just posting.php. and when the loading bar does finish it says it cannot connect to the page as the internet is disconected, even though there is nothing wrong with my conection. Any ideas?
  22. Grats! I met you a few times at rogues den, never realised you were a tif'er. :) 8/10 A 99 is a 99.
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