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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. I suppose this is part of having a large community, with so many people using the chat there were bound to be disagreements eventually but i suppose it goes in our favour that it took everyone this long to fall out. I'm not sure why, but Blogscape/chat/world seems to have what made it a fun place to chat in when clan chats first came out. Which may be down to all the moving about from different versions of the original Blogscape chat for various reasons (which couldn't be helped) and people. Thats my view on it anyway. I like Iwa's idea of a complete clean slate for everyone.
  2. Reading through the last few pages, there's quite a lot of names i've seen randomly about w99 but never realised they were tifers. Luckily none recognised me though, so it's all good. ;)
  3. To give this more discussion value, i've added "How did you make yours?" into your title. Nicely done though, i remember my first mill which i made from selling god pages and making nats using the fairy rings. ;)
  4. Gratz! Nice to see you get 2k total with such an awesome skill. Theiving ftw!!
  5. mcneilp


    My parents were the same as yours when i was 14, and i can see them being the same with my sister who is about the same age as you. I found honesty was the best policy at that age, try to not make it look like i was hiding anything from them, tell them where i was going/when i'd be back etc then as i got older they became more relaxed and let me do my own thing. I don't think getting caught with cigarettes helped your parents either, with the whole "If he's smoking cigarettes, what else is he doing?" mindset parents can take, which is understandable really, especially at an impressionable age.
  6. Hmm, still sounds quite fishy if you ask me. Is the XBL friend someone you know in real life?
  7. ~Moved to help and advice~
  8. Gratz on maxed melee and 136 cb. Must be awesome getting 3 99's right after one another. 99*3/10 (can't be bothered working it out #-o ) Keep up the good work.
  9. Wow, good job. You made a lot more than i thought you would, might try it myself sometime. ;)
  10. Sorry i missed it, had to log for a while. Gratz though, 1.7k is awesome. Keep up the good work. ;)
  11. I'll move this to help & advice, the folks there should be able to give you a better idea of any tricky bits in the quest.
  12. Good job, very well done! =D> Whats next on the agenda?
  13. Well done erad! You're stats are bloody brilliant, i wouldn't be able to choose which skill cape to wear. Keep up the good work. :
  14. As Italian already pointed out, just upload your pictures into a site such as imageshack or http://www.photobucket.com then post the image codes in your post. ~locked~
  15. A 3 minute walk from my house there is a small walkover bridge which gives a perfect view of Ben Lomond and the other hills in that area, although technically not from my back door (A patch of grass and a fence is all you'd see from there ;) ). In summer, on a clear day you can see for miles from that bridge and in winter, when the snow has landed on Ben Lomond and the other hills, it looks like it should be on a postcard. Thats Scotland for you though, whoever made the earth gave us the scenery but screwed us with the weather. Tried posting the pictures but photobucket refuses to work on my computer.
  16. Well done! Free whips should be nice. Wouldn't want to go all the way to that slayer tower without a ring of wealth now, would we? ;) Haha, Gratz
  17. As long as you enjoy the game, there is absolutely no reason why your age should deter you from playing it. So i'm gonna say from age 13 to whenever you tire of the game.
  18. Gratz again on 1.4k total and 75 defence. Good work indeed. :
  19. Unusual goal, good luck though, those hats are awesome. Good luck :
  20. I'm sorry to see you go as well, don't let the crap get to you. You done a good job running blogschat and left the new one in the hands of someone capable as well. Awesome skiller as well, haha, i'll speak to you next time i see you online. Good luck in life. ;)
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