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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. Very nice background story and stats. Good luck with the merching as well and grats on 99 cook when you get it. Merry christmas. ;)
  2. Ah nice to see you got things back on track and good to see you back. Grats on those levels dragglenub.
  3. More fun, definatly. And i've got to say i agree with Returned3, 100%. I respect the players attitude more than their skills. Fair enough if they have lots of 99's but if they don't have a particularly nice demeanor in game, and treat people nastily, any respect i had for their skills is gone.
  4. I'm the guy with the (crap) jokes and the music as i'm often found listening to my ipod and can't resist cracking jokes. Was the class comic according to my registration teachers' report back in senior year,"funny and often amusing".
  5. Reading this makes me glad i made the switch to firefox. Now i use it, makes me wonder why i didn't use it right from the start. #-o
  6. As Italian already said, these details are already in the Christmas update thread. Feel free to add your diagram into it as well, as it many users may find it useful. Thanks. :
  7. Ah Draggles. Hope college goes well for you and it's really good to see you've noticed the game affecting you irl and taken steps to get yourself back on track. Bsc is gonna be quieter without you. Take it easy, all the best and hope to see you online every so often. Nice stats as well. :D
  8. I got a 2nd Generation 4Gb iPod Nano at the end of 2006 (I think, got one just after they were released) and really love it. Never been much of a Zen fan but a few friends have them and speak highley of them. As for earphones, in my opinion, Sennheiser make the best. They are pretty expensive for a decent pair but i got a cheap pair of Sennheiser in-ear headphones for under £10 a while back and the quality was remarkably good, considering the price. SkullCandy make more affordable earphones and their noise-cancelling range (can't remember the exact name but there are a few variations, cheaper and more expensive) are really good. I'd probably fork out the extra cash and get me a decent pair of Sennheiser earphones if i was you, thats just me though. :)
  9. From what i've read, the Indian Special Forces killed most of the terrorists, one survived and is now in hospital and no doubt being interrogated. The survivor is supposedly refusing to eat, trying to starve himself to death. I saw some pretty graphic pictures of the aftermath of the assault at the train station which really wasn't nice. There were also a couple of videos of the terrorists shooting it out with Indian security forces and one taken from inside the cafe, in which you could clearly see the bullets striking the windows. It really makes you think.
  10. I bought my first packet of fully legal cigarettes and some bottles of Miller. Best of it was that the guy behind the counter didn't even ask for my I.D. #-o
  11. Moved to Help and Advice. All Rs related questions belong here. :
  12. I couldn't agree more. Especially in forums such as Tif, where not everyone speaks English as a first language, typing properly means most people can get the jist of what you're trying to say rather than filling your post with abbreviations and "internet slang" which people may find harder to understand.
  13. I read about this. It's pretty sad he chose to end it like that but at least some good people did contact authorities when they heard what was happening. It's also pretty sick that people logged on to watch him take his own life but humans have always had a morbid fascination with things like that.
  14. I know what you mean about the new minigame, it's freaking awesome. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
  15. mcneilp

    Your Parents

    My mum's the serious one, likes everything to be in order and such. She's more academic than my dad, works as somekind of nurse (I can't remember what kind, she studied for a few years to get the diploma anyway). My dad's more up for a laugh than my mum. I'd say he's pretty practical, good at building/fixing stuff and really into music. All in all, my parents are alright. They kinda just let me do my own thing now which suits me fine.
  16. I'm pretty sure Villandra has an account with untrimmed summoning cape, the name completely escapes me however. Edit~ Someone beat me to it. Lorica...
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