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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. I don't do many activites regularly in Rs, other than Sc, which require the help of other people to be successful. However, i'm almost always in Esc clan chat as i like having people to talk to and as there are "regulars" in the chat, it creates a kind of "community" within the game community itself, which is nice.
  2. Always thought you were Australian. :o Heh, good luck with agility. And you look like a kid who lives in my street.
  3. Anything's danceable if you're drunk enough. Anything by Bon Jovi or Brian Adams.
  4. How do you get a fat chick into bed? [hide=]Piece of cake.[/hide] How do you know Princess Diana was a vegetarian? [hide=]There was a big turnip at the funeral.[/hide] British weather is like Muslims, it's either Sunni Or Shi'ite.
  5. :shock: You have been busy. Grats and good luck with Wc and crafting.
  6. Ac/Dc tickets cost a fortune here. Got mine slightly discounted ( 8-) )but full price was something along the lines of £60-70.
  7. 17 years young, eh? Have a good one. Happeh Burfdai! A nice masculine font colour.
  8. Well done on the herb and mage levels. Didn't realise how close you were with mage. Have a good one tomorrow. ;)
  9. The community definitely. And the fact the community is made up with people from all over the globe. It's good to be able to talk to people from different places and backgrounds, to see their points of view and how they relate/differ to yours.
  10. mcneilp

    Google is God

    Heh very good. Made me lol.
  11. I don't mind parties at all, only really go if it's someone i know or if its say someone in the c/chat and the acheivment is particularly impressive. Every 99 i've got, i've had friends there. Its good to look back on the screenshots.
  12. Hmm Lent's comments are tempting me to get this. If the demo is still up i'll give that a try. We'll see.
  13. *Points to avatar* Can play the odd bit keyboard/guitar and harmonica. Grandparents showed me a lot of stuff on the harmonica. Drums is my main thing though.
  14. Well done with mining. Flew through those levels. :P Keep up the good work.
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