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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. Good job man, i'll try to get on for it. Well done. :
  2. Gratz man, sorry i missed it. Awesome work. :
  3. Both awesome acheivements. Well done! =D> How much do you reckon it cost?
  4. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a blast, wish i was off doing something like that. ;)
  5. mcneilp


    Only been in the odd fight back in highschool, typical pubescent (sp?) male-teen stuff. Had bother from drunk people a few times but i'd rather walk away from someone who is clearly wasted and let them shout obscenities at me than fight them. (Unless they do something which really annoys me..doesn't happen very often). As for the "kicking-in-the-testicles-is-dishonourable" or whatever argument, if someone starts on me in the street, unprovoked and trying to cause harm to me or tries to take my wallet, i couldn't give a damn if they get testicular cancer if i kick them in the nuts. All "honour" went out the window when they started on me/tried to take my wallet. I never start a fight, i will gladly walk away from a heated argument which could turn into a fight but if they hit me first, i'm gonna punch them back.
  6. Playing the drums is probably my biggest talent. Closely followed by attracting trouble. And keeping a cool head when things go wrong, i'd probably call that a talent as well.
  7. Nice stats and quest points, always sad to see a Bsc regular leaving. Good luck with your new games. ;)
  8. Nice knowing you man. Have fun and good luck irl. See ya. ;)
  9. [song]Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and i wanna go to bed, I had a lil drink about an hour ago, And it went straight to my head.[/song] Good times. :lol:
  10. A similar topic was created recently, which can be found here. Just add to that topic. Thanks. ;)
  11. Nice to see you back on Rs, soo close to a big goal as well. Good luck.
  12. Never realised your blog was up and runnin' again. Good luck with questin', can't have many left...?
  13. Awesome house, looks kinda like some apartments near my house. Hopefully i'll have a nice house like that in a few years. Good luck with 99 range as well. ;)
  14. Cleaned this topic up a bit. A note to all involved in flamewars, particularly Shadowfax and Fairness. That kind of behaviour isn't tolerated on these boards, if you have a query about a topics discussion-worthy-ness, report it so a Mod/Admin can take the action they see fit instead of spamming the topic up with flaming. Thanks.
  15. Probably when the car i was in was involved in a crash. Basically, the guy in the van behind us was too busy trying to change CD in the player to notice our car slow down for traffic pulling out of a side road. He went into the back of our car at just under 60mph and managed to write off his own car. The rear of our car was pretty wrecked, luckily no-one was in the rear seats as the Police who came said if anyone had been in the back it could have been potentially fatal. No-one was seriously hurt, the guy who hit us was treated for shock and me and my Uncle, who was driving, were just a little shaken up. Another one, although not really terrifying but bloody painful, was when i was shot in the shoulder by some idiots with an air rifle on my way home through the park. One trip to A&E later, where the nurse removed the pellet without any anaesthetic (She said she had numbed my shoulder however, i felt everything) and it was probably the single most painful thing i've ever experienced.
  16. Nice blog. Sucks to hear about your grandmother, hope she gets better soon.
  17. Gratz. Thats another pretty cape you can wear when me, you and baconub go fb'ing again. Well done. ;)
  18. ~Moved to Questionnaires and edited your title~ So long as no-one gives any information which could potentially allow someone to contact you outside the forums,as listed above, this can stay open.
  19. ElvenPro, i moved your response here, instead of it having a thread of its own. You must've clicked new topic instead of reply. :
  20. Gratz! Saw you a few times at varrok anvils. : Good work.
  21. Glad this has been resolved in a fairly civil manner and i hope the new chat will be as good as the original blogscape chat was. And E-drama, it's better than sleep. :lol:
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