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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. Wow, nice trip. Would've been even better if you had got a decent clue as well but meh. 9/10 ;)
  2. All the best getting 99 summoning and getting that baby red dragon. :D Keep up the good work!
  3. Nice healthy number of monster drops, keep it up. Nice cash pile as well =D>
  4. Definatly worth a 10/10, don't see that everyday. Very well done. =D>
  5. It's good to be back. New boards, new system, same great community! =D>
  6. The forums look more modern and up-to-date. The new look, "oval" smilies look weird at the moment, it'll all take a bit of getting used to.
  7. Glad to see you get them both done. Godswords are hawt. Good job!
  8. A massive well done to the techies and crew who managed to get the boards up and running again. *Insert applause smiley here* Good to be back!
  9. That made my day... The updates were to stop RWT, and they have worked pretty well. Now there are next to no autoers at the yew tree's and fishing spots which makes it a more pleasant experience. No it wasn't. That's all i can say to a comment like that.
  10. That blogscape announcment should help things, chat should be getting better now. Anyway, gratz on swansong...I could never be bothered starting that. Underground pass is a noob...you'll manage fine Good luck anyway!
  11. Gratz on the 1500 total, very hawt. Good luck with firemaking, try to stay focused but more importantly, have fun while you're doing it. :)
  12. :shock: Typing is hard with paws.... Nah really, i act ingame/online how i would act in real life, i see no point in not doing so.
  13. +1 Nice to see someone from here doing well! :thumbsup: Keep it up!!!
  14. :shock: Think i better give an update. I stopped doing my blog when my computer started playing up when i upload pictures, then it wouldn't allow me to post large posts on these forums, ie my blog. I am hoping to get it fixed soon as there was a large waiting list at the repair shop. I got 99 cooking though :
  15. My thoughts exactly, there are already a bunch of other summoning threads, please use one of them to discuss the matter. Thanks Mcneilp
  16. mcneilp


    Woke up at 10am. Went to shop to get something for breakfast (Parents decided we didn't need cereal when they done the food shopping, although the cuboard is bare...) Played X box for a while. Done homework/revised. Ate some haribo. Going to cinema later...
  17. Brain. There's always stories in the papers of lovers who have split up or something but one still loves the other and trashes their car to win them back ( :XD: ...was an actual story i read) but if they had went with their "brain" instead of their "heart", they wouldn't have done something stupid as they would have thought of the consequenses.
  18. Those are awesome! What kind of paint or ink does he use to do that? I've got a pair of Globe Focus, white and black DC's ( ) and a pair of Circa Coach's ( again). Would post some pics but i can't
  19. Very nice, only 1 more to go till ultimate hawtness.....98 range :shock: I suppose 98 slayer isn't bad either.... 98/99
  20. Not family as such, a close family friend has been deployed to Afghanistan two or three times before. I don't think he's deployed at the moment though.
  21. Not learning and getting into music at an earlier age is one of mine, sure there are probably loads more (don't wanna think too much about them :shock: ) but not learning music at an earlier age is definatly one of my biggest regrets, had loads of good time's with people/at places i've met through playing/going to concerts etc.
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