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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. not to hijack but if you cant thieve all clans should you do ffd on traders until like 92-93?
  2. thieving is my lowest skill by a longshot and I also hate it. The other move would be using it on yews but I can't expect to have yews daily atm.
  3. festive on thieving is the move... should get me to elf city if i keep up with it.
  4. what do you guys think... should i keep sort of levelling stats evenly or go ahead and get the "gimme" 99s like cook, fletch, craft & smith and then it'll seem like there's less to do?
  5. its banked for bxp. i've gotten over 50 total levels this month so smd
  6. i forgot to put on prot item to begin with. some dude in edge
  7. Why would it be worse than Defeater? You can leech Defeater once, and that's that. You actually have to put in time and effort for Final Boss (or leech a buttload - which is also effort). It also sounds better and has a better colour. So nope. :D because an unleeched defeater title means you're good at hardmode which requires actual skill rather than doing dumb stuff like mole and afk kilns.
  8. final boss is worse than defeater so nice waste of time
  9. lol at familiar overrides only working on legendary pets and not on any of the pets (vitalis/araxyte/eddy/phoenixes/baby trolls) that anyone would want to use...
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