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Everything posted by strongestnoobever

  1. wow. all that and only f2p. thats pretty cool :wink: . but if i were you i'd buy members :
  2. it would be annoying if you have a clue in wildy, as soon as you get next clue you run out, then you look and see you got the same one :XD:
  3. for 2 years i pronounced it aroghdone, before noticing the "d" was before the "o". D'oh :wall:
  4. training my pure again and saw this: person:chopping down levels? :-k
  5. (note: this was on my lvl 8 pure) noob(talking to me, i was in that house in lumby with two men):leave or i'll kill you me: i bet noob:nooby me:i got 83 main so....whos a noob now? noob:u r me:what? I dont speak noob. Use correct english. noob.ur stupid me: Your not very good at spelling huh? noob:sut up!(he honestly spelling "shut" wrong..) some people are just such noobs huh? :XD:
  6. ugh i just got pked trying to charge my god spell! i hate stupid people who cant just be nice and let me charge my spell! :evil:
  7. my friend gave me some steel stuff and said I owed him 235 gp and i was like holy crap he must be rich... then i got lost and when describing the area to my friend i said "lots of trees" :oops:. also my other friend showed me 10k and i was amazed i thought he was the richest player in runescape :XD:
  8. ummm 36 hours=1 1/2 days not 3, 3 would be 72 hours =P~
  9. my full zombie i also have both emotes :mrgreen:
  10. just got this from fire giants, also got a rune 2h a little after that :)
  11. he's just training his hunting level, i am scared though :ohnoes:
  12. i was a noob at cwars(first time i was there, only lvl 40 or so) and my 80+ friend turned into a bunny ( i was amazed) someone said "lmao" and i said to him "he called you a lamo" lol i was stupid at the time :wall:
  13. i did the phat 1, and he was about to walk out of the bank, and like 15 people traded him lol. i feel mean :twisted:
  14. True, but it's very obvious, I'm sure most people DO know. i didnt know :|
  15. i had one where i found 2 sara plates on the groud *at this point time skipped a week or so(dont ask me why it just happened!*i didnt have any then i found the 2 saras and sold one then i had money. it was odd but fun cause i had money :XD:
  16. i joined a few months after all the rares, so not listening to my friends annoying me to join for a year and a half...why didnt i play! why! :evil:
  17. just had a lure attempt lurer:i'll buy your axe 100k me:umm ok lurer:wait hold on that guys annoying me lets go to the bar north of here(we were east of varrock) drinks on me :) (at this time i know he is luring)me:ok i need to go bank first me:*gets dds, prayer pot, food* lurer:*realizes i took off all valuable items* umm i bought off some one else for 80k me:yeah i bet, your just scared pathetic lurer lurer:*logs out* lol pretty dumb attempt if you ask me :XD:
  18. well just bring tele runes, then right after you run out of food get out of there giving them no chance to teleblock you works for me sometimes, but not all the time -.-
  19. i was killing green drags for exp and the hide, then a range/mage pker shows up teleblocks and snares me then proceedes to range me to death. all for just a few green dhides, lobbies and varrock tele runes. thats just pathetic :shame:. and it ruins my trip, and training if i would have had full prayer he would have wished he left me alone :twisted:
  20. farming it is boring and i got it to 17 in the first week it was out then havent trained it since 8-)
  21. look at the difference in color between the KB and the screenie Also I don't know how to crop so just don't even bring it up doesnt look like much of a difference to me, some ones just jealous :shame:
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